Author Topic: One of the best USA Dancers  (Read 67 times)

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One of the best USA Dancers
« on: March 21, 2009, 12:35:37 PM »
J Lo, hands down. Shes beyond good.

One thing I did, is look up her diet and workout routine, and voila, she also does yoga - and a low carb diet:

Analysis of Jennifer Lopez's Diet Secrets

by Kristie Leong MD, Jan 23, 2008
Jennifer Lopez is in the spotlight and knows the importance of a well toned, healthy body. Here's how she manages to look her best.

Like all women, Jennifer Lopez is concerned with staying fit and trim and judging by her toned body, she has developed a fitness plan that works for her. Fortunately, she's not a celebrity who's shy about revealing her diet and fitness strategies. She readily admits that her enviable physique comes from lots of hard work and discipline rather than gifted genetics. What are the secrets to Jennifer Lopez's diet and fitness success?
She Follows a Strict, Low Carb Diet

Jennifer Lopez primarily follows a low carb eating plan. She doesn't ban any particular foods from her diet but chooses to eat healthy foods in abundance while eating less healthy foods in moderation in order to achieve a sense of balance. She emphasizes that she avoids dieting in the traditional sense, instead opting for an overall healthy eating plan.

Jennifer if to be commended for avoiding the trap of fad diets and unhealthy eating plans designed to promote quick weight loss. She has instead chosen to take a sensible, balanced approach to eating. Her motto might be summed up as “everything in moderation”. Taking a healthy eating approach rather than jumping on every new diet that hits the newsstands is a practice that can promote sustainable health and weight loss.
She does a Mixture of Cardio and Resistance Exercises

Jennifer Lopez states that at one time she favored hard, intense physical exercise but has since opted for a more balanced, less intense approach to fitness. She has reduced the intensity of her workout in the past few years and has still managed to maintain a high level of fitness. She also allows herself to take a day off here and there to avoid exercise burnout.

Like Jennifer, one of your best strategies is to combine cardio with resistance training. Unfortunately, many women focus too much time on cardio with too little emphasis on muscle training. As women age, they gradually lose muscle mass if muscles aren't challenged on a regular basis. Plus, resistance training has a positive impact on metabolism which can increase the rate with which fat is burned. Taking a balanced approach like Jennifer can make adhering to a fitness routine easier. Taking an occasional day off can help to prevent fitness burnout.
She Practices Yoga

Jennifer signed up and completed yoga classes which she now incorporates into her fitness regimen. She stresses the role that yoga plays in maintaining a strong mind and body, relieving stress, and increasing flexibility.

Yoga has been shown to be effective not only as a mechanism for relieving stress and promoting strength and flexibility, it also may play a role in weight loss. Although yoga doesn't burn as many calories as running or even fast walking, it does promote a healthy body awareness which may make it easier to adopt healthy eating habits. Although, yoga isn't recommended as a primary form of exercise for weight loss, it's a nice adjunct to a healthy lifestyle. Combining yoga with cardio and resistance training gives a well balanced workout that can achieve results.

Jennifer Lopez has discovered that diet and fitness moderation and adoption of a healthy lifestyle are the keys to long term health and weight control.
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan


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