Author Topic: The Lords of Karma  (Read 98 times)

tangerine dream

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The Lords of Karma
« on: May 02, 2009, 06:44:40 AM »

The 'Lords of Karma' are given as a term that you may realize those laws or rules that you would apply in judging
the lifetime, or that which is accomplished in an incarnation.

In the East, broadly speaking, people do believe in reincarnation and, correctly, in relation to the Law of Karma. Unfortunately, even in the East, the Law of Karma is seen from an erroneous point of view. There is a correct interpretation and approach to the idea of rebirth, and its close connection with the Law of Action and Reaction, Cause and Effect.

In the Orient, most people believing in the Law of Karma accept that they are who and where they are because of their actions in a previous life, which is true; but, unfortunately, they think they can do nothing about changing their particular situation, which is not true. In the West, we tend to think that we are totally in control of our destiny, which we are to some extent, but that there is no greater law governing our destiny, which is not true.

The Westerner tends to reject the idea of a future life, mostly because of the way the Bible has been edited and translated erroneously over the last two milleniums. It is an idea which is only just beginning to be entertained by people's minds. Most people who come to believe in reincarnation are interested in knowing who they were in their pat lives. The popular literature in the West about reincarnation is almost exclusively about previous existences.

Is it of value to know our past lives? At a certain point it can be helpful. But until one is ready for knowing that information, not only is it not of major value, it can actually be dangerous. There is a little-known law that when we become truly aware of a particular past life we enter into the karma of that time. Most of us have enough to do with dealing with our current lives, than to bring the full load of karma from a previous life into it. Knowing the details of a past life is not a game to play for fun. It brings great responsibility with it.

The whole subject is fraught with danger and complexity. When our past lives by themselves into our consciousness, they will do so under law. It is more important to know that every moment we are alive, we are making karma for our future - we are creating our karma and our next life right now.

If you go to a professional person who tells you they can tell you who you were in a previous life and that you were important and powerful (it is usually some king, queen, priestess or someone equally famous), how can you prove this? You can't! In fact, speaking as one who has had an experience in a dream/vision that led me to believe I was a particular person, I have since met, on the internet, no less than 6 other people who have been told the same thing. Unless all seven of our souls were in that same person in a past life, 6 of us, or maybe all 7 are very mis-led. You can't believe anything you are told by others, and even dreams and visions can lead you astray and cause you to do silly things and even 'dumb' things you wouldn't have done had you not had this sort of revelation.

It's much more important to be the best person you can be in this lifetime in order not to rack up bad karma, and in fact, the way life is going now, karma is tending to be returned to everyone, sometimes within minutes, and not centuries like it used to. So, you will want to earn good karma, and not the bad kind - remember - it's always 'cause and effect' and if the cause is negative so will the effect.

Certain religious people believe that if they are poor, hungry, miserable, indebted to the landlord, with hardly enough to feed their family, that they must have been someone really terrible before. They believe it is the Law of Karma because they were so bad, nasty, horrible, such low-grade human beings in their past life, they deserve the misery they are in now. They believe that; it is the teaching. And they believe, because it is the Law of Karma, that there is nothing they can do about it. They accept it totally, fatalistically, as their due according to the law. And they also believe that if they accept their lot meekly and try to be good they will be rewarded with a life of higher status next time around. If there is anything which has kept the Orient down, in terms of its living standards, its social happiness, social democracy and equality, it is the acceptance of the Law of Karma on that basis.

There is nothing to prevent these people from transforming their lives except the acceptance that they can change their status in life despite their karma.

The Law of Cause and Effect, Karma

Every thought, every action that we have and make sets into motion a cause. These causes have their effects. These effects make our lives, for good or bad. We are now, have been, and will go on, making our lives from moment to moment. Sooner or later, the causes set into motion by our thoughts and actions will produce effects which will come back to; and we will experience that as good karma or bad karma. Many people have come to use the term, "What goes 'round, comes 'round." That means that people are recognizing that karma really does exist.

When it is uncomfortable we call it bad karma. And when it is good karma, when life is relatively easy we do not notice it. We take it as our right, because that is what we expect life to be like. People usually only talk about karma when they mean bad karma. It is important to realize and remember that we have more good karma than bad karma.

Lords of Karma

Like all laws, the Law of Karma is under the control, the jurisdiction, of certain beings -- in this case, the Lords of Karma. The Lords of Karma are like cosmic judges. They look at this action and reaction of causes and effects which we set in motion, and they regulate this according to our needs as evolving souls. It is always the soul which incarnates, in every entity, human or sub-human. Our souls incarnate in a personality with a given structure of energies, rays, which relate to the karma and the possibilities of that particular incarnation. This is done in accordance with the particular needs and requirements of the soul at that moment in time and space.

The souls cooperate with the Lords of Karma to decide what pain we will suffer or what pleasure we will enjoy in any particular life. That, of course, is not precisely the way to describe what happens. The soul is not at all concerned with or interested, in our pleasure or our suffering. These are simply psychological reactions to events.
What they are interested in is the working out of the Law, the cosmic Law of Cause and Effect. Also, the soul has its own purposes for every given incarnation. It provides itself with a physical vehicle, the personality, with mental, emotional and physical bodies which will provide the possibility for its intentions being achieved in that particular life. That purpose might not be achieved, but the soul provides the possibility. The soul lives ever in hope! The current way to say it is this, "We keep coming back until we get it right!"

The ultimate aim is to live life in such a way that we make no personal karma. We can do that either by being perfect or by being dead. Since being perfect is much more of a challenge than being dead, most people accept the premise of trying, more or less, to achieve the soul's purpose and staying to the last possible moment to do so. Thus, we work with this burden (in many cases) or to service to others, which we have ourselves decided to do prior to the incarnation.

We try, consciously or unconsciously, to try to become perfect. We have no control over the events of life. The only thing we can control is our reaction to these events as they come along in our lives. So the proper aim of the awakened person is to achieve such a measure of detachment from events that we can control ourselves. In this way we cope with the burden of karma in any given incarnation. This is not meant to be a case of sitting in a catatonic stupor, so that we do nothing and therefore create no karma.

What we can do, in every event, in every situation, is distance ourselves emotionally from that event -- looking at the
event as out there, and us here, and not react. In this way we gradually create an impersonality in relation to life, a detachment in relation to events, where we become indifferent to whether our karma is good or bad.

I know that sounds like a very cold and calculated way to live, but once you are spiritually awakened, there is a good reason to do this.

Renunciation Leads to Self-Mastery

Correctly seen, evolutionary life is a gradual renunciation of the lower for the sake of the higher. As a soul in incarnation, a high level of divinity has incarnated at a lower level of divinity, and the journey to perfection, the evolutionary goal, is the gradual renunciation of these lower levels, by embodying, at these lower levels, the higher; becoming more and more what one essentially is as a soul.

The soul makes its journey into incarnation over aeons of time, and then back, out of the need to incarnate at all. The path of return for the soul is the gradual release of itself from the limitations of the physical, astral and mental planes. This is done by infusing its vehicles -- physical, emotional and mental -- with its energies and qualities. Two things are going on at the same time in this process. One is the gradual spiritualizing of the vehicle by the soul. The other is the burdening of the vehicle, intentionally, by the soul, to burn up ancient karma and overcome it.

As the soul progresses in its incarnational experience, so its reflection, the man or woman in incarnation, receives a heavier and heavier burden of karma until, in the last incarnation of all, the burden is at its heaviest. It is for this reason that the last initiation is called, in the West, the Crucifixion (Being Christed) and, in the East, the Great Renunciation. In that experience everything, all the lower aspects, are being renounced in favor of the higher spiritual reality. That is why the life of the awakened spiritual person who is working on the initiation of being Christed is usually, from the world's point of view, painful, heavy indeed.

People imagine that, as a man or woman progresses in evolution, they should become freer and freer of karma. The opposite is true. Not only that, but as a man or woman becomes a disciple, becomes initiate, a world-server, they take more and more of the weight of world karma. They are the upholders of the world. Their shoulders are, and need to be, broad. Imagine a bridge over a river, and the river is the world and its karma, and the disciples and initiates are the pillars of the bridge, and the spaces between are the masses of people. Where there are spaces, the water flows easily through. It is the pillars of the bridge that take the force of the flood, of the water.

In a very real sense, the disciples and initiates of the world support the world. That is one reason why the life of a disciple is, from the average man's point of view, a very difficult life to lead. But, of course, he is governed by the great Law of Service. Under this law, disciples and initiates come very frequently into incarnation to serve world need and to finish off this earth experience as quickly as possible -- not to get it over with, but to serve the better. The more advanced a person is, the more he can serve, the more useful he can be to the world.

When a certain level is reached -- the relationship to the Law of Cause and Effect changes. Gradually the law is manipulated by the person himself. As a conscious divine soul, working in the world, he becomes really the pilot of his own plane. He may have a co-pilot, his Master, but he is the pilot. It is not an automatic thing, but gradually this point is achieved. He takes an active part in his own evolution, consciously working with the Law of Karma, under the control of his soul. Then it may come to pass that his previous lives will open up before his inner eye. As this happens, also the karma of that time becomes open to him on the physical plane, which, of course, increases the burden of the initiate.

The aim is that by the time the person is ready to take the initiation and become a Master, all karma will have been resolved, burned up, taken back to the source from which it came.

Service: The Best Method for Resolving Karma

How do you get rid of karma; how do you deal with it? Well, you cannot give it away. It is too heavy, nobody wants it. There is no sale for excess karma; everyone has enough of their own. So what do you do, how can you cope with this burden that limits your activity, your joy and happiness? There is a very simple method. It is called service. Service is the absolute best way for getting rid of karma. Of course it does not get rid of it, but it burns it up.

The process is something like this: as you serve you draw to yourself energy. By giving out energy, you get energy back; that is the law. Basically, it is the Law of Love, which governs our nature, without which the universe would not exist. It is, of course, in another sense, the Law of Cause and Effect itself. As you give love, you set in motion a cause, the effect of which is the return of love. So the law itself sets in motion its own fulfilment. As we serve, we demonstrate love. As we demonstrate love, by law, we get love. That strengthens and potentizes the individual in a way in which he can deal with his own karma.

As the person progresses in love, in service, he is automatically distancing himself from the effect of events. The events take place, but they have less and less effect on his psychology. In the East they say: well, it's my karma. In France they say: well, c'est la vie. Gradually, we have to develop an attitude of c'est la vie. If it is good, easy: c'est la vie. If it is hard, if it is painful, makes us unhappy: c'est la vie. We really have to live with that attitude.

Right Relationship Ends the Karmic Cycle

The Law of Karma is a great binding law, but it is benign. Nobody receives more karma than their soul, and the Lords of Karma, know they can usefully handle. Some lives for some people are very hard, very painful, very limited indeed. From the point of view of the soul, this is probably intentional and useful, productive. Because the soul knows that, by the burning in this way of a burden of karma from the past, greater progress can be made. What holds us back, what limits us, is our karma. The efforts made in dealing with the karma pave the way for periods of
growth. Our development proceeds thus in cycles.

The Law of Karma is not a mechanical law of punishment. If you hit somebody on the head, it is not inevitable that you will be hit on the head. It is not a question of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. It is simply the energetic outcome of previous causes set in motion by ourselves. All that we do will inevitably come back in some way or other. However, we can do something about it. The untouchables of India can change their lives. They are not bound by karma to be ntouchables. That is a social structure, a class system, which binds people to particular stations in
life. It is totally artificial and man-made. The poverty, the squalor, the degradation and the misery of people in the Third World or in this one is not necessary, it is not a result of karma, but of our greed. And we have the major responsibility to help them change these conditions and enter true living.

People think of karma as always from the past life, but what about yesterday's karma, or the day before, last week's, last month's karma? It is this succession of moments of action and reaction which today we are coping with, which tomorrow and in our next life we will cope with. Until we come into right relationship with each other and with the whole of which we are a part, we will go on making bad karma. It is more important, more useful, to realize the benefit of right relationship, thus handling the Laws of Karma and Rebirth correctly, than to know our past lives.

tangerine dream

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Re: The Lords of Karma
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2009, 08:00:37 AM »
Essential Energy Balancing: An Ascension Process

Clear Karma past, present, and future with the Lords of Karma
and Diane Stein's Essential Energy Balancing.

Candess originally met Diane Stein in 1991 when she became an Essential Reiki Master under Diane. She reconnected with her again when she was directed by Spirit to go to Florida to activate DNA in January 2002. Through Divinely ordained happenings, she was taken through the Ascension process by Diane Stein and instructed by The Lords of Karma to assist others in the Ascension process.

The Lords of Karma are multiple groups of enlightened dis-incarnate beings. A karmic group of nine to eleven Ascended Masters work with each soul group of embodied beings on earth. They include: El Morya, St. Germaine, Athena, Kwan Yin, Ashtar, Isis, Mary, Cyclopea, Balthor, Kuthumi, and Sananda.

Each lifetime we set up lessons for the purpose of soul development, evolution and growth. Through processes the Lords of Karma may be directly accessed and requested to complete these lessons immediately. We have worked the same lessons lifetime after lifetime and at this time further repetition is not necessary. Work with the Lords of Karma allows for a shortcut of these lessons and allows for a vibrational increase of the individual and the planet. Karma does not exist on most other inhabited planets, it only exists through the fifth dimension. Earth has been a third-dimensional planet and has very recently been raised to the fourth dimension overall and karma is on the way out.

By giving us conscious access to the Lords of Karma and to a simple method of karmic release, we are being propelled toward that fifth-dimensional reality where karma no longer exists as the primary means of soul growth and human evolutionary learning. Achieving a critical mass of people who are consciously healing their karma is the key to ending karma on earth. As we raise our vibrational status and ascent to the fifth dimension, the planet herself is also raised.

This process can be done in a workshop with Candess or remotely. When she is facilitating a 2 day workshop, you can have this process done at the same time remotely. You will be guided to meet with the Lords of Karma and given the opportunity for universal clearings such as release from negative interference on all levels, blocks to positive self-image, a release of all heart scars, release of emotional starvation and a return of soul fragments.

« Last Edit: May 08, 2009, 08:10:33 PM by Celesta »

tangerine dream

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Re: The Lords of Karma
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2009, 08:05:00 AM »
We are the
Healing Our Past, Present, and Future with
Diane Stein

The Lords of Karma
they help us to clear our karmic debts and patterns at this
time? Very little seems to have been written on these Be-ings,
but we do know they are mentioned in both Indian writings
and Old Testament Judaism. In Judaism they are called the
Lipika, the Recording Angels of the Book of Life. The original
Old Testament focus on judgment is karmic judgment, and
this is probably also true of the New Testament and
Revelations. Jesus came out of a Hebrew esoteric tradition,
the Essenes, which may have had close ties to early Mahayana
Buddhism. He may also have received training in Egypt,
India, and Tibet. Christianity originally held the concept of
karma and reincarnation and early Christians would have
been aware of the Lords of Karma.
In Buddhism and Hinduism, karma is the direct manifestation
of punishment and reward earned through a person’s
deeds or attachments (emotions). As accumulated in one
lifetime, these deeds and attachments are returned to the
soul in the next incarnation: For good or for bad “what you
sow is what you reap.” This version of the law of karma is
implacable. What you do returns to you, often harshly, and
life inevitably means suffering. The Lords of Karma confer
the judgment and the punishment and there is no appeal.
The only salvation for the individual in these philosophies is
to complete the lessons and prevent further karma, positive
or negative. It is karma still to be completed that makes reincarnation
necessary, with ending the Wheel of Rebirth the
ultimate goal.
Devout Hindus decline to do healing to help someone, for
fear that doing so will give them karmic attachment (however
positive) with that person. They also feel that by healing
someone they have interfered with that person’s karma,
which makes it necessary for them to repeat the suffering in
another incarnation to complete it. They will not help a starving
or dying person lying on the streets of Calcutta, because
they believe they would be interfering with the person’s
required fate. My own understanding of healing and karma is
that if someone is to be helped, the healer is just a neutral
channel for the will of Goddess.
Buddhism is gentler and more compassionate, though
like Hinduism its intent is ending the Wheel of Rebirth. In
the Buddhist concept, understanding how the world works,
and how the mind (mental body, mind grid) creates karma
and all reality, frees a person from its illusion, and from having
to continue on the Wheel. That understanding is called
enlightenment, the ultimate goal. In early Theravada
Buddhism, a person who attained enlightenment went to
Parinirvana, into the nothingness of the Void, and never
returned to Earth or incarnation again. Later Mahayana
Buddhism offered the concept of the bodhisattva: those who
have attained enlightenment may choose to return to help
others achieve freedom. No one leaves Earth permanently
until everyone leaves. Jesus was probably versed in Mahayana
Buddhism, by the evidence of his teachings, and he was certainly
a bodhisattva. The techniques in this book, while not
Buddhist, can further each individual on the path to resolving
karma for everyone.
Judaism offers the most familiar example of the workings
of the Lords of Karma. For Jews, the Fall Equinox New Year
celebration of Rosh Hashanah means the opening of the
Akashic Record or each soul’s Book of Life. For ten days the
book is open, while God and the Recording Angels observe
people’s lives and determine their destinies for the coming
year. In those ten days, one’s karma for the year is written but
can still be revised. On Yom Kippur, ten days after the New
Year, the book and one’s fate are sealed and become irrevocable.
Most of the discussion of law and judgment in Judaism is
karmic judgment and can be quite harsh.
When I first met the Lords of Karma, they seemed as
implacable (and downright scary) as their reputation. I was
introduced to them during a healing I received about five
years ago. There was an issue in my life I needed help with,
as no technique I’d used had made a difference. The healer
directed me to ask for the presence of the Lords of Karma,
and then to ask them what my karmic contract for that issue
was. When I did so, a row of tall Be-ings covered in black
robes came into my psychic vision. They did not speak and
seemed quite displeased that I had asked for them to come. I
asked about the contract and was given the information I
requested, briefly and tersely.
The healer directed me to ask if the contract could be
changed to allow for healing. When I did, the Lords of Karma
wished to know what I would change the contract to. The
healer warned me to be very careful wording my request,
because, if it were granted, it would become irrevocable. She,
I, my spirit guides, and the Astral Self of the other person in
the contract discussed what to ask for and the exact wording
of the request. When that was decided, I asked again for the
Karmic Be-ings’ presence and stated my request. I heard the
single word “granted,” and they were gone.
I was told by the healer that going to these Be-ings should
be done only once in a lifetime, for a life or death reason, and
only if all other possible options have failed. “Don’t get them
mad,” she warned me. “You were born into a culture with relative
freedom, hot water, and flush toilets. You don’t want to
starve in Somalia next time.” By now I was thoroughly awed,
but my request had been granted and the multicolored fireworks
and rainbows I watched psychically for many nights
after confirmed the changes. My healing work since that time
has focused upon bringing the healing into the earthplane
level, and it has now manifested through all the other bodies.
Most karmic release work happens far more immediately
once granted.
After this first meeting I was wary about returning to the
Lords of Karma, but did so occasionally when doing healing
for others. If someone came to me with a life-threatening, or
life’s peace-threatening issue that seemed otherwise unresolvable,
I took them for karmic release. Some spectacular healings
occurred, but because I didn’t know about bringing the
release into the present, many more seemed inconclusive.
The Karmic Board still seemed very austere and never friendly,
so I didn’t request their presence often.
Slightly more than a year ago, at Fall Equinox, 1995,
when the Book of Life is opened, or possibly because it was
my birthday, I began doing intensive karmic release work.
This time the Lords of Karma came to me, demanding that I
“ask” for what I needed, and that I ask again and again on a
number of issues. This happened during a highly accurate
psychic reading. The reader pinpointed several bits of past
lives that still needed clearing. I was already aware of most of
the lifetimes, and had done work to release them by other
methods, but each had something more to clear, something I
had missed seeing about each situation. As she spoke of each,
the Lords of Karma came in and ordered me to “ask.” I did,
and each request to fully clear the lifetime or situation was
immediately “granted.”
They did not then leave as they had in the past, but
remained to clear each issue the reader delineated. We were
both quite amazed, but after a dozen or so of these situations
released very quickly, I was afraid to continue for fear of an
energy backlash that would be too intense. I decided to stop
but made note of the other issues that still needed healing.

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Re: The Lords of Karma
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2009, 08:27:28 AM »
Devout Hindus decline to do healing to help someone, for
fear that doing so will give them karmic attachment (however
positive) with that person. They also feel that by healing
someone they have interfered with that person’s karma,
which makes it necessary for them to repeat the suffering in
another incarnation to complete it. They will not help a starving
or dying person lying on the streets of Calcutta, because
they believe they would be interfering with the person’s
required fate. My own understanding of healing and karma is
that if someone is to be helped, the healer is just a neutral
channel for the will of Goddess.

Now, I know some hindus believe that and while I respect certain religions (and know this does not speak for all hindus), I think that line of thinking is a load of bullshit. Its also what brought about buddhism, and the dalai lama has spoken about old traditions such as, old ways of viewing karma, as well as the way women are treated. Like they still say widows cannot remarry and the like. Like he said, old ways have to go. Holding onto certain old traditions cause some old uptight hindus said dont aid others cause it might impact 'their karma' is some selfish shit. We all should've evolved beyond that now. Its part of the reason of the state of the world we'ere in with this 'I care about me!" (my post is around here somewhere). Sure, of course we tend to our own karmic flame, but still our purpose still must be to aid others in a time of need.

It does no service to have folks dying in calcultta streets suffereing. Mother theresa didnt help the situation - all she did was move them in a building, and with all the money she got from outside support (millions of flowering dollars) didnt buy medicinal supplies. She just would buy towels and baptise the hindus before they died. Not even give them an aspirin for a headache, and she used dirty needles reused if she did inject any medicine into anyone.

So old ways got to go. Whats that saying 'we're the ones we're waiting for?" Add onto that, 'we know better.' It isnt hard to tell when it comes to karma what truth is. If you can help another out and have the means, you should risk your own karma and just DO IT.
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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Re: The Lords of Karma
« Reply #4 on: May 06, 2009, 01:19:19 AM »
I hope you both have studied all that, as you will be asked questions on it at the end of class.

tangerine dream

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Re: The Lords of Karma
« Reply #5 on: May 12, 2009, 05:20:51 AM »
I hope you both have studied all that, as you will be asked questions on it at the end of class.


At the end of class I'm running as fast as I can out the door!  No time to asnwer questions, sorry.

« Last Edit: May 12, 2009, 05:35:49 AM by Celesta »


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