Author Topic: The Prescriptures  (Read 64 times)

Offline Josh

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The Prescriptures
« on: January 30, 2012, 11:08:33 AM »

Other is.  Self must struggle to exist.

- Brian George

Offline Josh

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Re: The Prescriptures
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2012, 07:35:21 AM »
114 Yet that man who keepeth my word, and denieth not my name, and hath his face as a million of masks, and who hath taken of the White Stone and been changed, and made rich, and is transfigured, and gives unto Me his heart and soul, and who cometh as an Overman, I will give to eat of the hidden manna, and I will make to fly though yea he hath no wings, and I will give him a salve of Elixir, and I will give him the cloak of the Blind World, and no eye shall see him save those he desireth.

115 And he shall receive the power of the nations, and shall have slaves, and rule them with the White Stone, and shall eat of Time, and yea Time shall not rot him;

116 And he shall be as God and live forever more, and have the keys to hell and death, which are the spiral seed and the Food; and the Food shall be his, and he will give the slaves to eat of it, and the Word will be made as flesh, and the souls of those slaves, which are as his flock, will come unto Me, and he shall be as a king.

117 To him that cometh as an Overman, I will give to spend of the Equation of the Seed, which spirals within thee, and to read of the Replication-Book, which is the expectoration of God, and ye shall be copied and up righted therein for life eternal.

118 And I shall give thee a White Stone, and in the stone thy new name written, which no man knoweth save he that is chained unto it.

119 For the stone is the font of the Angelic Host, which comes from the Heavens, which ye shall know forever, and have intercourse with; and yea, ye shall know of them and eat of the rock of ages, and when it is eaten, and thou art made whole, thou shalt search the ruins for the Angels, but shall find them not, and thy tongue and thy mouth shall cleave, and split in twain;

120 For thou art as Kings, who killeth thy jesters that thy skulls might grow fat on the dead laughter.

121 When the end times come, thou shalt escape the Rupture, and shall receive Slack, and the Morning Star, which is the star of the Beast and of the Angelic Host.

123 And ye, puny mortal, I have chosen as my Vessel to the deaf oceans of mankind, and I do so not to reward thee, but to punish thee, for of all the sinners thou art the greatest; and shalt curse this day to the splice of eternity, for in this moment I burden you with the Vision of That Which Comes, for the time is at hand, and ye shall be given to see of all tomorrows, and of it ye shall be made to speak, and in it ye shall dwell, yet even while dwelling in the shadow world of Man; ye shall make witness of what thou hath seen, and unto it shall ye suffer; for ye shall be mocked, and reviled, and stoned; and yet ye shall find thy tongue alive with the spirit as unto a serpent, and of these things ye shall speak though they be unspeakable.
Other is.  Self must struggle to exist.

- Brian George


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