Author Topic: da double  (Read 730 times)

Offline Quantum Shaman

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Re: da double
« Reply #30 on: April 29, 2008, 03:22:14 AM »
I've never liked the term, despite that interesting book by Dostoevsky of the same name.

I have sought without success for another word, and I hope to find one.

Indeed - me, too!  The term "double" makes it sound like a twin, or exact duplicate, when that doesn't seem to be the experience of anyone I know.  I prefer to call it "my dreamer", but that usually requires about 10K words of explanation as well, so... we are again at the mercy of words.  *LOL*
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Re: da double
« Reply #31 on: April 29, 2008, 04:58:21 AM »
To me it's that "all knowing" part of you that's always been within you.  It may seem like another entity, but it's simply You.  The closer you get to the "all knowing", the more you "blend".  Maybe where the term "dreaming your double" and vice a versa came from?

Everyone sees it differently because there is no one "prescribed truth" to the matter.  To me it seems we are all pioneers in describing it ... with words and perception.  No right, no wrong. :)  Yes, and the beauty is that we all see it differently ... we're not caught up in any consensual agreement.  That to me is freeing.
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Re: da double
« Reply #32 on: June 30, 2008, 07:41:30 AM »
Well, I haven't read the whole thing. I do have something relatively unimportant to add.
Has anyone thought of just coining a new term? Why not, writers do it all the time. Could be composite of different words or parts of words, or a composite of different parts of speech.... Or just throw together letters with a sound that comes close to reminding you of the double in all the stories you have heard and your own experience, and slap on a relatively close definition. There you go that is the double.

I have a skeleton for a story in my head. The people in the story speak a language where the words are all based off of sounds. At some point they got together the recordings of various different sounds from their world and created a language based off it. Instead of calling a robin a robin they have five ways of speaking of the robin based off the five common sounds the robin makes. They choose which sound depending on what they are saying about the robin and when the robin would normally make that sound.
They threw in some basic rules to generalize a some more complex sound situations and there you go.

If for instance an animal makes a specific sound to call a mate. And I wanted to say that: "I was so horny I was like a chimpanzee in matting season". I would have to say a sound that the chimpanzee makes in mating season, this is a very flexible system, if the chimp makes different sounds depending on how desperate he is for a mate then I can choose a sound most fitting based on how desperate I am. I would also have to have a sound that I associated with myself my own identity. It gets complicated, but in the story they have figured it all out, somehow. The people in the story have been doing this for so long that they can now mimic the sounds of their world near perfectly.

Things like yesterday, today, and tomorrow could possibly be done by taking a sound and imagining how it sounds close to you or today, a little bit away and far away yesterday or further back, and tomorrow would be the sound you think the thing spoken of will will make. The sound you choose when referring to a day would depend on what you are talking about. If I said now I will wear the green shirt. I would have to give a sound to the subject of the sentence, what sound does my people associate with a shirt and it being put on, and what sounds have my people associated with the particular type of green my shirt is. Green Tara's green would be a soothing sound perhaps, but then such a people would also need sounds they use for even more subjective experiences.

Add to this that they are experts at body language and communicating with facial expression. They devote a whole phase of raising children to body language and facial expressions.

So we could always be creative in our task of finding a new word for the double.

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Re: da double
« Reply #33 on: April 27, 2009, 04:29:17 PM »
Its interesting to try to come up with different terms than double. Double, however, is the CC term used, so it still has its proper place. And if, per post one, we're going to speak of 1st, 2nd, 3rd attentions, which are also terms by CC (or really don Juan), I think its better to keep the term. Just dont get too hung up on the terms.

I liked how Vicki brought up the dynamics of the mysteries of her double, both male and female, different faces. It should come as no surprise my double, when ive been allowed to see thru "his eyes" when male, has been on a bloody battlefield on horseback, sword and shield, in a line, facing another line on horseback, sword and shield, kinda like that one Mel Gibson movie which escapes me now that he won tthe oscar for. Then 'charge' and slam into each other, stabbings, beheadings, horses fall. A vision of a past where I was no coward, but still, regardless there was probably a lot of karma involved in that.

Another life, in a zen monastery, getting admitted in as a child. I learned how zen monks get so apt at inner silence. As little kids wiggle and giggle after getting the zen masters 'stick' upside the head to shutup mind, over and over, eventually the zen monk kids in training will sit still and shutup mind.

Then a wandering vagabond who survived on reading the stars for others as a gypsy. Getting run out of town for being a dirty rat. Theres some magick involved with this one, that was a feminine one as I recall. But apparently its partly how I learned to do some of the magic and read palms and stars in past.

But still, in odd dreams or visions, or say seeing a movie and feeling some odd 'memory' springing forth, who is to say, these things are mysterious. I know, however, there is a double voice which says 'this is it!' and as I look at the world progressively, like I was meditating today, and the voice I heard from my double when connecting with was 'human beings have committed many atrocities. I never thought Id live to see the day they would commit the worst - destroying what they need the most - their own planet." I suppose I was doing this a bit as I was rereading Seth Speaks. Its true though. We have finally crossed the threshhold of no return on that one. The damage is done. We, at this point, are on the sinking titanic, anyone got the band ready to play music? Oh thats right, I pmed michael my physical address for his music. I will listen to it as I watch mother nature purge us from this planet for committing so many foolish atrocities thus far.

In the meantime while I do the workings to gain what wisdom I can, and have my own mental health issues, work with the family to do, when I do sit and dust my spirit link, and commune with my double, who shows me things through his eyes, then I see things in a different perspective. None of its linear, all of its mysterious, much of it will be about somehow he, will pull me to the place actually 'want' to go, after I shed this old body. Cause he doesnt want to return to this planet anymore than I do. lol. Thats a big part of the deal. It will be sad to not return, its like a home, but a lot of my path is also about going 'home' and that involves another one altogether, perhaps an original one which I bypassed on the road due to paying off some accumulated karmas.
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