Author Topic: Manjari Chaturvedi - Sufi Kathak  (Read 73 times)

Offline Michael

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Manjari Chaturvedi - Sufi Kathak
« on: January 01, 2010, 11:40:22 PM »
This is an interesting song-dance clip.

Manjari Chaturvedi has initiated a blend of Sufi and Kathak dance. She is quite famous I gather, but it is hard to find any good examples for free on the internet of her dancing. Unfortunately you don't see much variation in this clip of her dance, but it is a fascination clip noetheless.

Called Tere Ishq Mein, a "Khwaja Mir Dard " ghazal.
(Quick translation below)

Love and the Veil

Only if we did not see you displaying yourself here
Equal it is whether we saw the world or not.

The bud of my heart is so love-sick
That no one ever saw it bloom!

Torture, affliction, reproach, calamity
What it is that we did not face in your love

Turning me into scarred display of lamps
You never came to see this display

Your obliviousness has brought us to this condition
But towards here you didn't look, you didn't look!

We were ourselves the veil of the face of the beloved
Upon waking up, we saw no veil

Around the clock, Dard, I am at following her
Whom no one ever understood or saw

Found another translation of this very famous ghazal

If here we see Thee not immanent in Thy grace,
What use, then, our earthly pilgrimage?

My heart is such a crumpled bud,
None has ever seen it bloom.

Trouble, torture, reproach, disaster,
What all haven't I suffered in love?

The scars within have set me ablaze,
Alas, you haven't seen this sight.

Your indifference has wrought my ruin,
You never, never looked this way.

I was the veil that hid my love's face,
As I awoke, the curtain arose.

Him I pursue day and night, Dard,
Whom none has ever seen or known.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2010, 11:54:10 PM by Michael »

Offline Nichi

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Re: Manjari Chaturvedi - Sufi Kathak
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2010, 07:55:50 AM »
This is beautiful, M. Listened to it last night. A little disconcerting the razor blade and blood, but the spinning was lovely, and the ghazal is wonderful.
Not here, not there, but everywhere - always right before your eyes.
~Hsin Hsin Ming


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