Author Topic: Crow  (Read 328 times)


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Re: Crow
« Reply #15 on: September 26, 2007, 01:22:16 PM »
This morning crow woke me three times with caw, caw caw..Same word over and over..They are very communicative in their sounds.Living here in woods with them , I know what sounds mean with each and every one of them. They are the most resourceful birds always..Nothing will fool a crow. When I first moved here , I called them up and they all circled above me , checking me out..I can make a sound just like them..To my surprise as I was looking up at sky at them hovering to see what I was in my call, I felt a sting on my hand..It was a honey bee stinging the living heck of out me..At that moment , I thought aha you crows have the way of life around here , I am just a being that needs to learn respect for everything here in this new forest..A stunning way to get it, with being stung by the honey bee, yet as look towards sky calling to crows , remember what is around you in the elements at all times..Crows rule the forest around here..

I can just see you calling them, Stoney!
 :-* :-*


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Re: Crow
« Reply #16 on: September 27, 2007, 04:06:05 AM »
This morning crow woke me three times with caw, caw caw..Same word over and over..They are very communicative in their sounds.Living here in woods with them , I know what sounds mean with each and every one of them. They are the most resourceful birds always..Nothing will fool a crow. When I first moved here , I called them up and they all circled above me , checking me out..I can make a sound just like them..To my surprise as I was looking up at sky at them hovering to see what I was in my call, I felt a sting on my hand..It was a honey bee stinging the living heck of out me..At that moment , I thought aha you crows have the way of life around here , I am just a being that needs to learn respect for everything here in this new forest..A stunning way to get it, with being stung by the honey bee, yet as look towards sky calling to crows , remember what is around you in the elements at all times..Crows rule the forest around here..

You're right. I have crows living next to our house in a little wood, they can be morning bells but also talkative during the day. Yesterday one almost scared me by flying above my head while I was outside the garage. It had to rise heavily to reach some branches in the end of the wood and the wings got "swoosh, swoosh, swooosh" just above my. Very beautiful and powerful indeed.

Almost forgot T - you see one of them in my Avatar.

Offline Turquoisecrow

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Re: Crow
« Reply #17 on: September 27, 2007, 12:39:16 PM »
Yes Jahn,
The crows are always at hand here..In the morning they are like my place of connection..I drift off to sleep every morning when hubby leaves for work its not even daylight when he leaves, I lay there waiting , half awake half asleep,for what ever time of year it is for the crows to come and call, as you know times change and crows don't know the clock.They don't come till daylight..Know for certain when the crows come and caw they shift me into a dreamtime sleep..I almost have to have them as the new day begins..The twilight hours before one really awakens for the day. They call me into dreamtime every morning..The soothing sounds of their caw brings me to the place of sleep and dreaming once again after the long night of sleep. A place a window of a small place that happens daily..Most vivid dreaming in that time for me..

I am just figuring out how to post here and will get my pic up eventually..Love your crow Avatar


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