Author Topic: 2012, Earth Changes – How to Thrive in Turbulent Times  (Read 66 times)


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2012, Earth Changes – How to Thrive in Turbulent Times
« on: November 22, 2009, 05:51:03 AM »
Kris Raphael have been interviewed by New Age broadcast. I would like to provide that link.

One can listening from both directions. Either from the studio how the interview with Kris appear on air or listening from home at Kris. Since he do the most talking that will get the best audio but the other gives the best live feeling plus you get the co-create intro of the two radio ladies.

It can be a bit tricky to find the two different links but I shall do my best to explain.

The following link get you to the Golden Flow page where you will find both versions.

For the radio version choose the Conscious Shift Radio link and go down to November 10th and start listening (link at top).

In this inspiring interview Conscious Shift Radio co-hosts Mary Adams and Julie Ann Turner interview Kristopher Raphael as he talks about the Toltec perspective of 2012.

For the home at Kris version go further down on the Golden Flow page and click the link

"Click below for audio file:

Kristopher Raphael 2012 Interview on Conscious Shift Radio"

Good listening!

« Last Edit: November 22, 2009, 07:15:27 AM by Jamir »


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Re: 2012, Earth Changes – How to Thrive in Turbulent Times
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2009, 07:01:31 AM »
Some scratch pads along the radio interview

Ego, Separate to who you are


Coming to an end

Complete a cycle

It has already begun

Your choice

Kris, that is really it

It is much more than a threat

To evolve in this chaotic

Live in our full potential

It is really about a choice

Rather than re-acting

What it is all about

There is now so much help

At a level you have never seen

100 years takes 30 days

Live from the authentic selves

Living in the flow

Living in the now

Freed up from the past, nothing to fear

Respond – let the wounding go

How to respond

Incredible change – doing better

Living from an authentic place

Not complicated but not easy
…. The whole ….  we got wounded as children … and past attachment

In the infinite field

All your dreams are already manifest

We are creators

That is a beautiful description Kris


We can choose to create something

Envision something greater

Magical flow effort less for us

The higher flow

Deepak Chopra – the room of your potential

If fear re-act to the lower level

People really want to understand

Well, if you listen to the Mayans themselves

Not Gloom and doom

Atlantis, Yucatan

All about create a new beginning

You are meant to create

The Source conspire to create

When you grow you become bigger

Life become easier

It hasn’t to be difficult

Dreaming awake

Flow your outer world

Wow! How can we connect deeper?

Living in the now, living in the flow.

Welcome life, do not push it away, but welcome it

Entering the now moment


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Maya Spiritual leader - Ac Tah
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2010, 09:33:04 PM »
Maya Spiritual leader - Ac Tah
is interviewed by Kalyn Raphael about 2012

Two videos are found (on linked page) here:
« Last Edit: April 05, 2010, 09:36:17 PM by Jamir »


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