Author Topic: Earthways WildernessLodge Maine  (Read 200 times)

Offline Jennifer-

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Earthways WildernessLodge Maine
« on: July 31, 2007, 10:05:10 AM »
We met early in the morning, the weather that had threatend to rain was slowly clearing to hazy blue skies and warm temps. Three woman heading into the unknown of the day, shaking the cowbeds of dreamland with coffee and small talk. We drive for close to two hours before finding a small sign off route 23 that read.. "EarthWay" We turn to discover a drive that stretches for what seemed a mile... along fields and woods. No vehicles are allowed after a certain pine tree (unmarked) we park and walk.  We all admitted to not reading the web site completely as we adjusted our packpacks and started getting curious as to what we had gotten ourselves into.

We find a dwelling that looks like an underground cellar, cement wall, window and doors are covered in grass roof. A woman meets us and leads us to the back of a field.. past horses along a well beaten trail. We meet up with a few other people along the way, said hello and learned the gathering would take place in a cabin designed for teaching.

The building is quite large and also partly under ground. A 4 foot door leading down 3 steps into the lodge.  The inside had log walls with rock bench like bottems on both sides facing each other. The room could hold about 40 people if needed sitting on these rocks and much more in between. A large old woodstove sits in the rear, along with a dry kitchen.  In the corner near the door a large drum frame sits with moose hide clean and ready to be stretched resting on it. Snow shoes hanging along the top of the logs, and canoe resting on the beams. Baskets, sweat grass braids.. alot to take in all at once.  I imagine what the place would be like in the winter with deep snow.

Our host stood off to the side of the room as people said hellos.. it seemed as if they mostly knew each other well.  My heart swelled the instant I set eyes on the old man.. his old blue torn work pants, bare feet and short sleeve cotten botten up work shirt.. perhaps missing a botten or two.  Very much the look of what I remember my grandfather to present, comforting alone.  I offered a smile and extended my hand introducing myself, he seemed surprised as he shook and asked how we had found him...dark eyes looking directing into my own. "Off the internet" I answered and he seemed to ponder that as if he had forgotten the site exsisted at all.  He smiled brilliantly when he discovered the area we had traveled from and welcomed us to join them warmly.

I settled in on the floor almost directly across from where Ray was sitting with 2 people to my left and 6 to my right. Small gathering, felt like nice people. It was soon the man's smile would shine a youth untouched my his physical body.

He started the discussion... "Human beings are the only thing on earth that are not balanced. The statement alone shifted my attention outward toward the tall grass and sunshining against the ground out the open doorway.  The day trip I had come to for observing.. to witness the structure of teaching and living.. the class and its students.. swiftly became much more..

Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: Earthways WildernessLodge Maine
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2007, 10:40:01 AM »
His words were full.. he talked on and on of endless topics, all giving me the sense of something far beyond the room we sat within. I watched him with curious intent as he shifted in his low seat for comfort. His attention on me gently from time to time with a smile or direct question.. he would ask me things off topic to what he might be talking about and seemingly out of the blue, like.. do you have a garden? how long have you lived there?

His simple manner of absolute peace was stunning and warm.  It gave me an overwhelming sense of onenes, being among others who cherished the woodland as much as I do myself.  The value of patience and movements, purity of the moment.

The talk was stopped for a lunch and a break to wander the grounds. Another member of the gathering who had stayed in the lodges offered to show us around a bit. We followed her toward one of the earth lodges down a well hidden yet worn path.  Just before we came to the first lodge my heart burst at the site of a small grove of black locus trees. Very very old and large trees casting a canopy of green over head. I felt like crying being near them, tears of deep love.

We make a left turn to another path and find one of the quaint little earth lodges. Very much like something written about in a fairy tale.  I could imagine hobbits living in such huts.. my insides smiled. (I'll post a few of my photos soon) I looked the structure over in detail to build my own once home.  Each lodge had wooden floors for warmth in the winter and had small woodstoves inside.

Outside, outside kitches and bath areas ect..

We made our way back to the learning lodge and eat lunch.. lost in thought.

I notice a scetch done of a woman who looked very much like a dream I had the day before the Earthway visit. I got the prickly feeling when I leaned closer and saw her name.. "Owl Eyes" I asked Ray who she was and he told me she was a grandmother of his, drawn by a friend from "The otherside" We spoke briefly of catching the muse in drawing such scetching and I made mental note to start doing my own once again soon.

I asked about the drum and he offered for me to join him in making one.. he said he would set up a drum making class for us if we'd like.  He explained in detail the process.

He waved his hand around the cabin, "feel free to look around at anything here" then reaches up and takes down a water vessel handing it to me. "this was made in africa, if you look at the design you will see that its the same as our natives" My mind raced to a dream I had about making a water vessel (I need to look through my dream journals it was a long time ago) He watched me carefully as I heald it and took its small woven cover off looking inside.

We settled back in our places and Ray suggests a meditation...

« Last Edit: July 31, 2007, 10:41:42 AM by little coyote dreamer »
Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: Earthways WildernessLodge Maine
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2007, 09:52:18 PM »
We start with some breath work, Ray speaks of gratitude and love.  As the members of the gathering started slipping into silence I felt myself melting into the earth below me. I make short notice of the atmosphere and how pleased I am to be among other humans without having to struggle to escape their inner chatter.  A collective silence is found with ease.

A different voice emerges out of our host, he moves from breath to prayer spoken in the most beautiful tone in the language of our native people. (to whom Ray calls "Red Man" much was given in snips during the day long gathering of how he was brought up by the natives)

We are guided into the bush along a foot path, "Walk as if not walking.. slowly take in the land" Long pause...

"Ahead you'll notice a light, move toward the light, it is sacred fire" pause...

"Around the fire sits the council of elders, between each one is a space for each of you, go to an elder and take your seat."

I have no idea how much time passed after that, but these are the last words he spoke.

I saw the fire and took my seat, I couldn't actually see an elder but what seemed rather quickly I heard one talking to me in my ear.  The male's voice laughed warmly and said "its OK!.. go ahead little coyote dreamer..."

Michael, is this you?

I lifted up out of my human form and moved into the coyote, the vision was smooth and I took perhaps 3 leaps forward before lifting up toward the sky as raven.

When the meditation was over I found myself sitting in the doorway of the lodge,  comfortably resting against the door frame with the sun beating down upon my face and my bare toes spread against the loose earth.  I could hear others talking in the lodge and I returned to my seat on the floor.

Ive taken this name.. little coyote dreamer for the time being.. as a reflection of what that flight meant on the wind of spirit,  raven wings.

I realized my fears as they seemed like clouds passing by, the higher I flew the less I become.

The weave of knowing tightens.. I have no words for this.
Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM

Offline Michael

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Re: Earthways WildernessLodge Maine
« Reply #3 on: July 31, 2007, 11:01:10 PM »
does sound like me, doesn't it. but probably not - you have more guides than one.

hope you will tell us more j

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: Earthways WildernessLodge Maine
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2007, 10:55:17 AM »
Things started to wrap up for the day, I had asked about lodging if we should want to have a weekend visit and Ray offered to show us a cabin near his Hogan (sp? a circle structure, actually this was 2 circles connected by a walk.. a rather large home) A rustic log cabin, which offered the idea of healing taking place as different diagrams ect.. adorn the walls. A small screen porch as well.. Ray mentions he often does vision quests here. 

His dwelling sat not far away hidden in deep woods. The place was a bit scattered as a new floor was in the process of being laid down and next the entire roof. A medicine wheel design to come soon.. I look forward to seeing it. Glancing around.. so much to take in. A sauna stands not far away and I'm shocked to discover a large pond, only visible if you stand just so..

I could stay here forever my heart whispers pleasantly, yet our time is growing short and a long ride home we have.

We thank Ray and well met wishes are shared with others as well.  Tenting or lodging is offered for our return.


It wasnt so much of what he said, although he shared so much bounty Im still sorting. It was something about his eyes.. deep and dark. It was the simplicity and solitude of the whole place.  It was the bubbling inside my heart that caused my foot steps to float and peace to hold my hand.

Upon my return home I returned to my task of 'feeling' out my land, slow walks over every foot of available use. I come upon a spot Ive yet to cross over in my 5 years of living here.. This is it! In the south west corner of my land, natural stone steps lead up over a large rock. A cedar grows close to the edge along with pine and some hardwood.  Cedar being a very special tree for me due to its smudging green.. its known as our native sage, how perfect. :)  I hike up a bit further and take a seat. My senses remain excited and I know.. my dream lodge will stand here.

I consider the land and ponder a design. Walk back to the house and fetch coffee.. just so I can return to this special spot once again! Indigo follows close by and Sarah soon scampers her way up a tree in sight.

I decide to go exploring a bit.. to discover a clearing of soft moss, blueberry bushes and rock.  Just a very short walk from where my lodge will stand. I sit for a bit and meditate. I pick berries for awhile and imagine the stars. A raven soars over head.. yep.. this is the spot!

Could my senses abandon me without my knowing...  I awake and find Im dreaming yet again...  peace remains.


Went picking raspberries tonight.. good season for them this year.  Filled a good size bowl and reflected fondly of my childhood.


Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: Earthways WildernessLodge Maine
« Reply #5 on: August 01, 2007, 11:06:10 AM »
I snagged this photo off the net.. just to share the idea of the dwelling called "hogan".

Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM


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Re: Earthways WildernessLodge Maine
« Reply #6 on: August 01, 2007, 03:04:34 PM »
Did you find Number Twelve?

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: Earthways WildernessLodge Maine
« Reply #7 on: August 01, 2007, 09:11:12 PM »
Did you find Number Twelve?

Not yet.  :-*
Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM


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