Things started to wrap up for the day, I had asked about lodging if we should want to have a weekend visit and Ray offered to show us a cabin near his Hogan (sp? a circle structure, actually this was 2 circles connected by a walk.. a rather large home) A rustic log cabin, which offered the idea of healing taking place as different diagrams ect.. adorn the walls. A small screen porch as well.. Ray mentions he often does vision quests here.
His dwelling sat not far away hidden in deep woods. The place was a bit scattered as a new floor was in the process of being laid down and next the entire roof. A medicine wheel design to come soon.. I look forward to seeing it. Glancing around.. so much to take in. A sauna stands not far away and I'm shocked to discover a large pond, only visible if you stand just so..
I could stay here forever my heart whispers pleasantly, yet our time is growing short and a long ride home we have.
We thank Ray and well met wishes are shared with others as well. Tenting or lodging is offered for our return.
It wasnt so much of what he said, although he shared so much bounty Im still sorting. It was something about his eyes.. deep and dark. It was the simplicity and solitude of the whole place. It was the bubbling inside my heart that caused my foot steps to float and peace to hold my hand.
Upon my return home I returned to my task of 'feeling' out my land, slow walks over every foot of available use. I come upon a spot Ive yet to cross over in my 5 years of living here.. This is it! In the south west corner of my land, natural stone steps lead up over a large rock. A cedar grows close to the edge along with pine and some hardwood. Cedar being a very special tree for me due to its smudging green.. its known as our native sage, how perfect.

I hike up a bit further and take a seat. My senses remain excited and I know.. my dream lodge will stand here.
I consider the land and ponder a design. Walk back to the house and fetch coffee.. just so I can return to this special spot once again! Indigo follows close by and Sarah soon scampers her way up a tree in sight.
I decide to go exploring a bit.. to discover a clearing of soft moss, blueberry bushes and rock. Just a very short walk from where my lodge will stand. I sit for a bit and meditate. I pick berries for awhile and imagine the stars. A raven soars over head.. yep.. this is the spot!
Could my senses abandon me without my knowing... I awake and find Im dreaming yet again... peace remains.
Went picking raspberries tonight.. good season for them this year. Filled a good size bowl and reflected fondly of my childhood.