Author Topic: Poetic Terrorism  (Read 629 times)

Offline Nichi

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Re: Poetic tefforism
« Reply #15 on: August 20, 2012, 12:43:26 PM »
What's with the word "tefforism"? It sounds silly and ridiculous.

Michael made that adjustment a few years back, to stay off the radar of the scanning US gov't (who still scans, last I heard.)
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Re: Poetic tefforism
« Reply #16 on: August 20, 2012, 03:22:54 PM »
I'm sure the gov't is smarter than that. They would employ algorithms to find synonyms and similar words, much like Google does when you search something and suggests you the correct word. But more importantly, they would look for patterns indicating a codified language, rather then simple obvious words.
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Offline Nichi

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Re: Poetic tefforism
« Reply #17 on: August 20, 2012, 04:33:40 PM »
Maybe you could make some tech-suggestions or proposals to Michael about it.  The mechanics are over my head. You asked why that word - "tefforism" - and I offered the reason. It's been filtered for a long time.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2012, 04:52:40 PM by Nichi »
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Re: Poetic tefforism
« Reply #18 on: August 20, 2012, 06:12:18 PM »
Well, firstly, I don't consider the government to be smart. There is ample evidence out there to back up my astonishing disbelief at their continual stupidity.

Otherwise, it was a token measure to keep Soma off a simple keyword alert. To be honest, I expect a sane surveillance system to look for far more than keywords, although I have no doubt any search would begin with a keyword alert. It's no more than a hat-doffing exercise to placate the mind from bogeymen, and of bogeymen. It's our one fig leaf of decency towards the ravages of public hysteria.

But I am aware that comprehensive surveillance of all internet and phone communications is ongoing. Worse than that, face recognition systems have been installed right across the world in all security sensitive places, where location/behaviour patterns and profile details are collated and shared between governments and large corporations. Sensitive places including bus and railway stations and airports.

I am not at all comfortable with the degree of sanity these security groups possess. However that does not mean I am concerned with any discussions we have here. I know discussions of political and security issues go on constantly across the internet, and any surveillance would have to be looking for more than intelligent attitudes - if not, then most universities around the world would need to close down, to say nothing of online blogs.

Actually, that censored word is the only one we have here in Soma, but to be frank, I rather like it. It works more to remind us of the silliness of human beings, and all the idiotic things they worship.

Offline Muffin

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Re: Poetic tefforism
« Reply #19 on: August 20, 2012, 07:37:41 PM »
Well, firstly, I don't consider the government to be smart. There is ample evidence out there to back up my astonishing disbelief at their continual stupidity.
Politicians may be stupid, but I doubt the tech people are. So me giving tech advice would be like a monkey explaining to another how to use a sticks to beat humans.

But I am aware that comprehensive surveillance of all internet and phone communications is ongoing. Worse than that, face recognition systems have been installed right across the world in all security sensitive places, where location/behaviour patterns and profile details are collated and shared between governments and large corporations. Sensitive places including bus and railway stations and airports.

Facebook, anyone? Now the US government have a comprehensive database of ALL faces of all the humans - those who matter anyway. Before they had only a database of criminals or anyone ever taken in custody. Now, every time you tag a friend on a photo you enhance the tools that will be used to control you. It doesn't help that you don't use facebook, enough if a friend of yours tags you, and bam, you are in the system.

But I'm just a small fish in the pond, I have better things to worry about then my privacy.

Actually, that censored word is the only one we have here in Soma, but to be frank, I rather like it. It works more to remind us of the silliness of human beings, and all the idiotic things they worship.
Not to offend anyone, but I thought people used it on purpose, and all the discussions came off as silly conspiratorial theories. That's why my question.

Well, carry on... :P
"The result of the manifestation is in exact proportion to the force of striving received from the shock." -Gurdjieff, Belzebub's Tales to his grandson


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Re: Poetic tefforism
« Reply #20 on: August 20, 2012, 07:39:38 PM »
It works more to remind us of the silliness of human beings, and all the idiotic things they worship.


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Re: Poetic tefforism
« Reply #21 on: August 20, 2012, 07:43:22 PM »
But I'm just a small fish in the pond, I have better things to worry about then my privacy.

Precisely, they can see and observe pretty much anything you do, except your thoughts and free will are yours and will stay as such.

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Re: Poetic tefforism
« Reply #22 on: August 20, 2012, 08:03:17 PM »
I'm not too concerned about my privacy either.

As for the initial theme of this thread. I think it would consume too much energy, it seems that the enthusiasm to do something like that, would come from human part of ourselves. I belive we grow out of thiskind of enthusiasm at some point.

Offline Nick

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Re: Poetic tefforism
« Reply #23 on: August 21, 2012, 12:51:42 AM »
I'm not too concerned about my privacy either.

As for the initial theme of this thread. I think it would consume too much energy, it seems that the enthusiasm to do something like that, would come from human part of ourselves. I belive we grow out of thiskind of enthusiasm at some point.

sigh, no one else got the point either. Am I really that inarticulate... Nah, I'm going to assume the concept is just beyond you guys.  :P

Our lives are not a simple binary process of accept or reject, yes or no, if accept share agreement, if reject share disagreement, where is the provocative operation, the alternate possibilities, the different ways of seeing the same thing? There was enough information in the initial post to inspire a tirade of creative possibilities for changing ourselves. There was also enough to inspire inquisitiveness, like what is a temporary autonomous zone? If you look it up, then consider if there might be an equivalent concept that is adaptable to some other condition, situation, or life style.

The 1920s-30s psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan realizing the futility of traditional methods developed a style that can fairly be described as tefforistic. His sessions with his patients, for example, were often cut short before the usual fifty minutes were up; they could last any period of time that he saw fit and were sometimes as brief as ten minutes. These sessions were quite tefforizing for the patients, who could never be sure when Lacan would end them and so were forced to concentrate and make every moment count--all of which had great therapeutic value according to Lacan. His books are written in a style to match this strategy: violent and arcane.

Understanding the terror of the situation we know what real fear and trembling mean. In this we are safe-guarded against any terror produced by outside influences. Let the bombs fall and spread terror a hundred miles around: you will remain composed in spirit.

To grasp the underlying wisdom of a strategy of tefforism you never take a shape, you keep yourself adaptable and on the move, accept the fact that nothing is for certain and no law is fixed. This is integral to erasing yourself. You are not-doing this to affect others, but you will, as their stories are tied into your life, when you change they may feel it, and it may be tefforizing. If you come close to stopping time this will tefforize the ego-mind. This is why it is advised we live like Samurai as if every moment was the last, only this brings peace. Face it being a warrior means being a tefforist in your own life.

When we fight a battle that seems as if there is no end in sight, it is crucial that we come up with completely different techniques. By constantly refreshing our mind and techniques as we continue to fight, we find an appropriate rhythm-timing with which to defeat the opponent. This is spiritual guerrilla warfare.

Every historical military strategy has a certain rhythm, and underlying wisdom that can be adapted to our personal repertoire.

Ways to employ...
Observe subtle movements of a group, watch for any underlying rhythm that the whole group seems fallowing, try make your actions go contrary to this rhythm,

Instead meditating at the same time every day, role a dice before hand and base how long your meditation will go off of that, or just start and stop meditating whenever it occurs to you to do so,

Look at the contents of your house as an art project, move and rearrange your house constantly seeking just the right aesthetic feel, when you think you've found it, enjoy it briefly and then change it again,

Learn to visualize a sensory experience so well you experience it, then visualize what it might be like if you had synesthesia, and could taste a sound,

Times to employ this strategy....
Whenever you feel most apart of a family,
Whenever you feel normal,
Could use it when you are bored to make things more interesting,
but then allowing yourself to be bored can be tefforizing,

When you feel like an adult who can't play silly games with a child, or like a child,
« Last Edit: August 21, 2012, 01:00:45 AM by Nai »
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Offline Taimyr

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Re: Poetic tefforism
« Reply #24 on: August 21, 2012, 01:27:55 PM »
So... do you apply that tefforism in your life? Just curious if you could describe some actions and results.

Offline Nick

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Re: Poetic tefforism
« Reply #25 on: August 22, 2012, 10:15:22 PM »
So... do you apply that tefforism in your life? Just curious if you could describe some actions and results.

Nooo, never, I don't do this kind of thing.... I do not-doing, erasing personal history, and stalking exersizes. Like when I left my Dad's house at 18, or even though I'm an introvert I made the goal of asking out as many girls as possible over a period of time, or the contrarian things I do like walking backwards, or the technique I practice for tuning into group harmonies....nope none of these fit the description....

The stalking exersize where I asked out as many girls as possible over a short period of time had the lasting affect of eliminating my timidity and shyness.

Nope no real experience here, just a thinking thinking to much... Cause you know there is a hard dividing line between thinking and doing   ::)
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Offline Taimyr

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Re: Poetic tefforism
« Reply #26 on: August 22, 2012, 10:31:40 PM »
Of course it's all fun and poetic and useful and...terrorising, but I just wonder how long would one continue with this. Probably as long as there is evidence of effect. So what is the real effect that you have observed?

Maybe it's like a lifestyle. You can change yourself numerous time, feel the terror and so on, but how do you know that deep down inside you have actually changed?

Offline Nick

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Re: Poetic tefforism
« Reply #27 on: August 23, 2012, 11:13:27 AM »
Yes... That is the heart of it....

How do we know anything we are doing on the path is working? What is a real effect? How do you know the effect you are causing, no matter how much it seems to be what you desire, isn't causing side effects? When the side effects occur will you handle them effectively or will they be serious set backs?

Even after I under go some transcendent transition, even if everything is different, how do I know any of it is real at all?

An outsider to the warriors path would ask the same questions about why we all do what we do.

Again, it isn't about the terror it could be any intense emotion. It is also about the strategic structural back bone of tefforist strategy. Lastly it is creatively exploring possibilities. That is what I saw in the initial post.

What different ways might one employ an understanding of strategic wisdom on their path?
"As long as we confuse the myriad forms of the divine lila with reality, without perceiving the unity of Brahman underlying all these forms, we are under the spell of maya..."
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Offline Taimyr

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Re: Poetic tefforism
« Reply #28 on: September 05, 2012, 05:38:54 PM »
It's very abstract sometimes...indescribabale, almost uncomprehendable

How do we know anything we are doing on the path is working? What is a real effect?

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Re: Poetic tefforism
« Reply #29 on: September 05, 2012, 07:49:45 PM »
How do we know anything we are doing on the path is working? What is a real effect? How do you know the effect you are causing, no matter how much it seems to be what you desire, isn't causing side effects? When the side effects occur will you handle them effectively or will they be serious set backs?

Even after I under go some transcendent transition, even if everything is different, how do I know any of it is real at all?

I slipped off this thread somewhere, but these are very good questions.

"How do we know anything we are doing on the path is working?"
Absolutely! Not only can we know? but how would we evaluate? Of course, many years on the path do lead to some clarity, but as DJ said, even that is questionable. My greatest emphasis is to keep asking the question.

But it's not a question one can easily ask of another, it is a question one can only ask another to ask of themselves. This is because for each person, what is true for their path is unique. At first we dismiss such questions, because the acolyte needs to focus on acquiring the basics - personal assessments are suspended until sufficient essential practice is acquired. Once that basic stage is passed, successfully or less so, then it's all about how we negotiate the life that flows to and from us.

Lastly it is creatively exploring possibilities.

This is never a closed phase. The further we travel on the path, the more difficult it becomes to keep active the weight of possibility. Unfortunately, we too often believe we know, believe we have the answers, when in fact the door to possibilities is being closed precisely because of the strength of our belief.


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