Author Topic: Four Winds - Solstice meditation Dec 21 2012  (Read 74 times)


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Four Winds - Solstice meditation Dec 21 2012
« on: December 22, 2012, 07:04:46 AM »
The Four Winds Society
From Dr Alberto Villoldo A Solstice Meditation

In last Saturday's live online event, "Beyond 2012," I talked about the terrible event that had just occurred in Connecticut. It is so important that we have the right mindset about this moving forward that I also wanted to share my thoughts on this matter here with you, my larger audience:

 We are now struggling in the aftermath of a terrible event where 20 school children were killed, brutally shot, in Connecticut. This is a time of mourning for all of us, not only for these children caught in this abysmal act of violence, but for all the children in the world who are suffering in the violence of humanity.

I would invite all of us to close our eyes for a moment and send our healing thoughts and prayers to ALL of the children in the world that have been suffering the atrocities of humanity, and that we may begin a new time and a new relationship to the earth and to the children as the New Era approaches.

I created a video this past Sunday - it is a Meditation for Forgiveness for the 12-21-2012 Solstice. While this video's creation was in my plan all along, there could be no better time for this meditation after what happened in Connecticut. I ask that you commit about 20 minutes this Friday, the 21st, to tuning in and participating fully in this meditation. Imagine the tremendous, sweeping change that can occur when several thousand of us … or tens of thousands of us … or millions of us each take part in this Meditation on Friday.

 I encourage you to send this video's link on to your own peers - help us spread the word. Then, please join me on Friday as we forgive the mistakes of our past and our ancestors, heal from the history of violence and disease that has marred humanity, and dream a new, courageous world into being!
« Last Edit: December 22, 2012, 07:21:29 AM by Jahn »


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