Did not finish this video, been very busy...
Went to a viewing for my fiance's deceased grandmother yesturday... Before I picked my daughter up from school, while waiting in the school lobby, there is a collection of books that are 'free to a good home', and I have glanced at them many times, this time i saw a new book, "The First Story Ever Told". Far be it for me to ignore a book claiming he first story ever! So I took a closer look, and it turned out it was by 3 authors, one was Alberto Villoldo, the very same Villoldo. I had a dream three days before this, in which we were reading a story, that was written on a wall, it had elements that reminded me of this story, but also hint at another children's book he wrote.
Looks like me and Alberto are going to be new friends.
All in all it was an interesting day, I believe my daughter will remember it, she was very curious, a little scared, but mostly curious, and excited to see the body. It was a Catholic event..li haven't been to many of these but I am told that means something... They had it set up so the kiddos can run around, and play, so that help. Daughter (Dani) has Aspergers; the main problem I see though is overwhelmingly intense emotions that hijack everything else, and in those moments a belief that everything is to hard... Yet if she is in the right state of mind, she is quite good at everything she puts her self to, not unlike me

last night she lost a toy that was hers, and she did not get upset about it, I was impressed, and then she found the toy just as it was time to leave, never once got upset, spirits were with us, thank you.
More when I have time....