Author Topic: Don Juan on Habits and Being Comfortable  (Read 83 times)

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Don Juan on Habits and Being Comfortable
« on: August 22, 2024, 10:48:23 AM »
I was thinking about the issue we are way too comfortable nowadays. And while it seems inviting, it is actually killing us. Think about it, why is there so much unhealthiness, in many parts of the world? the US, New Zealand, UK, other more modern type countries, the percentage of diabetes has skyrocketed, even in little kids! And while some may live longer in some places, in these countries and others like them, where we have "comfort," we have some serious sicknesses. Like in the US, heart disease is the number one killer. It's practically unheard of in Africa though. But having a refrigerator to walk easily to, or order food to be dropped at the door, many folks are comfortable to the point they aren't going outside, and they are doing everything within, and not moving. I know this. It happened to me over the pandemic, and it got very bad very fast.

From The Second Ring of Power:

“And how does a warrior eat?” “A warrior eats quietly, and slowly, and very little at a time. I used to talk while I ate, and I ate very fast, and I ate lots and lots of food at one sitting. The Nagual told me that a warrior eats four mouthfuls of food at one time. A while later he eats another four mouthfuls and so on.”

LOL! If we all did that, which basically don Juan is saying, eat just enough to stop hunger, we would not have the problems we have today. The Second Ring of Power deals with stalking our bad habits and routines. And we can look at our life and routines, and observe where we are going wrong, and make adjustments.

Like when we wake up, we have a routine. I can name mine. Alarm goes off, hit snooze. Cat jumps on me and paws my face. He knows I wake up, he gets his wet food. Finally I get up, bathroom, brew coffee, feed cats. Grab coffee, sit down, check messages, try to wake up. Slowly but surely get there. Get ready, off to work. It is the same every day.

Now some routines we have to do. Like if I didn't do all that, probably wouldn't have a job. And I'd have hangry ass cats. But then there is unproductive routines. Like say work is lunch. Do you go fill up on crap? Throw self out in traffic to get food that's slowly killing you? Then come back to work, stress a little more before you clock out? Even that can be altered. Then come home, home is a sanctuary for many. Many folks, esp Americans, come home, sit down, watch tv, do social media. Maybe order out, or cook quick food, and they will do that till they crash.

And that is why we are sick.

So altering routines and watching why, do we, repeat routines everyone else does? Who said I must binge Netflix, cause everyone else does? Why is dinner at 6PM for everyone? Or why must so many run to Happy Hour on Fridays? Routines, we have to look at, and stalk, at how mindless they can be, and how life is slowly slipping away, and even our health as a result. It is not healthy, when you think about it, to watch a shit ton of tv. Like folks who watch an entire Netflix series in one day. They could be reading or gardening, or something.

So consider routines you do. Are they healthy? Are they good for the mental? Or are you doing what everybody does, or what parents did? Are you way too comnfortable? Shake it up!
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan


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