Author Topic: Divine  (Read 27 times)

Offline Josh

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    • Invisible Acropolis
« on: March 10, 2007, 02:36:23 PM »
Headless thoughts tacked up in lines.
Cross-referenced and numbered.
Each voice neatly fixed and shouting for airspace.
Everybody's looking for something.
Looking for one to ease the pain. 
Looking for one to show the way.
Looking for one to place the blame.
Looking for one to point the finger at and yell. 
Looking, looking...
No one is exempt.
Twisted faces churning wildly
trying to face the ever-shifting light.
The clamor of each tiny finger's soft caress
hisses down every rivulet of every brain.
The seething mass of hipocracy and denial. 
Ripping and clumping,
forming and reforming
and reforming
and reforming....

All of it lit by the glow
of the rays
of the Source of all,
which is so pervasive
it consumes the entireity of existence. 
The shimmering edges of wet grass
blown by the wind that never stops
are so close to the ground.
There is no escape.
It is unstoppable,
and eternal.

The power of ignorance is divine.

- rajajuju
Other is.  Self must struggle to exist.

- Brian George


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