Author Topic: The Many-Colored Beast  (Read 38 times)

Offline Josh

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The Many-Colored Beast
« on: March 10, 2007, 02:41:30 PM »

Frayed edges and wisps of cloth hang along the line,

and throughout the passage of time,

it has become

bleached by the sun, the wind, the rain, and weathered by rough hands.

color has faded, but where has it gone?

It wanders about in a realm removed from further disinterest and disrespect;

for it has gone to make moods for the people that used to wear

the most conspicuous manifestation of what they could not approach.

It is a realm where time does not pass,

and there is nowhere left to go.

Behind your eyes is the prize which is denied by the hand of man...

And the hands of all men

are so very rough.

- rajajuju
Other is.  Self must struggle to exist.

- Brian George

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: The Many-Colored Beast
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2007, 03:12:29 AM »
Love all of these Joshua, this one is my favorite.

Thanks for sharing them here, Ive always enjoyed your poetry.

Much Love, Ripple
Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM


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