Author Topic: Food for Star Souls  (Read 90 times)

Ke-ke wan

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Food for Star Souls
« on: August 11, 2016, 03:21:49 AM »
I didn't write this, but this article says a lot of what I would say (been working on a piece like this) if I did.

One thing that is interesting is, whenever I pay most attention to eating things my body needs and nothing it doesn't, I amp up in energy quite a lot.  So I have found foods, especially 'heavy' ones can keep me a little bit grounded.  For times when the energy gets too much and awareness becomes really big.  Too much of that can be hard on the head.  There are times, actually, when I do not need any food at all, but then I can get quite hyper and again, when things can start to spin in the mind.

There was a time, two or three months ago, when I actually couldn't find any food in the grocery store that my body wanted to eat.  And this is weird for me, being a Chef and also loving to grocery shop and loving to cook.  I literally ate nothing but yogurt for about a month and then, for a while began to add chickpeas with Indian sauces. I was turned right off of anything else.  It's a bit better now, but I still try to listen to my body when it tells me what it needs.

What the Author doesn't mention, and it should be under the heading of Making Compassionate food choices, is that often, hyper sensitive people will feel the energy of the animal at the time it is slaughtered. Or the energy of the person who killed it, the enrgy of the factory where the food was processed, etc etc.  I sometimes get a really nauseated feeling after drinking certain processed coffees, and I just recently realized it has a lot to do with the factory processing, not just chemicals, but horrifying conditions in the coffee plants. 

So listen to what your body is telling you when you are eating a certain food.  Or, especially listen if your body is telling you to avoid something you normally, or used to love!

Conscious Eating for Star Souls
Submitted by Trinity on 21 July, 2016 - 07:44

I must admit that, like many of us, I long to shake off the limitations and restrictions of having a physical body. I yearn to fly free in the higher densities, dancing and twirling as an expression of the boundless soul that I am. When I woke up, I began to feel this freedom in my everyday life, every time I closed my eyes and let go. The contrast between unleashing my soul and squeezing it back into my dense, physical body was a total mismatch. I just couldn’t squash my soul back in! So, I immediately embarked upon a journey to find a way that my soul could thrive whilst still having a physical body...

Eating Consciously has the power to reconnect us to the Universal Flow
If you are a Star Soul, you are seeded to awaken and raise your vibration; to shine the light so that others can wake up too. One of the most important (and often over-looked) ways that we can support ourselves on the spiritual journey is by eating consciously. Eating is not just about food... it's about energy. The energy has the power to heal and reconnect us to the universal flow. It can unleash trapped energy, free the soul and raise our vibration whilst opening us up to a New Paradigm of possibilities.

Every morsel we eat plays a role on the journey. The energy of our food becomes a part of our being, it goes soul deep - flooding into our cells; directly impacting our vibration by either lowering or raising it (depending on what we choose to consume). We are spiritual beings in physical, human bodies - aspiring to ever higher realms of awareness. We yearn to free the soul in every moment. Conscious eating is about unleashing the soul. The energy of every bite counts!

Eating lifeless, processed crap, disconnects us from Source
I found that denying and neglecting my physical body, by eating foods that weren’t optimal for me, totally disconnected me from Source. Eating crap, ultimately makes us feel like crap. Eating lifeless, processed stuff, makes us feel lifeless and processed. Eating meat and animal products makes us suffer energetically as we become responsible for the pain and suffering that happened to the animals we consume. These things drain our energy and hinder the flow of life force through our being. Such choices disconnect us from Unity Consciousness.

The Benefits of Conscious Eating for the spiritual journey
When I contemplate the benefits of conscious eating, the list is huge. Here are just a few of the ways I’ve noticed that it can support Star Souls on the spiritual journey...
helps bring our blockages to light (so we can let them go)
awakens the life force within us
naturally makes us feel more vibrant
draws us back to unity and oneness
energises us so that we can in turn support others
helps us attune to our higher purpose
naturally makes us feel closer to 'home'
helps us to stay more balanced
reconnects us to the flow of universal life energy
releases energy and trapped emotions from the cells of the body
cleans the window to the soul so that we can ‘see’ more clearly
naturally helps us feel interconnected with all sentient life
helps us shine a brighter light.

What is conscious eating?
Conscious eating is not just about food, it's about whole, complete beingness. It's about embracing the full cycle of life - so that when you enjoy each morsel, it melts you back into one, whole and complete, a boundless spiritual being.

Contemplate your choices
Every piece of food should be vibrant and full of life-force - a divine spark of the cosmos. This energy reminds us of who we truly are, so if that food is to become a part of our own journey, then it all starts with a simple contemplation of where your food comes from. A few things to contemplate...
How is it produced and transported?
How is Mother Earth respected in the process? 

Are the farm workers treated fairly? 

Are our fellow creatures harmed?

Breaking free of out-dated paradigms
If you tug at one thread, then you will likely find that the whole 'garment' begins to unravel. Don’t be alarmed, because this 'unraveling' is an important part of the spiritual journey. Looking at life with an open-heart, with transparency and profound self-honesty are important steps for evolution of the soul. This is how we break free of the restrictions that bind us to out-dated paradigms. You don't have to be perfect at it - just make the best choices you can.

Embrace the best options available to you
Our fast-pace, money-making society hasn't made compassionate choices easy. You may need to re-define your world. Explore and find the best options you can. You'll be surprised at what can be done. You are probably embracing some of these ways already...
Use homegrown and local wherever possible: Homegrown, organic and local ingredients have the highest vibration of all, brimming with a vibrational life-force, especially when grown with an open-heart and gathered with gratitude.

Find organic foods: Organic foods not only carry a higher vibration with more nutrients to nourish us than their chemical laden cousins, but they cause minimal harm to Mother Earth. 

Find fairly traded foods: Fairtrade ingredients are embalmed with the energy of love as we support our fellows human beings with justice, with fair energy exchange.

Compassionate eating: Make compassionate food choices by honouring our fellow animals. We are all connected, so embrace the plant-based nourishment gifted from Mother Earth. Eating compassionately has a very beneficial, vibrational raising effect on our spiritual energy field. My recipe books are both totally plant-based and over-flowing with compassion.

Make your food from the heart
Our energy feeds into everything we do. So, be present. Close your eyes for a moment and let go. Be ‘here’ and ‘now’. Gather your ingredients together with care. Connect with each ingredient as you prepare it. This might seem like a simple act, easy to overlook its importance. Just being present - in the moment - is a powerful practice for spiritual growth. It helps you appreciate the gift of food. It helps to bring peace and calm to the moment. Preparing food with love is nourishment for the soul.

Giving thanks
Authentic appreciation is a powerful way to raise your vibration and send ripples out into the wider world. Taking a moment to pause before eating, allows space for gratitude. Offer genuine thanks for the circle of life that nourishes your soul. The important thing is to connect with your food and allow a natural arising appreciation to permeate into the field around you.

Eat slowly and savour the taste
Eating slowly and savouring the taste sounds simple, yet its amazing how many people rush their food, chatting away. Switch off your phone and T.V. (if you have one) and really taste your food. Connect with the texture, flavours and vibrational life force, then you will begin to embrace from a centred place of true experience. You will feel much more guided on how much to eat and what your body actually needs for optimal health.

What the world needs right now
Remember YOU are awesome and what the world really needs right now, is for you to shine. So, embrace conscious choices and shine like the sun.

(Publishers - please feel free re-publish with links intact and Trinity's brief biog. Thankyou)

21 years ago Trinity had a profound spiritual awakening that interconnected her with the deeper consciousness of life. What followed was a journey of compassion for all sentient beings, and a passion to share conscious eating for the benefit of all. Trinity is an integral part of the Openhand Core Team, supporting with the philosophy development, energy processing, publication of book and film, and is also the Openhand retreat chef.
Trinity recently published two recipe books with Openhand Press: Trinity's Conscious Kitchen & Angelicious - Food for a New Paradigm.
Find Trinity here on, and here:
Trinity's Conscious Kitchen Website
« Last Edit: August 11, 2016, 03:33:20 AM by harmonica »
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