From the Jataka Tales (the Lives/Incarnations of the Buddha). Mahasattva offers his life to feed a starving tigress and her cubs.
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1122582554452406&set=a.101782853199053.904.100001020153131&type=3&theaterThe Hungry Tigress
Once there was a great king named Maharatha and he had three fine
sons, Mahapranada, Mahadeva and Mahasattva. As they walked in the
forest one day, the three princes came upon a tigress and her seven
cubs. Exhausted by hunger and thirst, the tigress was hardly able to
move and looked as if she would soon die. The three brothers were
greatly disturbed by the sight of this poor tigress and wondered what
they could do. Of the three, Mahasattva was moved to great
compassion and asked his brothers to leave him a while.
When they were gone, Mahasattva laid himself down in front of the
tigress, hoping she would feed and drink on his body. But she was too weak.
Realizing this, Mahasattva took a piece of sharp bamboo and slit
his own throat, making it easy for the tigress to feed on his blood and
thereafter eat his flesh."
(Tales from Jataka)