Author Topic: Instruments  (Read 116 times)

Offline tommy2

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« on: July 28, 2006, 04:59:06 AM »
M, I'd love to have instructions on making my own bull-roarer.  Also, thanks for the ceremony description.  It makes me feel good to know I have come pretty close to this without a lot of outside input other than my own sensings.  


Offline Michael

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Re: Instruments
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2006, 11:22:44 AM »
yes, there has been a discussion on this from another forum - i may be able to bring some of it over. Raven has also had a go - not sure if she succeeded or not in the end.

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: Instruments
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2006, 09:07:12 PM »
Tom, I used cedar for ease in carving. Its apx. 7 inches long and 2 wide. Curved edges, 1/8-1/4 inch in thickness. Drill a hole and attach a string using a fishing swivel.

Give it a good spin above your head, and listen to it sing!

(crosses fingers that its ok to quote)

Michael: i suggest you use trial and error - try a few different versions before you decide on the correct structure, then make one with special wood and decorations.  with short string it is possible to get the sound by spinning it beside you, but with long string it has to be swung horizontal above your head. longer the string the deeper the sound.

it should give a vbvbvbvbvbvbvbvb type of sound, which breathes - picks up then drops off as it reashes it's max string twist, then starts again - don't exactly know what is going on, perhaps it spins in the opposite direction - i really don't know, but the fishing swivel did help.

Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM


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Re: Instruments
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2006, 09:13:12 PM »
It was funny last night before falling asleep. I thought about bullroarer and then started to hear it's sound. or did i imagine it, can't tell. anyways, it kind of carried me away. sounded so real. wonder if this could be called something like a creative hearing  8)


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