Author Topic: Hawa  (Read 90 times)

Offline Michael

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« on: March 24, 2023, 09:47:51 PM »
I have often wondered, what is it that allows us to know ourselves? What force in the universe causes a being to reflect and know oneself?

What wind of regeneration, which sleeps in manifestation, awakens in innocence of sleep? Look at a child, and wonder at the magic that presents to us. What is happening in a child, that cause such growth, and pierces through to awareness in puberty? What is it that lies dormant in the adult life of grand and facile action, yet awakens during the innocence of sleep?

We see the world out there - the magnificence of nature and such human grandeur in science, music, art, construction - but we know something is missing: the capacity to know ourselves inside. We call this self-awareness, self-realisation, self-illusion... where comes the power for this? What name do we give it?

Hawa is a wondrous word, meaning wind, atmosphere, prevailing current of the times, woman, Eve.

There is a hawa of spirit in our lives, that only gently flows while we sleep. If we awaken during sleep - awaken during dream, we come to know the hawa of spirit. We realise on that dark, deep innocent layer of being, the pure breath of God.

There are two being within us: one that strives during the waking hours, and another, a double, which strives while we are asleep. That double is the child of infinity - the magical hawa of the future of humanity: our destiny. Learning during waking life, we are constantly becoming tired, our energy exhausting through the day as we destroy our world to prepare for regeneration: every sports person understands this intimately. Then, while we sleep, our double steps in and blows the generative power through our being, rekindling life.

If only some essence, something unknowable, can arise and peak out during the work of our double, then we say, the double has awakened.
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Re: Hawa
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2023, 12:46:33 PM »
Bruce said to know oneself is to study oneself in relation to another.

Animals can be a way too.

But in relation. That’s why spirit broke themselves up into many sparks. So they could do just that. Answer that question.

The I Am needs another in relation to them. Or else what are they?
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan


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