Author Topic: Silence  (Read 72 times)


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« on: May 24, 2007, 02:22:05 PM »
I put it here, but I guess it could have been placed to several other folders as well.

We talked about silence some time ago.
There are two types of it: (1) silence of dreaming; (2) silence beyond dreaming. The latter is incredibly hard for me to sustain. Yet today it came itself out of nowhere.

I started meditation with recapitulation. Then my thoughts and focus faded, there was period when I did nor focused on anything particular.

Suddenly I felt the silence arising in me. It was like huge dark empty space (with stars???) growing inside myself. I could barely hold it together. My breathing went shallow and began to slow down. It was painful - my body stiffened, there was a huge tension in my throat, muscles tensed. For a while I sat like that - a huge bubble of emptiness with head and throat above it.

Then I could not take it any more, I relaxed, my mind began to return to usual world view, breathing deepened, muscles let go.

Yet I remember that amazing fraction of second when I was one with that emptiness and silence!


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