Author Topic: Death as Adviser and Energy  (Read 81 times)

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Death as Adviser and Energy
« on: October 02, 2023, 12:47:47 PM »
Wrote this today in The Toltec Mystery Work group:

One thing about moving, you are always afraid with a move you are going to lose stuff. I downgraded to a cheaper place. But in some ways its an upgrade to me. I found a little duplex which is pretty peaceful. I met my neighbors they are very nice. I brought my patio table and plants decked them out with my garden buddha. As we share a yard, I told my neighbor she is welcome to sit at it. She will bring her little dog in the yard to play around. She commented today my new plant I bought. I am constantly getting a plant, either outdoors or some succulent which adds character indoors. But I have to keep them high because Mister, the tomcat I took from Tiana (he is mean to her other cats - but plays well with my 'boys'), he will try too "eat" the succulents, like a nincompoop.

I had to get a second bookshelf cause I have too many books. So while putting them away, I could not find some of my Castaneda books. I was looking all over, messaged the kid. I had them in a special place in my old room, so I wanted to be sure she packed them. Now I found most. And Im sure the two missing could turn up maybe. But to be safe I did go ahead and order Power of Silence and Art of Dreaming, cause I havent spotted them. I just got them used - new doesnt matter.

But I was telling the kiddo "those are some of my most important books" when I was seeking them out. And they are. I found this path well, I think its 20 years ago. I remember meeting warriors online who were into the Toltec. And there was this odd recognition I had with them. They were totally different energetically than anyone else online. Now, if you are on a path at all, you "do" pick up peoples energy. As a reader, I have even been able to "see" folks what they look like, before I see their picture. Ive done this countless times. But "energy" speaks for people, in the daily world "out there" as well as "in here." If you have any lick of sense, you can read energy, no matter what a person types on here, or says on a video. And I do believe we have this innate "energy reading" sense as part of survival.

Esp women - we have it all to well. Its required. But the problem is per the "nurturer" in women, we may go in and want to coddle and heal the broken. Getting women away from this is a task I work with them on.

No matter. When I met with these folks I realized their energy aligned with my own. So I felt at "home" with the warrior community. They were my people. All into the old Castaneda books and yes, were able to work with this path and do the hard ass work aiming toward the infinite and freedom. Freedom has  always been a goal of course. It has to be the aim. The bulls eye at the center to shoot for. Without knowing what you are aiming for, you are lost.

Now over the years sadly, I have had to see some warriors pass on. So we are not some large community - we never were. Are we dying? Well we all know on this path one thing we can be certain of - Death. Death is advisor thats a big part of it. That force is not a friend but its a reality. That is the one thing we have to be intimate with. Not a friend, not a lover, barely a companion, but advisor. Its the wisest one we got. Many are trapped in a deep illusion they have "tomorrow." Like "tomorrow I will go for my dreams," or "tomorrow ill travel to Eqypt, always wanted to see it." Or "tomorrow ill go learn kickboxing." No friends, that attitude that tomorrow is some certain thing is a huge LIE. Death, as advisor, reminds us there is no guarantee. Now im a pretty good reader. And even after the father of my kids passed, on the day he passed he visited me in a dream. Very vivid. And told me id live to be 84. Thats nice and all sure can I be even "he" knew the year right? Im not. So I dont live postponing things for tomorrow cause I know that, Death, the wise advisor, could tap me anytime. Thats the point. And why we have to die before we get that tap, and physically die.

And preparedness, we need that.

But ok 20 years later since I grabbed the first book, give or take, I can "see" that it would have been good wisdom if folks took the path as seriously as I and the warrior community do. Now there are tons running all over totally mindwarped and believing lots of nonsense. They have no awareness of their own. Now, I know I digress. There are some days I want to log out of FB forever and be done with it. Or even youtube, cause the insanity runs so deep. Then go to soma where teach sits who is the only perfectly sober person I know (Nick you are too and Jason but you know what I mean). The madness is constantly shooting its tentacles out, all over, flyers and folks cant even see the foreign installation doing its absolute worst to them. I could venture places to debate to try to shatter perceptions. But its a waste of energy for me to even do that. So my reading group is enough cause those folks are pretty much ready to hear from the spirit what they need to hear. They got the sense to surrender and have a reader hit them with the truth. That I do try to do, on their basic issues, but my aim I do have a sneaky agenda. I want to hit them just a wee harder so the read will cause them to get with their potential, purpose, and look within. Shake them up, and get them interested in a life which is much more fulfilling.

Now I know, why not advertise the books to a large group and tell them to do this? I cant. It is dependent on warrior energy. Now I know, are we born or made? Shit I am not totally sure on that. But I can only speak for myself every move Ive made on the path, from trying to squeeze my head through the bars of the crib at nine months old, cause I wanted freedom? Well something in me upon coming here (and I remember that far back the event yes I do), realizes I was born that way, not made. But sure, I suppose one could be made into one. But with this path, energetically, it doesnt align with all. Others who walk this path if they dont have the right energy signature, the Toltec will flatten them or turn them to madness.

So yes, the books very important for me to not misplace. Luckily I can still replace them. But one day will they not be accessible with the stupid book ban folks wanting to Farenheit 451 and 1984 everyone? Shit I dont know. So ive got two bookshelves of lots of "weapons of war" in my arsenal but even better - experiences. Lots of those. And as the world is losing its ever-loving mind, shit im ready for anything at this point.
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan


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