Author Topic: You know my name...  (Read 37 times)


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You know my name...
« on: June 09, 2007, 04:46:51 AM »
...He had always sensed things.
He foresaw so very clearly how the continent on one of the plants inhabited by man would sink. How giant waves would sweep the ground, he felt the tremors and the anguish of dying men...
He spoke up...and nothing happened.
There were other cases: asteroid, war with other civilisation. He felt them all...and was wrong.
And now this - the end.
Something had unleashed the waves of entropy on the known Universe.
He sat next to starliner's window, closed his eyes and saw how waves of dark energy penetrated the heart of Universe, how planets and stars disappeared in indescribable energy flashes of matter-antimatter collisions...
He saw the end...this time he had not spoken up, scientists did.
He sat and saw it all.
He gave up, all his life of being always wrong was lived for nothing...
He resigned to what was coming.

Suddenly voices around him changed.
There was tremendous elation, from screens somebody's face distorted by utter disbelief was telling that astronomers were observing inexplicable retreat of dark matter...

He sat there...wrong again! even when it is about death!

Somebody approached him. It was a young woman. She looked at him and said: 'I know you. You have been telling about all these horrible things that were threatening us. You did it again. There are no words with which I, we, could ever thank you!'

He raised...'You know my name...'


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