Author Topic: Tom Brown Jr. (Quotes)  (Read 308 times)

Offline Michael

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Re: Tom Brown Jr. (Quotes)
« Reply #15 on: September 09, 2007, 08:23:23 PM »
untill we evolve and recognise our dilema we don't get past this bump in the road

tasmania... julie and i have been talking agian - it's cold there. we are a bit tired of the cold. julie asks what about kerala? in the hills, the tea plantation steps. there are few people there. kerala has water.

then we know, if a choice is made, there will be no second chance. travel will cease.

she says, but do we want to die in australia? what a constipated culture. india is such a rich tapestry of life...

where do I want to die? - seems the only choice left, or no choice at all.

humanity? when will they clear that bump? not in my life time. the red moon...

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: Tom Brown Jr. (Quotes)
« Reply #16 on: September 26, 2007, 08:27:34 PM »
The Vision by: Tom Brown Jr.


For me, the spiritual world is truly the stuff of life. Once rooted on a spiritual path, I found that life loosened its shallow fleshiness, that I was able to transcend time and place, and enter a new, fuller dimension of life. The path of spiritual seeker is one of the most difficult paths a mans or woman can walk in life, and I urge it on no one unwilling to devote the time or take the risks involved. It takes a lifetime to understand and a zealous dedication to reach this higher plan of existence. The spiritual is a world to which the seeker comes slowly-first with the faith of a child and with the patience and dedication of a sage. It requires one to let go of all beliefs, all prejudices, and all need for modern scientific methods of verification. One must abandon logical thinking and learn to deal in the abstract, learn to accept that each moment is an eternity and each entity becomes, at once, a physcal and spiritual teacher.
Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: Tom Brown Jr. (Quotes)
« Reply #17 on: September 26, 2007, 08:33:13 PM »
Sound is an experience imprinted upon the subconscious and deciphered by intuition.


Thinking and emotions take pathways too and can become ruts, just as deadly as physical ruts. (Grandfather)


Boredom is only for people who do not know themselves, or the wonders of life. (Grandfather)

I knew the moment boredome arises, it is a teacher. It is our mind and spirit's way of communicating to us that we are not looking deep enough into things around us, nor are we living fully in the span of a moment and understanding eternity.

Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: Tom Brown Jr. (Quotes)
« Reply #18 on: November 02, 2007, 11:03:35 PM »
Grandfather taught us to follow our heart when we wandered in the wilderness, to go without time or destination, to abandon the grand goals and just appreciate everything along the way.


Grandfather said, "People and animals that stay on the same path in life will eventually wear themselves into ruts - a complacency to life born of the false security, comfort, and monotony of that path. Soon the ruts become so deep that they can no longer see over the sides. They see neither danger nor beauty, only the path before them, nor do they abandon that path so often traveled, for fear of losing their security and entering the land of the unknown.


Grandfather said, "You must learn to listen in purity so as not to pollute the teachings with your prejudices. You must forget you have a past, forget all you have ever learned, and who you are, then you will be empty and ready to listen purely. After the teaching is finished, then you can judge, but only after it is completely finished. This could take years. We must always remember: every person, every prophecy, and every religion is a teacher, but we must seek out all people and search for teachings, for some are buried deep. Nothing is bad or good, right or wrong; it all depends on how we judge with our prejudice. Listening in purity and empitness judges not, only learns."


That day, I realized that all fear was of my own making, all events were of my own choosing, and my path was a series of choices. I knew then that I had to choose to live a spiritual life close to nature and nature's ruler, rather than the empty and dead-end-existence of fleshly society. I needed to choose a pure reality filled with excitement, adventure, and intensity - a life of rapture rather than a life of comfort, security, and boredom like everyone else was choosing. I knew exactly what I wanted and how to get there.


The more I live my Vision, the more I realize that the direst problem today is that people live with no Vision at all. Society provides some superficial experiences similar to the Vision that the masses follow to death, but no man can dictate to another the "right" content of a Vision.
Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: Tom Brown Jr. (Quotes)
« Reply #19 on: November 02, 2007, 11:04:31 PM »
Grandfather said, "Every day there are miracles for those who are aware through faith and believe. All men can become bridges, if they give up all else to learn."


Grandfather spoke for the first time since leaving the silence of camp, saying, "You must go beyond what the quests have been in the past and find the path to the 'healing force'. You must be pure in thoughts, spirit, and reason, to approach this path. You will never find it if your ego or greed go with ou. You must accept what that path teaches and resolve yourself to follow that path, even at the sacrifice of all things. If you choose to follow that path, you must dedicate yourself to its challenges, its pain, and its self-sacrifice. Once you decide to go, there can be no turning back, for a man who abandons his Vision is living death."
Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM


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