Author Topic: EVP: What do you make of it?  (Read 179 times)


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EVP: What do you make of it?
« on: October 30, 2006, 01:41:38 AM »
Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) concerns unexpected voices found in recording media.  It is a form of after death communication. ITC is a newer term that includes all of the ways these unexpected voices and images are collected through technology, including EVP.  Of the many hypotheses designed to explain these phenomena, the Survival Hypothesis has been found to be most effective in answering the evidence.

What is the Survival Hypothesis?

The Survival Hypothesis holds that we are nonphysical entities who are able to exist in the physical aspect of reality because of our physical body, but that when our physical body dies, we as Self, change our point of view to nonphysical reality.  In effect, we exist before and after our current lifetime.  The working hypothesis supported by AA-EVP is that these messages are, indeed, nonphysical in origin and that the Survival Hypothesis is essentially correct.

You might be familiar with the phenomenon via the movie, "White Noise". I just spent a few hours listening to recordings as offered on the Coast to Coast program. I don't what they are --- but they are eerie.

And I had a definite sense that there was something about them -- a portal, even -- that we shouldn't be indulging too much.

What do you make of the phenomenon, if you have heard samples?

Offline tommy2

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Re: EVP: What do you make of it?
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2006, 03:23:11 AM »
I have mixed feelings about this, really.  One part of my thinkings says "bullcrap" and the other kinda scratches its' head and wonders.  2


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Re: EVP: What do you make of it?
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2006, 03:25:12 AM »
Know whatcha mean, T.
Last night I listened to a lot of samples.
I believe that they were real samples ... They were real, unscripted voices ... I'm just not so sure that the voices were the dearly departed.


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Re: EVP: What do you make of it?
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2006, 03:29:49 AM »
People put a lot of hope into contact with the dearly departed!
I know this, having been in the spiritualist churches. Members of the congregation, coming to the services only to get a message from their dear deceased spouse, or offspring, or parents::  their sadness was consummate, understandable, and obvious!
So obvious that opportunists have been known to take advantage of them.

My thought is that there be opportunists on the "other side" as well! These might be the ones coming through as EVP.

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Re: EVP: What do you make of it?
« Reply #4 on: November 01, 2006, 02:11:01 PM »
or its just an aspect of the normal sound spectrum. this is one of those areas were experiencial proof means everything.

there are a lot of powerful things that can be done with sound so it could be many things.

I believe this type of thing is often associated with low frequency standing sound waves...or somethin.

still doesn't mean that low frequency standing sound waves couldn't be a portal to something though.
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