Author Topic: Shamanism and the Circle  (Read 123 times)

Offline Zamurito

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Shamanism and the Circle
« on: October 17, 2007, 06:39:15 AM »
Those who walk the shaman path use the circle, the circle itself
represents many things. The circle is humankind's greatest symbol of
perfection and wholeness its shape itself speaks of unity and
completion--ever flowing, life, death, and life again--never ending.
It reminds us that there are no such thing as past or future,
beginning or ending in the spirit realm, that in there all things
are now.

The medicine wheel is a entrance way to the spirit world to other
dimensions and times. It is where medicine power is raised because
the circle is special and powerful. One note is that it is important
all we do in there be positive. Taking in the law of cause and

Spirit of the east is represented by the eagle it brings
illumination and enlightenment.

The spirit of the south is the wolf; it is the power of finding out,

The west is the bear is strength and introspection, self-examination.

The north is the owl, renewal and there clarity of intent.

On the wheel, North is the direction of receiving its polarity is
the South direction is giving. West is the direction of holding and
its polarity is the East direction of deterring.

The wheel as it represents the constitution of the human.

The center is the soul through which the conscious entity expresses
itself life after life through a physical body=west: through
emotions=south: through the mind=north: and through the driving
energy of the spirit=east. All of which characterizes the
personality. So we are back to aspect of balance; the most balanced
way to use our energies is to determine with the spirit, receive
with the mind, give with emotions hold with the body.

Components of the wheel.
You will find similarities here also. Which shows that 25,000 years,
that all of humankind pretty much had been on the same page when it
came to spiritual matters. Which unfortunately is not the case today.

EAST Totem; is the eagle
Element; air
Color; yellow
Kingdom; human
Quality; illumination
Human aspect; spirit
Manifestation; art and writing
Time; momentary
Heavenly body; sun
Season; spring
The farsighted place

Totem; wolf
Element; fire
Color; red
Kingdom; animal
Quality; finding out
Human aspect; emotions
Manifestation; journeying
Time; past
Heavenly body; moon
Season; summer
The close to place

Totem; bear
Element; water
Color; blue
Kingdom; plant
Quality; strength, introspection
Human aspect; physical body
Manifestation; healing
Time; present
Heavenly body; stars
Season; fall
The looks with in place

Totem; owl
Element; earth
Color; green
Kingdom; mineral
Quality; knowledge and wisdom
Human aspect; mind
Manifestation; philosophy
Time; future
Heavenly body; earth
Season; winter
The place of knowledge

Opening a Circle

It is actually very easy and simple to open a circle or create a
medicine wheel. The more simple the ceremony the quicker you get to
the healing. A circle or wheel is not an actual circle or at least
it doesn't have to be. It is a space you create with your mind
though it might also and can be a physical space.

The circle can be open with a staff, Athame, sword or your finger.
OR JUST YOUR MIND. It always good to use a few words when you do

Remember this is one of many opening ceremonies, use whatever makes
you comfortable.

Facing east;
Spirit of the east where light comes from and element of air
enlighten me.
Facing south;
Spirit of the south where the sun is the strongest, and element of
fire, let me seek.
Facing west;
Spirit of the west where the sunsets and element of water give me
Facing north;
Spirit of the north where the sun rest and element of earth give me

And you are done with the opening. You close by facing each
direction starting with the north going counter clockwise and giving
thanks to the various spirit for their help.

Although this may seem very simplistic, it is in accordance with the
cosmic law that all energy follows thought, if your intent is pure,
you do not need to convince the spirits with as long drawn put

FOUR Shamanic Talents

1: Seeing; the world is what you think it is. There are no limits.
2: Focusing; from where energy flows all attention goes and now is
that moment.
3: Empowering; all power comes from within.
4: Dreamweaving; from the effectiveness is measured in truth.

Author unknown
« Last Edit: October 17, 2007, 06:46:50 AM by Freedom »
"Discipline is, indeed, the supreme joy of feeling reverent awe; of watching, with your mouth open, whatever is behind those secret doors."

Offline Zamurito

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Shamanism and Totems
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2007, 06:45:49 AM »

"Ask the animals,
and they will teach you,
or the birds of the air,
and they will tell you,
or speak to the earth,
and it will teach you,
or the fish of the sea,
and they will inform you."

Job 12:7-8

One of the most effective methods of drawing upon the power of
ancient wisdom is to regain awareness that your are one again.
Falling into the pattern of nature and that you are living in
harmony with all creatures.

Among shamans, the totems represent the physical form of one's
spirit helper, guardian, and/or guide.

Identifying Your Totem:

1.Which animal/plant/mineral has always fascinated you?
2.what animal do you see the most often in nature?
3.which animal frightened you the most, often it is your fear that
you need to come to terms with.
4.what animal do you dream of frequently.

The following question will help you form a mental picture and link
with your totem:

a. what is it's color?
b. size
c. shape
d. what are its behaviors
e. where is it from, which direction does it favor: north, south,
east, or west
f. when is it most often seen, during the day or night
g. what sounds does it make?
h. what are its survival techniques?

Nature offers animal, plant, and minerals as capable guides for all
things contain spirit. Granted, it may not seem cool to you to have
plant or a rock as a spirit guide, but they are just as powerful and
knowledgeable as an animal.

The web of power applies to all elements of nature. By understanding
how this power works you may tap into resources that you may not
have imagined possible.

From a shamanic perspective communicating with these spirits has one
basic requirement: respect. This is the key to all effective

The spirit in rocks vibrates at a particular frequency. This is
especially true for gemstones. As healers it is important that you
understand the significance of the power of rock, and all elements,
in aides to healing.

Remember, when working with rocks that they are long lived and are
used to experiencing life at a slower pace. Be patient.


1.Sit down with a rock, mineral, or gemstone. Study it carefully,
then close your eyes and ask it these questions:
What are your specific properties?
Is there something you want to tell me?
May I have your permission to work with you?
Ask it for help.
Thank its spirit.

Plants, like rocks, have frequencies, which can help you. In every
culture shamans have gotten to know plant spirits and their
properties in order to work with the spirit to heal. To become
acquainted with a plant's spirit you need to exercise a great deal
of patience. They, like the rock, experience life at a slower pace
than we do.

choose a plant.
Study its appearance.
Close your eyes and allow yourself to sense the plant.
Ask it for a message, then listen with all your senses, not just
your ears.
Thank the plant.

Power animals can assist you in all kinds of ways. They are not
static beings and they like to learn and be challenged. Just like
you like to help someone in need, so do they. But remember that
they, like you, also like to be treated with kindness and respect.
If you don't, can't, or won't, they will simply refuse to work with

relax and close your eyes.
Visualize a landscape within your imagination and go there.
Ask for an animal to enter the landscape.
Ask the animal about it's qualities, powers, lessons, and abilities.
Thank it and watch it fade from your mental screen.
Allow another animal to enter the scene.
Repeat the questions.
Notice if one particular animal comes more frequently than any other.

Shape shifting:
In shamanism Shape shifting is an important skill. Not only will the
shaman shift to meld with his personal totem, but also that of other
creatures. This allows the shaman to gain a wide variety of
experiences and perspectives — a gift that is important in problem
solving. For example, how would a bear, mouse, or fox, solve the
problem of a locked door? None of them would have the same answer,
but each of them would present a solution, thus giving you three
possible answers. You would choose which answer to apply.

There are three types of Shape shifting:
1. Changing your body in the spirit/astral realms.
2. changing your physical body in the material level.
3. Inwardly melding with an object/creature.

We're going to discuss the third one in more depth.
In order to learn to do this you need to learn the object's habits.
What does it eat?
How does it live?
How does it feed?
How does it hunt?
What are the noises it makes?
Learn everything you can about the object/creature.

After completing your study:
find a quiet place.
Close your eyes.
Visualize the animal.
Imagine the animal entering you.
Visualize your hand and body parts changing into those of the
Be the animal for several moments.
Think like it.
Feel like it.
Move like it.
When you are done, thank the animal and slowly change yourself back
to your normal body.
Give thanks.


A familiar is not the same as a totem or power animal. Many modern
witches have animal familiar — usually cats, which are their
magickal helpers. They believe that the familiar ha psychic
abilities which makes them ideal partners in magick. Reportedly,
familiar are sensitive to psychic vibrations and are able to enter
full magick circles without disturbing the vibrations. They often
act as guardians, since they sense negative energies and thus can
warn the witch.

Further sites of interest:


"Discipline is, indeed, the supreme joy of feeling reverent awe; of watching, with your mouth open, whatever is behind those secret doors."


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