Author Topic: Tale of the Two Stories  (Read 126 times)

Offline Zamurito

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Tale of the Two Stories
« on: November 02, 2007, 11:32:15 AM »
As I was outside taking a break from work, a couple stopped by the complex our office is in.  One was in a wheelchair.  The other opened the door and entered, not attempting to hold the door for the gentleman in the chair.  I flipped around and opened the door automatically for him.  He smiled, and thanked me.  When our eyes met during this 'thank you' process I could *see* he was quite able, and needed no assistance...he was just being polite with his comments.  I said 'your welcome' and went back to my office.

This reminded me of a quick story I read just last night...quick quote from:

The Ultimate Success SECRET
Dan S. Kennedy

For every handicap, obstacle and tragedy, there are Two stories.

Go ahead, name a handicap.  Born and raised in a ghetto, as a latch-key kid, then surrounded by gangs, crime, drugs.  A physical handicap.  A crippling accident.  A terrible disease.  Illiteracy.  Lack of education.  A speech impediment.  Severe phobia.  Name the handicap.  There are two stories to be found for every one you can think of.  Story #1, unfortunately the most common, will be of people who've let that handicap imprison them.  Story #2 will be of the person who has accomplished the most extraordinary things in spite of, in some cases because of, that very same handicap.

Each individual, by his or her actions, chooses which story will be theirs.

"Discipline is, indeed, the supreme joy of feeling reverent awe; of watching, with your mouth open, whatever is behind those secret doors."


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