Author Topic: Aging  (Read 367 times)

Offline tommy2

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Re: Aging
« Reply #15 on: October 27, 2007, 02:22:08 PM »
They say no one dies of old age.  It just doesn't happen that way.

Rather, something just goes to shit with their bodies

and they go on.


We're all gonna go it. 


....... now that I think more about it, "ha", again.

and again and again .....................................



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Re: Aging
« Reply #16 on: October 27, 2007, 04:12:07 PM »
These Are The Days Of Our Lives

Sometimes I get to feeling I was back in the old days, long ago
When we were kids when we were young
Things seemed so perfect, you know
The days were endless we were crazy we were young
The sun was always shining, we just lived for fun
Sometimes it seems like lately, I just don't know
The rest of my life's been just a show

Those were the days of our lives, the bad things in life were so few
Those days are all gone now but one thing is true
When I look and I find, I still love you
You can't turn back the clock you can't turn back the tide... Ain't that a shame
I'd like to go back one time on a roller coaster ride, when life was just a game
No use in sitting and thinking on what you did
When you can lay back and enjoy it through your kids
Sometimes it seems like lately, I just don't know
Better sit back and go with the flow

Because these are the days of our lives
They've flown in the swiftness of time
These days are all gone now but some things remain
When I look and I find no change

Those were the days of our lives, yeah
The bad things in life were so few
Those days are all gone now but one thing's still true
When I look and I find... I still love you

I still love you

...but even this does not stand time goes by, one sees clearer and clearer
...passions fade
...people who used to be the objects of burning desires and love turn from magical and wondrous beings into old, tired beings stuck in their daily lives...and in their rigid and fixed world views
...days go by
...what used to be, crumbles and crumbles...there is less and less left of that former magic
...what used to light the eyes...crumbles into dust
...if one's lucky, he might find something, just a little meaningful something in the blinding and suffocating dust of crumbling castles...and act on it
« Last Edit: October 27, 2007, 04:23:25 PM by erik »


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Re: Aging
« Reply #17 on: October 28, 2007, 05:25:03 AM »


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Re: Aging
« Reply #18 on: October 28, 2007, 05:52:17 AM »

Offline Angela

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Re: Aging
« Reply #19 on: October 28, 2007, 05:55:17 AM »
I go to the YMCA in my neighborhood to work out 2-3 times per week.  There's a hallway just outside the weight room, where I lay on a floor mat and do my ab exercises, in between weight sets.  In the ceiling above me is a skylight in the shape of a's a very soothing spot.

Adjacent to the hallway, there is a room, the walls are mostly glass, where aerobic classes are held, and on Mon, Wed., and Fri.'s, I watch as a majority of 60-90 year olds participate in their aerobics class.  The instructor is the 90 year old and she is a "whip"...amazing how she keeps going...definitely the "energizer bunny".  I watch as what seems to be a small, frail frame of a woman, jump up and down for about an hour...amazing what we can do!

So vibrant and happy!  They make me smile, and wish I was old. :)
"If you stop seeing the world in terms of what you like and dislike, and saw things for what they truly are, in themselves, you would have a great deal more peace in your life..."


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