Gathering Power
There are many roads to walk, many ways, many philosophies, many religions. But the path of the warrioress, the path of the magician or medicine person, is an energy path of the heart. Women move energy out from their center. The first part of their lives in so often spent taking care of family or other people. But a woman, no matter where she is in the world, knows that she does not surrender to this out-pouring of energy. She may appear defeated in this male-oriented world, but she is only gathering more power in her humble stance. There is no more fierce warrior than a woman who has learned to change the wind. For if she can change the wind, she has learned to change the direction of her own thoughts, or to still them altogether. This is a quiet, contemplative thing. The circumstances in her life lead her toward her own inward power. The alchemy of moving energy from outer to inner is the alchemy of enlightenment.
Agnes Whistling Elk
Star Woman