Author Topic: Merilyn Tunnshende  (Read 94 times)

Offline Jennifer-

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Merilyn Tunnshende
« on: July 31, 2006, 10:23:10 PM »
Q:Throughout the various books on Toltec sorcery, including your book, there is often reference to predatory energy in the world. Is it possible to defend yourself from predatory energy?

A(MT) The ultimate defence is the simple avoidance of conflict. It comes charging at you and you gracefully side-step. It's energetic martial arts. Evasive maneuvers would be used in a predatory environment in order to allow the predatory energy to expend itself. If you are in a proper relationship to energy, the best move is not to fight, because when you do you empower what you are fighting, to a degree. The highest level of practice is not to hide or deny, but to lose the need to fight. At that point you begin to move out of realms that are exclusively predatory - although there may still be some predations.
Then you begin to learn a whole new energetic language that goes on in realms that are not exclusively predatory: how energy is transferred and conveyed and expressed and magnified in these realms. It's a new currency entirely, a new voltage. These different realms are visitable, but only as long as you meet sufficient energetic requirements. If you only meet the energetic requirements for predatory realms, that's where you're going to reside. You have to accumulate enough energy and wisdom to no longer need to fight. This does not mean weakness, hiding, denial. It means a genuine calm, empty, silent power that sees whatever's coming before it arrives, and can respond in a way that's not only non-combative but energy-producing and energy-enhancing and victorious without combat.

Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: Merilyn Tunnshende
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2006, 10:28:41 PM »
Q:Central to nagualism is bringing the soul back, energy retrieval. Is this important as we move into a time of great possibilities?

A:It is important to disentangle the energies from where they are currently connected, if it is non-wellbeing producing, non-energy producing or if it is tethering. That means emptying out the storehouse where that energy is lodged in attachments to experiences, repeating patterns, reinforcing of outmoded dogmas, belief systems, parental influences, sexual patterns, or sexual energy utilsations. It's the systematic emptying of those areas of concentrated energy cloggage. The next step is to pull back the energy towards the being, away from just a series of empty warehouses waiting to be filled; not neccessarily looking for replacement experiences, but for contentment in the potential: the power of emptiness and non-attachment. Not only is the therapeutic cleansing of experiences highly beneficial, but so too is pulling back the energy from the tendency to regenerate more experiences in a better scenario. You need to come back towards simply being - the energy of breathing, non-attached to anything that tethers you elsewhere, bringing the totality of your being into the present moment. This is highly advantageous, highly regarded and highly beneficial.

Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: Merilyn Tunnshende
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2006, 10:02:05 AM »
Merilyn Tunneshende interveiw with Kindred Spirit


Can you define feminine wisdom?
Feminine wisdom was the original nurturing wisdom of this place. It was more to do with agreement and partnership than dominance and competitiveness. It was co-operative and focused on nurturing and healing, but also on balance. The feminine energies were seen as a source of creation and therefore anything related to the feminine was kept pure, because from that emerged everything else. Once the view of creation was changed so that it was seen as something in the domain of the competitive male, then everything else was altered as a result: how do you tell the good male from the bad? They had to fight it out. Much of the valuable peripheral energy was laid waste in the process. We have a tremendous amount of energy laid waste at this point; the ascending males have created their superstructures on unstable foundations. Look around the planet, from environmental destruction to relationships - it's everywhere, even in diminutive things.
Perhaps because of the nature of this and what is has done to reproduction, the quality of the males is diminishing. That is only correctable by the females at this point. The males cannot correct their own deficiency; if they're interdependant on one another, where are they going to get the missing energy from? To produce an adequate male or adequate female has to be the co-operative work of two, of male and female. The male has to give the female her energetic due - she has to be in a position of revered equality and power, as the male also occupies his. In that sense the more powerful the female, the more highly regarded the male. No powerful female is going to encourage anything less than an exquisite male for providing continuance of the species; it's just not natural to do anything else. The whole reproductive aspect of humanity at this particular time is disintegratory. We have too many people, and too many problems associated with the people that we've created. The only possible rectification of that at this point is at the source, with relation to the human gene pool that would be the female and her reproductive energies.

Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM


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