Author Topic: The White Roots of Peace  (Read 85 times)

tangerine dream

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The White Roots of Peace
« on: May 01, 2009, 08:42:36 AM »
The mission of The White Roots of Peace Council through Prophecykeepers Foundation is to fulfill the wishes of Hopi, Cherokee and Iroquois "White Roots of Peace" gatherings elders of the 1950s and 1960s in sending their prophetic messages around the world -- to establish peace through the worldwide realization of our ancient common global "relatedness."

This transmission of prophecies was prophesied--in the Hopi Prophecies--to occur once the "House of Mica" (United Nations) was built, and later visited by the Prophecykeepers... and their further instructions differed depending on whether they were allowed to speak, or not allowed.

They were effectively barred from speaking at the United Nations, because they were only allowed to speak when no one of importance was listening.

Since they were barred from speaking at the House of Mica, their "Original Set of Instructions" stated that they were to use any means necessary to get the messages out.

The original prophecykeeper elders are mostly all dead now... themselves stating that Purification day would closely follow their deaths... but a few adopted sons and daughters still remain to carry on, themselves up in age.

These prophecy messages are of utmost importance to the future of the planet, when very few survivors of the final holocausts will eventually meet each other, and the differences between them need to be minimized, so that life may go on in a peaceful, manner.

tangerine dream

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Re: The White Roots of Peace
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2009, 08:50:27 AM »
The Great Peacemaker

The Great Peacemaker, is sometimes referred to as Deganawida or "Dekanawida." No one we know has drawn the direct correlation between Deganawida and and Ancient race off "Giants." According to Paul Wallace's seminal work titled The White Roots of Peace, Deganawida translated means "Double Row of Teeth." In the entire history of the world, only ONE race is known to have had a Double Row of Teeth - The Fallen Angels, or Grigori aka "The Nephilim."

Now I know what you are thinking... uhhhh, aren't they supposed to all have been evil and responsible for The Great Flood?

The Gibborim of King David

The "Mighty Men or Renown" were indeed related to Deganwida... The core of the Davidic Army was comprised of two corps of professional regular soldiers. The first of these were The Mighty Men of the Bible, or gibborim, two regiments built upon a group of special soldiers loyal to David's person called "The Thirty." The Great Armies of Antiquity by Richard R Gabriel

Native people, who think in a balanced manner, see there is a duality in all things, and we deduce that not all Nephilim were bad... some were good and actually fought for good... FOUGHT for the bloodline that would eventually produce The  Promised Messiah as its offspring.

The Great Peacemaker

Deganawida (although as a mark of respect some Iroquois avoid referring to him by this name except in special circumstances) was, along with Hiawatha, the traditional founder of the Haudenosaunee (commonly called the Iroquois) Confederacy, a political and cultural union of several Native American tribes residing in the present day state of New York. The effects of the union were far-reaching and included related Iroquoian peoples in Ontario, Quebec, Pennsylvania, Ohio and other places.

The Haudenosaunee name for The Great Peacemaker (Mohawk, Skennenrahawi) means “Two River Currents Flowing Together.”

The legends about The Great Peacemaker are conflicting. It is reported that he was born a Huron and by some accounts it was a virgin birth. Others say he was born an Onondaga and later adopted by the Mohawks. By all accounts he was a prophet who counseled peace among the warring tribes, and he also called for an end to cannibalism. His follower Hiawatha, a Mohawk renowned for his oratory, helped him achieve his vision.

The Prophecy

The vision from the Great Maker that peace would come to all nations led him to spend his life working to bring this to fruition. In his prophecy, he referred to a white serpent who would come to their lands and make friends with his people, only to later deceive them. According to the prophecy, at the end times, a red serpent would make war on the white one and after a season, a black serpent would come and defeat them both. He said that his nation would accept those of other origins into their safekeeping. Because of their worship of and obedience to the Great Maker, the Iroquois would be protected from the disasters to come.

Founding of 5 Nations, and later 6!

The Great Peacemaker established a council of clan and village chiefs to govern the confederacy. Each of the tribes had a balance of power between the sexes and most decisions were made by consensus to which each representative had an equal voice. Led by The Great Peacemaker and Hiawatha, the Iroquois became the dominant Native American group in the northeast woodlands. The oral laws and customs of the Great Law of Peace eventually became the constitution of the Iroquois Confederacy.

The First Council

Now, at the first Council, the Peacemaker informed the chiefs that the Tree of Peace had sent forth roots in all directions, the Great White Roots of Peace. 'These roots,' he said, 'will continue to grow, advancing the good Mind and Righteousness and Peace, moving into territories of peoples scattered far through the forest... ' — from The White Roots of Peace, by Paul Wallace.

"Be strong of mind, O chiefs: Carry no anger and hold no grudges. Think not forever of yourselves, O chiefs, nor of your own generation. Think of continuing generations of our families, think of our grandchildren and of those yet unborn, whose faces are coming from beneath the ground". (Deganawidah)

Impact on Modern Culture

The Peacemaker proclaimed, "If any man or nation shows a desire to obey the Law of the Great Peace, they may trace the roots to their source, and be welcomed to take shelter beneath the Tree."

Upon hearing the Peacemaker legend, Dr. Robert Muller, former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations, remarked, "This profound action stands as perhaps the oldest effort for disarmament in world history."

The Plan

From the book Iroquois On Fire by Douglas M. George-Kanentiio

"The plan was to create a mobile teaching group called The White Roots of Peace, which would bypass the media altogether and travel directly to Indian Reservations, Urban Centers, prisons and educational facilities. The members of the travel troupe would be schooled in Native activism and would teach others how to organize on the community level. They would advocate for the revival of traditional ways and encourage the direct application of Indian sovereignty as interpreted according to indigenous law and not those of Canada and the Unites States."

"The White Roots of Peace would carry not only such publications as Akwesasne Notes, the most radically nationalistic of all Native journals, but books, posters and artwork from throughout the Americas. It would provide entertainment in the way Native folk singers and traditional dancers. For one reasonable price a college could book the entire troupe and have native speakers address classes free of secondary interpreters, buy books from Native authors, or take part in a Mohawk-style social dance."

"The White Roots formula succeeded in lighting the fires of Native nationalism wherever it went. Its actual membership was fluid and might include a Mayan from Guatemala, an Anishnabe from northern Ontario, an Inuit from the Northwest Territories, or Lakotas from the Great Plains. But it's overall character was Mohawk and for ten years it crisscrossed the UNited States and Canada, pressing Indians to stand in defiance of the mechanisms of oppression."

The Council Today

The Council today is headquartered in the tops of the Rocky Mountains, amongst the largest concentration of Tall People's tombs ever found... over 200 of these tombs have been found on a line stretching from St George, Utah to Vernal, Utah. Indigenous legends of great antiquity state that in The Last Days, the living descendants of The Tall People with come out of the ground, and defend us from destruction. Could these people possibly be The Ant People... the race who took the ancient ancestors of the Hopi underground and protected them from a Great Flood and the reason why Hopi worship in Kivas to this day?


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