it is not possible to suppress negative feelings
without also suppressing those that are positive. When we armour our hearts against pain, we also defend them from enjoyment. Killing anger or sorrow also turns us into emotional zombies."
"We attempt to avoid pain by avoiding life. To shut down the bodily sensations of emotions, we must also shut down our other senses. In depression, colours wash out – everything turns grey. Music becomes mere sound. Everything tastes like cardboard."

"Perversely, we may cherish some forms of pain because they confirm our identity and provide meaning.
‘I hurt, therefore I am.’ "
[I have a fresh example of this in the form "
I suffer, therefore I have worthiness ( but actually it is self-importance) (as we see in the next sentence)]
" We may seek our pain to be validated and wear it proudly as a mark of worth."
"Depression seems endless as we approach paralysis. To address depression you must be willing to allow change; to let go of your identity as a depressed person; and to let in a little of the pain you are holding at bay. It is helpful to recognise that depression is not intrinsically a condition of too little energy but of too much. [That was an interesting remark] The energy of suppressed emotions is never actually destroyed – merely distanced. "
[People come here and say one thing but their whole existence says something else. They want us to not see them as they are, they want their own image to be reinforced, but how can you hide your rucksack (of suppressed energy) and try to make us to believe it is not there?]
"The only way out of depression is to reawaken the ability to feel. The best method is to open to the senses. Be receptive to sights, sounds, textures, fragrances, and tastes. Allow yourself to uncoil gradually in sensory enjoyment. This involves overcoming inertia and the depressive damping of sensation. Physical exercise is especially useful. It breaks the slow, weak loops of depressive thought and opens you outward – thereby replenishing energy."
I know some examples of people, me included, that was depressed and one day simply put on the jogging shoes, stated the intent "Let's walk out of this" and started to walk. Early mornings, late evenings, mile after mile and then listening and breathing. Silent walks across the bridge to sound feelings.