I will bringing a certain number of you guys with me on my son Bryan and I's 4th annual Buffalo ceremony in S.Dakota and Minnesota. Leaving early Fri. a.m. for my favorite and giant plant nursery in Sioux Falls, where he and I always begin our celebration weekend. A fantastic source of bonsai material for me, by the way.

From there, who knows? We cast our hearts and free spirits into the wind, set out to serenade a buffalo or three, visit the old yet mysterious family grave site and homestead and, of course, just be two brothers, son and Dad, for a while. Carrying along my smudge horn, a small power cache, my deer tail witness and Bryans' gal Tracy! She's a sassy and cute little redhead who always brings an extra flair of enchantment to our adventure. The WJ's out of town on business this week, so will send her angelwings spirit along with us for safety.
We'll be listening for yawl in the latesummer wind and wingflaps of a distant bird, or maybe just the soft ring of a nearby yet invisible bell, reminding us of your presence.