Author Topic: Looking for Love  (Read 102 times)


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Looking for Love
« on: April 21, 2008, 05:06:19 PM »
Don Juan constantly teased me about my "looking for love."  He never forgot a naïve answer I once gave him when he had asked me what I actively looked for in life.  He had been steering me toward admitting that I did not have a clear goal, and he roared with laughter when I said that I was looking for love.

"A good hunter mesmerizes his prey with his eyes," he went on.  "With his gaze he moves the assemblage point of his prey, and yet his eyes are on the world, looking for food."

I asked him if sorcerers could mesmerize people with their gaze.  He chuckled and said that what I really wanted to know was if I could mesmerize women with my gaze, in spite of the fact that my eyes were focused on the world, looking for love.  He added, seriously, that the sorcerers' safety valve was that by the time their eyes were really focused on intent, they were no longer interested in mesmerizing anyone.

Moving the Assemblage Point
Carlos Castaneda

The Other Syntax
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