The hypnosis-methods of this gentleman are so subtle that they are easily indistingushable to the conscious mind. I have seen it written that neuro-linguistic programming drew heavily upon his work, but I couldn't say for sure.
For those who are simply interested in overcoming programming, familiarity with his methods is a handy thing to have. A certain kind of listening is required in order to induce hypnosis, brain-washing, and other mind-control techniques. Erickson tapped into that kind of listening.
To his credit, I have read often over the years that Milton Erickson was a kindly healer, who never intended to abuse or misuse the kind of inroad one can obtain into the mind of another. So misuse of his work is simply not his "fault", so to speak.
This book looks like a posthumous amalgamation ... I will keep searching for other sources online.