Author Topic: FOOD  (Read 220 times)

Offline Michael

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« on: June 03, 2018, 09:18:46 PM »
I am the first-born of the divine essence.
Before the gods sprang into existence, I was.
I am the navel of immortality.
Whoever bestows me on others – thereby keeps me to himself.
I am FOOD. I feed on food and on its feeder.

FOOD is the exhaling breath; FOOD is the inhaling breath of life;
FOOD, they call death; the same FOOD, they call life.
FOOD, the Brahmans call growing old;
FOOD, they also call the begetting of offspring.

The foolish man obtains useless food.
I declare the truth: it will be his death,
Because he does not feed either friend or companion.
By keeping his food to himself alone, he becomes guilty when eating it.

I – the FOOD – am the cloud, thundering and raining.
They feed on ME. I feed on everything.
I am the real essence of the universe, immortal.
By my force all the suns in heaven are aglow.

[Black Yajurveda]
« Last Edit: June 04, 2018, 12:11:35 AM by Michael »
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