Author Topic: The Wolf Clan  (Read 76 times)

tangerine dream

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The Wolf Clan
« on: May 08, 2009, 08:04:53 PM »
Per Dreaming and also many messages I have received in Waking lately,  some info on the Wolf Clan as Written and researched by Margaret Odrowaz-Sypniewska, B.F.A.


The howl of the wolf came before he appeared
And with the four winds he defused all the fears
Singing his old favorite songs
Said this is where you belong
Into the great light of the sun.

Except from David Black's The Natural Place
Wolf is the sage or Great Teacher. Wolf Clan is the most populous and strongest clan in Ahkwesahne. Native Americans have always felt a kinship with the wolf. Many of their legends tell of men shape-shifting from a man to a wolf and back again. The Wolf Clan has a strong sense of family mores and values. Wolves in the wild are cautious and watchful, their ears are always tuned to their environment, for wolf has learned through the centuries that he is often victim to man. Wolf Clan members keep an eye and ear to the happenings within the tribal unit.

Wolves are the lions of the Northern Hemisphere. They live in groups (packs), they are both meat-eating, and they are handsome creatures. People often portray Lions as "lordly" or "magnificent" while wolves are labelled "sneaky" or "cowardly. Literature has Little Red Riding Hood, where the wolf is a seducer and villian. The Three Little Pigs had a wolf who blows their houses down, so as to eat them. Then there is the werewolf, which typically is the darkest side of man's psyche. Romulus and Reamus, the founders of Rome, were raised by a she-wolf. Babylonians and Greeks tell of supernatural wolves that devour human souls. Then we have phrases like "cry wolf," and "keeping the wolves away from the door." In short wolves are generally thought of as menacing creatures ("Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf? by John Carey National Wildlife magazine. Aug-Sept 1987, 4-10).

However, the fact is that "man's best friend," the dog, is really a member of the wolf family. Every single dog in the world is descended from wolves that were tamed in the Middle East about 12,000 years ago. And many of the traits that we today admire in our pet dogs have been inherited from the Wolf (Wexo, John Bonett, "Wolves" (ZooBooks). San Diego: Wildlife Education, Ltd. 1998. Wolves are carnivores with a huge appetite. A wolf pack will kill and eat approximately one Deer every two days. Other animals they crave are beaver, rabbits, squirrels, mice (when times are difficult), and many larger animals (deer, elk, mountain goats). When a pack hunts together they work as a team. A single wolf is not large enough to hunt large animals. Packs travel in their prospective hunting territories looking for prey. In fact, they may travel as far as 40-60 miles a day looking for food.

Wolves are very intelligent, and they show this in the way they choose their prey. They try to avoid prey that are too dangerous. When hunting large prey, they look for old or sick animals, which are easier to catch.

The gray wolf (cabis lupus) was hunted, trapped and poisoned to the brink of extinction. Between 1884 and 1918, 80,730 wolves were turned into cash bounties in the state of Montana alone. Now there are fewer than 1,300 wolves in the entire lower 48 states. The majority still live in northern Minnesota, and there are 5,000 wolves in Alaska. Michigan has a wolf pack on Isle Royale. See more below......

Loyalty is a trait one often admires in their family dog. Wolves are loyal to their families and mate for life. Wolves, like domestic dogs, are intelligent and love to play. In fact, in many ways wolves are very much like humans. They, like people, can adapt to many different climates and habitats, and they survive on a variety of food. Why then do people hate Wolves? Probably because they are uninformed. If you love dogs and lions, then why not wolves? People need to learn from the past.

"Wolf taught humans to live in harmony with each other, since the wolf lives in packs and is a social animal. Wolf has firm traditions and boundaries. Wolf Clan people are usually aggressive and respond instantly to things in their life. They are honest and straight forward. However, many times they are not diplomatic, since they say what is on their mind. They love a good argument. Wolf Clan people need to fully examine a situation before they dedicate themselves. Wolf Clan members may bicker, but when threatened they unite together (Porter). Wolves, in nature, mate for life. They can teach man about love and family. Wolf is the true spirit of the free and unspoiled wilderness.

Wolves are ritualistic and live by rules. They have a hierachical structure. There is an alpha male and an alpha female leader of the pack. They lead the others. Wolves make use of all that is available to them. Wolves are intelligent and will generally go out of their way to avoid trouble or danger. However, many ranchers kill wolves and fear them. The gray wolf was endangered, but is now making a comeback. Please take the time to read information about the Wolf.



Wolf, you were free, you were hunting in the sun.
Long before man arrived, we were brothers side by side.
In the days of the arrow, in the days of the bow.
In the days of the spirit, not too long ago...
Wolf, you were seen, by the fathers of our dream
And the hunt you engaged was the blueprint for our age.
Then we learned and we burned with desire to know more
In the dawn that was a man's, they hunted o'er the plains.
Still the wolf pack set the pace, when the fire was just a flame...

As plow turn the plains, we ranch on the range.
The bisons are gone now, the wolf pack remain.
In search of the killers of our sheep and out cattle herds,
The stockmen were helpless, they request our aid.
Defending the rangelands, are we in our roles,
To kill thousands of bountiful wolves is our goal.

Wolf, where are you in the lower forty eight?
Once you ran through the woods of the eastern seabound states!
Now you're gone from the woods, from the mountains, from the plains;
They are filled with the still of the vanishing frontier,
They are broken by the blade, tilling all we once held dear...

So load on your planes, get a permit for game
We'll sweep o'er the tundra, and muskeg terrain.
In search of the killers of our moose and our caribou
And all that are helpless, the weak and the lame.
Protecting the wild, are we in our roles,
blasting those bountiful wolves down below.

Wolf, you were free, you were hunting in the sun.
Long before man arrived, you were nature, you were young,
Then we came, and survived, we were brothers side by side
In the days of the arrow, in the days of the bow.
In the days of the spirit, not too long a time ago...
In the days of the arrow, in the days of the bow.
In the days of the spirit, not too long a time ago...

When the memory of brotherhood between humans and wolves is revived and nurtured the healing process can begin.
Onye ... I have spoken.

John Gladstone (Blackfoot)


tangerine dream

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Re: The Wolf Clan
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2009, 08:09:13 PM »
Wolf Clan Origin Myth
retold by Richard L. Dieterle


The Wolf Clan (Šųkčąk Hik'ik'árajera) belongs the Lower, or "Earth," Moiety, and is the friendship clan of the Bear Clan. When a Bear clansman is born, the Wolf people give them a name from their own clan. They alone can marry within their own clan. They are termed, after the Bear Clan, "minor soldiers," and when tribal expeditions cross a body of water, the Wolf Clan may be called upon to still the winds. [1] Radin could not discover what their clan function was otherwise; however, among other tribes scouts were called "wolves," which suggests that they may have had that function in some contexts. David Lee Smith (Thunderbird Clan) says, however, that "the Wolf Clan performed social welfare roles, administering public health and safety." [2]

Water is the sacred possession of this clan (as it is of the Waterspirit Clan), and it is considered impolite for visitors in a Wolf Clan lodge to look into any container of water. Nor is anyone allowed to sit on a log in a Wolf Clan lodge. Even if a man accidentally killed a Wolf clansman, were he to enter a clan lodge and sit upon a log, he would be pardoned. It is also an offense against manners to point out that a member of the clan looks like a wolf. [3]

The following are names given to people of the Wolf Clan:

 Šųgewaksiga, Šųkewakséka     Hunting Dog (F, D)
 Šųkskaga       White Dog (L)
 Šųkjąksépga       Black Wolf (F, L)
 Šųkčąk'a       Wolf
 Šųkčąkéwįga       She Wolf (F)
 Šųkčąkséphiwįga       Black She Wolf (F)
 Šųkčąksgawįga     White She Wolf (F)
 Hé-ašáramįnáka      Sitting on a Bare Hill (F)
 Hé-ǫračéka       Visiting a Hill (F)
 Híščasgága         White Faced Woman (F, D)
 Hišja[su]jopga          Four Eyes (D, L)
 Hípamíka       Sharp Teeth (F)
 Hįp'íwįga        Having Good Hair (F, D)
 Hįčoga      Blue Fur (F, D)
 Hominąka      She who Sits Howling
 Kikárasįčga    Shaking to Clear Itself (as a dog coming out of water) (F)
 Maníjop(e)ga      Four Walking (F, D)
 Manąkoga    Throws up the Earth (F, D)
 Mą-ók'ašúčaminąk'a   He who Sits on the Red Banks (F)
 Niéjahúga       Coming from the Water (F, D)
 Niéjawanik'íriga      He who Brings Them Back from the Water (F, D)
 Nihuga     Water Comes (L)
 [Niwonąžįga]      Wears a Water Shirt (Rb)
 P'ečoga     Blue Forehead
 P'e-osgaga (P'osgága)     White Forehead (F, D)
 P'ųzakega     Big Sand
 Regoniwįga     Wolf (archaic)
 Sinčega, Sįčeéga     Bushy Tail (F, D)
 Čarawiga, -wéga      He who Holds a Deer in His Mouth (F, D)
 Časírawíga, -wéga     He who Carries Deer Feet in His Mouth (F, D, L)
 Če-ókitóniwįga      Pitched into Lodge (refers to the recoil of a barking dog into a lodge door) (F)
 Čonąkehųga       Chief Blue Back (F, D)
 Čonąkečówįga, -čąwįga        Formost Blue Back (F, D)
 Čoniminąk'a      Sits as a Leader
 Wašerakéka        Fox (F) [clan uncertain]
 Wámaníka         Walking on Snow (F)
 Wanuniníga     He from whom Nothing is Hidden (F, D)
 Wanasexčewįga        She who Waylays and Kills (F)
 Warawai-inega        He who Carries Something in His Mouth (F, D)
 Warawaiguga         Comes Back with Something in His Mouth (F, D)
 Warúxewįga         She who Chases Them Off (F, D)
 Wirap'éga      He who Lies in Wait for Them (F, D)
 Xe-ašaraminąk'a     He who Sits on a Bare Hill
 Xe-omika    He who Dwells in a Hill
 Xe-oračega      He who Travels to the Hill

Some Wolf Clan names were given to members of the Bear Clan as an expression of the close friendshiip of these two clans. [4]

It is said that in music the Wolf Clan alone had certain sticks which they played in time with the drums. These are the clan songs:

This body of mine that I am walking,
This body of mine that I am walking;
This body of mine that I am walking,
On the earth I am speaking.

This body of mine that I am walking,
This body of mine that I am walking;
This body of mine that I am walking,
In the waters I am speaking.

The Wolf Feast is held in the spring and the main course is boiled rice. There the origin myth is told and other clans are allowed to hear it. [5]


Here are the surviving versions of the Wolf Clan origins that have come down to us:

Version 1. When Ma'una created this world he made four wolves: Blue Wolf, Black Wolf, White Wolf, and Gray Wolf. The names of Blue Wolf and Black Wolf refer to the day and night skies respectively. They were the ancestors of the present Wolf Clan. Originally, all four of these wolves lived on the surface of the earth, but later all except Gray Wolf went to live below ground, and now can only be seen on rare occasions. The offspring of the four wolves lived as animals, ignorant of both clothing and fire, but gradually they evolved into human beings. It is traditional in the Wolf Clan to name the first four sons after the first four wolves created by Earthmaker. [6]


Version 2. There were four wolves who had a lodge in the middle of the ocean. Each had fur of a different color, so they were called White Wolf, Blue Hair (Hįčoga), Gray Wolf, and Black Wolf. Each was married, and one of them had ten children, and the youngest of these and his wife crossed over to the land. When they arrived, they saw a footprint of a bear, and they said, "Our friend has passed by." It is because they met there that the Wolf and Bear Clans love one another. They observed how the humans lived, and when they returned to their home in the middle of the ocean, they asked if they might not go and live with the humans. This they were granted, and they started out a second time, swimming to the shore, and as they left they generated two waves in front of them. As they swam to the shore, they came singing. Because of the nature of these wolves, whenever the tribe comes to a stream and the wind is blowing hard, they call upon a Wolf clansmen to still the wind. Water is sacred to the Wolf clansmen. [7]


Version 3. The first wolf brother arose from the very bottom of the sea, and as they came to the surface, they swam to the shore singing. There they found the footprints of bears, and they said, "Our friends have passed by." This is why the Wolf Clan and the Bear Clan are friends. They set out for the meeting place where a black hawk was gathering together the clans of the Hočągara. When they had come together, the black hawk said, "It is complete." But the howl of a wolf was heard in the distance, and someone remarked, "We had forgotten him." So they went out and brought him in. [8]


Version 4, by Joseph LaMère (Bear Clan). In the beginning the Wolf Clan people came from the water. Therefore their bodies are of water — i.e., their sacred possession is water. There were four male wolves and four female wolves, and as they came up from the sea and swam toward the shore, one after the other, they caused waves to go before them. Therefore one of the clan names is "Wave." They first appeared as wolves and later on they became humans. After swimming to the shore they lay on their backs to dry themselves; and that also is a name, a female name, "She who Spreads Herself out to Dry," and another name is "He who Comes Up First." When they became human they built themselves a lodge and lived in it, but they had no fire. Then the Thunders came down and alit on a big oak tree that stood near their lodge. At first the Thunders were afraid of the Wolf people and they would not enter their lodge. That is why we have a name "He who is Afraid." They asked the Thunders to come into their lodge and they had great difficulty in persuading them. After they entered the Wolf lodge they wanted to go home again immediatley, but the Wolf Clan people asked them to stay over for four days. From that fact a name has originated, "One who is Waited for by the Thunders." The Thunders stayed, but not in the lodge of the Wolf people. They built themselves one just outside their door. Then they built a fire in it. After the four days were over the Thunders went home. [9]


Version 5 (of the Thunderbird Clan). After the first four Thunderbirds had established their lodge, something strange was seen lurking outside the camp. The Thunderbirds agreed that they would simply leave it alone. Gradually it moved nearer to the camp and began to feed on deer bones. The Thunders took it into their lodge and made it the Dog or Wolf Clan. They took one of the dogs and gave him a message to take to Earthmaker, and dispatched it by killing him. The Thunderbird people were originally as powerful as the Thunderbirds of the heavens, and this is why their clan is first among those on earth. The Dog Clan, however, is the least of them. [10]


Commentary. In world mythology wolves are considered to be shape-changers. This aligns them with water, wind, and the moon. The shape-changing motif explains the strange association of the wolf (clansman) with water, as canines otherwise show no affinity for water.


The Tlingit believe that dogs were once a race of human beings who were changed by their trickster figure, Raven, into animals because they ran too fast. [15]

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Re: The Wolf Clan
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2009, 08:37:14 PM »
Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM


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