Author Topic: The Spectrum of Consciousness  (Read 64 times)

Ke-ke wan

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The Spectrum of Consciousness
« on: July 18, 2009, 01:03:15 PM »
The Spectrum of Consciousness
ken Wilber

This looks good.  Just skimming it online and found some interesting points:

"We cannot hear the hearer, smell the smeller, feel the feeler,touch the toucher, taste the taster -- similarly,  we cannot see the seer.  But we think we can.  Just that is the problem and just that is the genesis of the Primary Dualism.

This is what happens:
The seer, the THAT IN YOU WHICH KNOWS, in actuality is not separate from what it sees, for the Knower sees a thing by being that thing,  as St.  Thomas Aquinas stated "Knowledge comes about in so far as the object known is within the Knower."

This page, for instance, is identical to that in you which is reading it."



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