Author Topic: The Wheel of Time  (Read 46 times)

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The Wheel of Time
« on: August 15, 2009, 06:23:38 AM »
From The Eagle's Gift:

Florinda assured me that that very night, while we sat in formation, they had had their last chance to help me and the apprentices to face the wheel of time. She said that the wheel of time is like a state of heightened awareness which is part of the other self, as the left side awareness is part of the self of everyday life, and that it could physically be described as a tunnel of infinite length and width; a tunnel with reflective furrows. Every furrow is infinite, and there are infinite num­bers of them. Living creatures are compulsorily made, by the force of life, to gaze into one furrow. To gaze into it means to be trapped by it, to live that furrow.

She asserted that what warriors call will belongs to the wheel of time. It is something like the runner of a vine, or an intangible tentacle which all of us possess. She said that a warrior's final aim is to learn to focus it on the wheel of time in order to make it turn. Warriors who have succeeded in turning the wheel of time can gaze into any furrow and draw from it whatever they desire, such as the cosmic vagina. To be trapped compulsorily in one furrow of time entails seeing the images of that furrow only as they recede. To be free from the spellbinding force of those grooves means that one can look in either direction, as images recede or as they ap­proach.

Florinda stopped talking and embraced me. She whispered in my ear that she would be back to finish her instruction someday, when I had gained the totality of myself.

Don Juan called everyone to come to where I was. They surrounded me. Don Juan spoke to me first. He said that I could not go with them on their journey because it was im­possible that I could withdraw from my task. Under those circumstances the only thing they could do for me would be to wish me well. He added that warriors have no life of their own. From the moment they understand the nature of aware­ness, they cease to be persons and the human condition is no longer part of their view. I had my duty as a warrior and nothing else was important, for I was going to be left behind to fulfill a most obscure task. Since I had already relinquished my life there was nothing else for them to say to me, except that I should do my best. And there was nothing for me to say to them, except that I had understood and had accepted my fate.

Vicente came to my side next. He spoke very softly. He said that the challenge of a warrior is to arrive at a very subtle balance of positive and negative forces. This challenge does not mean that a warrior should strive to have everything under control, but that a warrior should strive to meet any conceiv­able situation, the expected and the unexpected, with equal efficiency. To be perfect under perfect circumstances was to be a paper warrior. My challenge was to be left behind. Theirs was to strike onward into the unknowable. Both challenges were consuming. For warriors, the excitation of staying put is equal to the excitation of the journey. Both are equal, because both entail the fulfilling of a sacred trust.

Silvio Manuel came to my side next; he was concerned with practicalities. He gave me a formula, an incantation for times when my task would be greater than my strength; it was the incantation that came to my mind the first time I remembered the Nagual woman.

I am already given to the power that rules my fate.
And I cling to nothing, so I will have nothing to defend.
I have no thoughts, so I will see.
I fear nothing, so I will remember myself.
Detached and at ease,
I will dart past the Eagle to be free.

Ya me di al poder que a mi destino rige.
No me agarro ya de nada, para asi no tener nada que defender.
No tengo pensamientos, para asi poder ver.
No temo ya a nada, para asi poder acordarme de mi.
Sereno y dcsprendido,
me dejara el aguila pasar a la libertad.

"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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  • Rishi
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Re: The Wheel of Time
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2009, 09:30:33 AM »
I chose this quote because I felt the 'wheel of time' to be related to a much different 'clock' of sorts. A clock that sorcerers or seers have access to, to be able to 'adjust' to be able to 'see' into other worlds. If they can actually 'walk' into those worlds may remain to be seen. I feel in addition, this 'wheel' is moreso an 'inner wheel' for an 'inner journey' of sorts, a method of access we can do, be it dreaming and the like. Moreso, its quite possible this 'wheel' is connected to the third eye, so I think one could even gaze right thru it. But I definitely feel it is connected to our own bodies, as much of it, the inner journey, we carry the spirit within us.

I also felt a bit of the wheel associated in buddhism, and the wheel, or tao symbol of taoism. A circle with no beginning or end, yet does turn. A timelessness of sorts, within the wheel of time. An access route to the infinite.
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan


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