Author Topic: Annie Dillard  (Read 157 times)


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Annie Dillard
« on: July 24, 2006, 02:23:15 AM »
I am a frayed and nibbled survivor in a fallen world, and I am getting along. I am aging and eaten and have done my share of eating too. I am not washed and beautiful, in control of a shining world in which everything fits, but instead am wondering awed about on a splintered wreck I've come to care for, whose gnawed trees breathe a delicate air, whose bloodied and scarred creatures are my dearest companions, and whose beauty bats and shines not in its imperfections but overwhelmingly in spite of them...

Annie Dillard


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The Alone to the Alone
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2008, 12:34:34 AM »
Excerpted from Anne Dillard's An Expedition to the Pole -

I have a taste for solitude and silence,
and for what Plotinus called
"the flight of the alone to the alone"

You quit your house and country
You quit your ship
And quit your companions in the tent
Saying "I am just going outside and may be some time"

The light on the far side of the blizzard lures you.
You walk, and one day you enter
The spread heart of silence
Where lands dissolve and seas become vapor
and ices sublime under unknown stars.

This is the land of the Via Negativa,
The lightless edge
Where the slopes of knowledge dwindle
And love, for its own sake,
lacking an object,
« Last Edit: April 11, 2010, 07:36:11 AM by Nichi »


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Re: The Alone to the Alone
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2008, 12:35:20 AM »
From Wiki:

South polar journey

Captain Robert F. Scott, Captain Oates and 14 other members of the expedition set off from their Cape Evans base camp for the South Pole on 1 November 1911. At various pre-determined latitude points during the 895 mile journey, the support members of the expedition were sent back by Scott in teams until on 4 January 1912, at latitude 87° 32' S, only the five-man polar party of Scott, Edward A. Wilson, Henry R. Bowers, Edgar Evans and Oates remained to walk the last 167 miles to the Pole. On 18 January 1912, 79 days after starting their journey, they finally reached the Pole only to discover a tent that Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen and his four-man team had left behind at their Polheim camp after beating them in the race to be first to the Pole. Inside the tent was a note from Amundsen informing them that his party had reached the South Pole on 14 December 1911, beating Scott's party by 35 days.

The return journey

Scott's party faced extremely difficult conditions on the return journey, mainly due to the exceptionally adverse weather, low food supply, injuries sustained from falls, and the effects of frostbite all slowing their progress. On 17 February 1912, near the foot of the Beardmore glacier, Edgar Evans died, suspected by his companions to be the result of a blow to his head suffered during a fall into a crevasse a few days earlier.[3] Oates' feet had become severely frostbitten and with his war wound re-opened by the side-effects of scurvy, he was weakening faster than the others. His slower progress, coupled with the unwillingness of his three remaining companions to leave him, was causing the party to fall behind schedule. With an average of 65 miles between the pre-laid food depots and only a week's worth of food and fuel provided by each depot, they needed to maintain a march of over 9 miles a day in order to have full rations for the final 400 miles of their return journey across the Ross Ice Shelf. However, 9 miles was about their best progress any day and this had lately reduced to sometimes only 3 miles a day due to Oates' worsening condition. On 15 March, he told his companions that he could not go on and proposed that they leave him in his sleeping-bag which they refused to do. He managed a few more miles that day but his condition worsened that night. Waking on the morning of 17 March and recognising the need to sacrifice himself in order to give the others a chance of survival, Scott wrote that Oates said to them "I am just going outside and may be some time."[4] Forgoing the pain and effort of putting his boots on,[5] he walked out of the tent into a blizzard and minus 40 °F temperatures to his death. Scott also wrote in his diary, "We knew that poor Oates was walking to his death, but though we tried to dissuade him, we knew it was the act of a brave man and an English gentleman". Oates' noble sacrifice however made no difference to the eventual outcome. Scott, Wilson and Bowers continued onwards for a further 20 miles towards the 'One Ton' food depot that could save them but were halted at latitude 79°40'S by a fierce blizzard on 20 March. Trapped in their tent by the weather and too weak, cold and malnourished to continue, they eventually died nine days later, only eleven miles short of their objective. Their frozen bodies were discovered by a search party on 12 November 1912. Oates' body was never found. Near where he was presumed to have died, the search party erected a cairn and cross bearing the inscription, ‘Hereabouts died a very gallant gentleman, Captain L. E. G. Oates, of the Inniskilling Dragoons. In March 1912, returning from the Pole, he walked willingly to his death in a blizzard, to try and save his comrades, beset by hardships.’

Oates' reindeer-skin sleeping bag was recovered and is now displayed in the museum of the Scott Polar Research Institute in Cambridge with other items from the expedition.

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Re: Annie Dillard
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2010, 01:45:26 PM »
Does anyone have the foggiest idea what sort of power we so blithely invoke? Or, as I suspect, does no one believe a word of it? ...We should all be wearing crash helmets. Ushers should issue life preservers and signal flares; they should lash us to our pews.

Annie Dillard on prayer
Not here, not there, but everywhere - always right before your eyes.
~Hsin Hsin Ming

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Re: The Alone to the Alone
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2010, 09:14:06 PM »
"I am just going outside and may be some time."

One of the most beautiful sentences ever spoken.


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