Author Topic: Quantum Jumping  (Read 230 times)

Ke-ke wan

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Quantum Jumping
« on: December 19, 2010, 03:46:05 AM »
This is a pretty new idea around the internet right now, but I think it's actually an old one.  If you don't like something about this reality, you can change it,  you jump to a parallel one.   I haven't read all of the stuff, but took some of the basic ideas and made it work for me in dreaming.  I was able to contact another me, and rewrite a few things.   I swear when I woke up after the jump, I felt different and I was afraid to look out my window at first, in case my neighbourhood looked drastically different.  (It was fine!) 

It's just amazing to me because I was near the end of my rope, stressed to the MAX! Having headaches, anxiety attacks, unable to cope and ready to go to the docs on Wednesday to get some sort of meds to relax me, even though I don't believe in prescription medications at all.  I didn't know what else to do.   Then Wednesday morning during my nap I did a jump and now I feel amazing!!   My Mom is being nice, my brother seems like a different person and Cassidee and I are relating in a different way, things aren't upsetting me like they were. 

I'm curious if any of you have read about or done this, before it was labelled "Quantum Jumping".  I know this is not a new idea and, yes the marketing is a bit fishy!  But I believe the jump can really work. 

“There Are An Infinite Number of Parallel Realities Coexisting With us In The Same Room.”

    “There are hundreds of different radio waves being broadcast all around you from distant stations. At any given instant, your office or car or living room is full of these radio waves. However if you turn on a radio, you can listen to only one frequency at a time; these other frequencies are not in phase with each other. Each station has a different frequency, a different energy. As a result, your radio can only be turned to one broadcast at a time. Likewise, in our universe we are *tuned into the frequency that corresponds to physical reality. But there are an infinite number of parallel realities coexisting with us in the same room, although we cannot tune into them.”

~ Professor Steven Weinberg, Nobel Prize in Physics (1979)
« Last Edit: December 19, 2010, 03:57:17 AM by mizuko »

Ke-ke wan

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Re: Quantum Jumping
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2010, 03:49:24 AM »
What is Quantum Jumping and How it may change your life?

Are you familiar with the concept of alternate universes? Some of the world’s leading scientists and quantum physicists have theorized that beyond the universe we live in are an infinite number of alternate universes, where alternate versions of ourselves live out their lives in a world where different circumstances exist, and different choices have been made.

To put it simply, in an alternate universe you could be anything from a king to a business person to a soldier. The possibilities, just like the number of universes out there, are infinite.

Over 3 decades ago, upon learning this theory, a man named Burt Goldman asked himself a question – “What if I could find a way to communicate with these alternate versions of myself, these doppelgangers, and learn from them? What if I could draw from their experiences, their knowledge, their skills, and improve my own life in the process?”

This was the starting point of Quantum Jumping, a unique meditation and visualization technique created by Burt that allows anyone to tap into the power of their minds to communicate with alternate versions of themselves.

An 83 year-old man with the energy and vision of a healthy person half his age, Burt has dedicated his entire life to the pursuit of enlightenment and self empowerment. He spent decades traveling the world and studying under some of the world’s top spiritual leaders, including Jose Silva and Paramahansa Yogananda, in disciplines including Meditation, Energy Healing, Visualization, the Law of Attraction, Feng Shui and Yoga.

Throughout his life, Burt has helped tens of thousands of his students awaken the power of their minds to improve their lives in various areas including health, wealth, enlightenment, happiness and life purpose.

Quantum Jumping is perhaps his most powerful tool yet. Through highly specialized sessions known as Quantum Meditations, Burt claims he is able to teach anyone (even someone with zero meditation experience) how to jump into alternate universes, and communicate with their alternate selves.

Burt claims that he himself has used Quantum Jumping to accomplish many of his long standing goals, including mastering photography, learning how to paint, and even starting up his own internet business – all in his golden years.

The technique itself is surprisingly simple, involving a combination of visualization and meditation that allows the student to experience the Quantum Jumping phenomenon within their minds.

Burt begins by guiding his students into an alternate state of mind known as the ‘Alpha Level’. The student is then instructed to visualize him or herself stepping through a doorway into an alternate dimension of their choice, where they can then meet and converse with one of their alternate selves.

The nature of this alternate self is completely dependent on the student’s objectives. If the student wishes to master a new discipline like playing the guitar, they may choose to visit an alternate self who is already an accomplished guitarist. If they wish to find a suitable life partner, they may call upon an alternate self who has already found the right person.

Once accomplished, the benefits of Quantum Jumping are endless. Burt’s students have used it to learn new skills, improve their health, expand their wealth, advance their careers, gain creative inspiration and even enhance their relationships – all by drawing on the collective wisdom and experience of their alternate selves.

While the technique itself may sound somewhat far-fetched to some, Burt claims that it is actually based on a classic ‘personal development‘ tool known as the ‘Board Room Technique‘, where the user is asked to visualize him or herself conversing with their role models in the hopes of acquiring wisdom and inspiration from them.


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Re: Quantum Jumping
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2010, 06:24:19 AM »
See if it lasts.
Leaving aside that fancy theory, stuff like changing one's name and gathering one's power for influencing the reality around (in dreaming or awake), are known to work anyway. Nevertheless, I am to see the effect last.
The old way is to change self to manage the reality.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2010, 06:35:55 AM by Builder »


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Re: Quantum Jumping
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2010, 07:09:09 AM »

I'm curious if any of you have read about or done this, before it was labelled "Quantum Jumping".  I know this is not a new idea and, yes the marketing is a bit fishy!  But I believe the jump can really work. 

“There Are An Infinite Number of Parallel Realities Coexisting With us In The Same Room.”

No, never heard about it.

What I know is that we are made of energy. If you want to change your self (and then your life) you have to change your energy. Toltec Warriors do that by different techniques practised in the mastery of Awreness, The mastery of Transformation and then practice te transformation in the Mastery of Intent, or as the lineage of Don Miguel like to call it "The Mastery of Love".

The Transformation it self contain leaps and heights.

Offline Nichi

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Re: Quantum Jumping
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2010, 08:21:47 AM »
Isn't this jumping what we do all the time in active dreaming and visualization?
Not here, not there, but everywhere - always right before your eyes.
~Hsin Hsin Ming

Offline Michael

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Re: Quantum Jumping
« Reply #5 on: December 19, 2010, 10:22:44 AM »
If the student wishes to master a new discipline like playing the guitar, they may choose to visit an alternate self who is already an accomplished guitarist. If they wish to find a suitable life partner, they may call upon an alternate self who has already found the right person.

I've never heard of Quantum Jumping, but I use this technique he describes all the time. It's standard practice for me. It is essential in every task I undertake, that I pass across to the position of the person who has successfully completed that task - experiencing the feeling of that person at that completion perspective.

It is critical, as I have sufficient experiences to realise that in many cases, it is simply a choice we make, of which alternative we opt for. So to speed up the process - I simply jump to the one I want consciously. Yes, I do see it as a 'jump', but I don't see it as 'quantum'. Just because something jumps it doesn't have to be quantum. Quantum to me suggests a sense of hierarchical layers, which I also employ in other situations, but in this process, I really see it as a choice of multiple worlds - I simply choose the one I prefer, although it's in no way intrinsically better than another - except for my preferences.

I also employ it with other people and situations. If I am involved with another who is seeking some successful resolution, or outcome, I leap to seeing and talking with that person, already experiencing the successful outcome, and all that goes with that.

It has become second nature with me now. I explained in my book an experience of seeing or not seeing a man on a rock in a river bed, in Thailand. Ever since then I have lost the certitude of linear reality. What surprises me is how successful this technique has been for me. For example, whenever I have lost something, I always stop for a moment and jump to the person who has found the object and is excitedly telling another that I found it. I use this for Julie constantly as she is always losing things, and before I go look myself, I jump across to that world where I hear her calling out, "I've found it!" Works in 90% of cases. For the rest, I tend to accept a rain cheque - it'll come through eventually in one way or another.

There is one area in which I would call it quantum, because in that area I am jumping to a further evolved self of myself - that is not just a choice of equal multiples, but a definite evolutionary leap. This of course is much harder, and doesn't yield such immediate results, but I deem it a necessary piece in the jigsaw of navigation to my goal.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2010, 10:29:38 AM by Michael »

Ke-ke wan

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Re: Quantum Jumping
« Reply #6 on: December 19, 2010, 02:49:18 PM »
Isn't this jumping what we do all the time in active dreaming and visualization?

I think so.

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Re: Quantum Jumping
« Reply #7 on: November 01, 2023, 08:10:06 PM »
Can’t believe this was a “new idea in 2010.”

It’s why I saw another car just like mine, in the other lane, when thinking of this.

What is the problem with the word quantum? It involves it.

I was meditating on this tonight with tarot. Path to a goal. Ended Wheel of Fortune. That’s jupiters card. Sure involves luck and karma. Does somewhat imply even if we try to control such a thing by quantum jumping, leaping. What have you. You don’t have control. God does not play dice, that’s true. BUT God sets the parameters for many possibilities. I won’t say they are infinite. Or God would be then, playing dice. But they could seem infinite to us.

I just need to select the best parallel reality that leads to evolution, not devolution. That’s all..
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan


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