Author Topic: Our upcoming trip to India  (Read 419 times)

Offline Michael

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Our upcoming trip to India
« on: December 17, 2006, 12:27:44 AM »
This is a good subject for this board. This is why I travel to India, because it disturbs me on a depth level like no other place. I feel my guts churning at the thought of it. India pushes me to my limit, and beyond.

It is so nice where I live, and today we bought an old caravan to put out the back for a study and guests. I have a nice work scene, and lots of toys, and plenty of bushland around, with creeks to swim in and high hills to climb. Places to play my drums at 2 am, and we never lock our doors.

But it won't do - it makes me soft and mushy.

Our preparations have been a nightmare - everything has been three times more difficult than it should have been. Things have gone wrong or broke. And yet, in every instance, the outcome has been successful - it has just taken so much more of my energy and time. Last week the Post Office lost our passports, despite being registered mail. The Indian Embassy where we had sent them for visas refused to answer the phone - after three days I finally asked to speak to the Consul himself - surprise! he sorted out their part in the farce quick smart.

New Tevas - local shop sold out, search over the internet, and found a supplier - box arrived at their store with only one sandal for Julie - much fuss and phone calls. Usual story, after a lot of effort, all was resolved.

Just two examples of hundreds of small tasks that have been made difficult, then resolved after pushing through. I feel like I'm in India already.

And although there is only two and a half weeks to go, we still may get stumped, like Julie's mother getting sick, or some massive world hiccup etc.

The thing about India, is that it pushes my link with spirit. Many many times, even in a single day, I will be completely witless, with no answer, and will have to 'call' help from spirit. This refines my link, but in such a torturous way!

A journey is a living being in itself. From the moment we get the inspiration, the journey begins, and if we can hold true to it's road, it's tasks, it's demands, it leads us out into fields we never believed existed in our wildest dreams.

Honour the journey. Stay the course - don't split the moment things get nasty. Let it strip away all the precious little attitudes and comforts we cling to unconsciously.

The new hot water system is now working beautifully - that was a sequence of good and bad luck. We now have a very interesting woman to house sit - another saga. Money keeps coming in from god knows where. The paddocks are not a high fire danger here this year. I had a dream recently that I was running, and running well, so that I just out ran every obstacle and person that tried to waylay me, until I ran into the sea and began playing in the water with animals.

At two recent dinners, were men whose lives had been pulled up sharp - one had a blood clot (he was feeling top shape gust before it hit his lungs), and the other found fraud at his business from which he had to wind up his very successful operations and find hundreds of thousands to pay out. At the uni where I work, people are being sacked all over the place. I feel like the world is falling all around me as I jog on through. How long can I escape my own demise?

Inside I am younger and sharper than I have ever been. But the body is not an indestructible affair. Dom's recent dream of seeing me self-immolate in the street has me wondering.

I feel I'm on a slippery slide into a swamp. And a swamp thousands of years old. This journey is also to seek a materialisation of what has been marching towards me for thousands of years.  The time is drawing nigh - will I live that long?

Shiva has popped up once again as on the previous trip, so I feel I am in good hands - I am connected. Too dangerous otherwise.

My nervous system is stable on the outside, and in chaos underneath. Only way to go.


Offline daphne

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Re: Our upcoming trip to India
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2006, 02:03:07 AM »
Every day, stepping out of my home, I marvel at the space that is Africa. I live in a big city - the largest. Suburban life and yet suburban in name only.
There is something about the mix of ancient and modern that jumps out all the time. Last night my house was full with my son's friends - celebrating something or other - one of them had his "coming of manhood" ritual circumcision recently "back home" and is going to a Swiss Hotel school in the new year - worlds apart!  They are all going to the Cape over new year - kind of last get together before they spread their wings in different directions. Will be intersting to see Africa in a hundred years..

I have never been to India, would like to go to Tibet though.. will probably be visiting Australia in a few years once my daughter moves there. She is leaving the wilds of Africa for the security of Australia..  and is rather looking forward to the 'soft and mushy'..  heh.. 

My son would like to leave Africa for the fjords of the north - very drawn to the Norse and runes he is... god knows where he gets that from..  heh..

Me, well I sit and watch.. don't really have to go anywhere; its all closer than a heartbeat!   :)
"The compulsion to possess and hold on to things is not unique. Everyone who wants to follow the warrior's path has to rid himself of this fixation in order not to focus our dreaming body on the weak face of the second attention." - The Eagle's Gift

Offline elliot

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Re: Our upcoming trip to India
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2006, 06:12:18 PM »
I often marveled at my trip to goa india from berlin.   The price of actaully flying there was far beyond what it was to live there like a king for six months.  And yet..  The tranquility far out weighed the fustrations that i went through.   Ultimately it is completely worth it.       Trust me...   I know what your going through.  Do one thing when your there, do not lose your passport on the beach.  It can cause alot of "wasted" energy........
"O great creator of being, grant us one more hour / to perform our art and perfect our lives."    Jim Morrison

Offline Michael

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Re: Our upcoming trip to India
« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2006, 03:56:00 AM »
I went to Goa about thirty years ago. To understand Goa, it is Portuguese colony, so has a very distinctive culture, and architecture. Plus beautiful beeches. I stayed in a palm hut.

Also to understand Goa, back then was before the government changed the law - ceasing the ability of westerners to stay in India for as long as they liked. They were wild days, when what some called the hippies, traveled India like Sadhus, for years, and often dying. This was no easy pastime.

I had the greatest admiration for some of the characters I met - hardened India travellers, some lived as Sadhus, some just travelled around, doing odd things. There are still some living in a small town near Manali ... a trip back to the past, they still ride those old motor bikes.

Whatever they did in India, they all tried to meet up in Goa for Christmas - meet old friends, have sex, play music. Locals weren't too keen - there were outbursts going on while I was there, but it truly was a beautiful place.

Then it was discovered by Israeli and British doof pumpers, and gigantic Doof Parties were held at Christmas, and people just flying in from Europe for the parties. Not quite what the older generation did.

So I don't care to go there, but as Julie says, there is a lot of very interesting places inland.
Took the train through it last trip - very lush.

Offline Michael

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Re: Our upcoming trip to India
« Reply #4 on: January 01, 2007, 08:39:47 PM »
Well the preparations continue - this is a big area, preparations. One should always start with death. the possibility of death on the road is very real - eg. we are going to Bangkok on Friday night for 3 days. Those who read the news will know what this means!

As per usual, things continue to be difficult to get into their slots - the lawn mower broke down after about 8 years of perfect running, but we do have a very interesting person to house sit.

All the jobs are getting done bit by bit - I'm doing a swag pf ironing just now. With preparations, the idea is to leave everything as you would wish were you dying, then you can leave with less subconscious baggage.

I dropped the tree lopping job, after Julie had a dream of me with my belly cut open from the chain saw. She is getting a sore throat, the last thing she wants before a long flight and new lands.

I am very close to finishing the first draft 'backdrop' section of my new music piece - I may put it up here somewhere.

The tension is starting to reduce as we move into acceptance mode - that's the only way when finally on the road. I've fixed up Julie's Mac lappy with iTunes and her iPod - she loves to listen to music, to escape the chaos outside. Me, I like the chaos.

more later...

Offline elliot

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Re: Our upcoming trip to India
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2007, 04:38:49 PM »
yesyes...more later... don't forget to drink orange juice.  not allot, just enough...

i remember allot of vitamens during this period in my life that briefly took me  to Goa.  there was that and other things though.  i think the other things that were going on kinda out did all the chaos over there.  In fact, not allot I remember really.  Kinda like floating on the water (spirit), but slowly sinking....  I did not sink completely until I was back in europe after this trip.   i finally came up for air in the states, in a hospital close to the place...  yes, total darkness.  appendix burst , felt good though after three days of agonizing pain, felt great actually.  (that is when it relieved its pressure and burst)  i didn't know that though.  the only thing i knew was that i was going insane because some dark cloud came slowly up on me, enveloping me, slowly, surely....  the rest of the story is considered by me christian friends as a maricle, but i don't want to get into that, that is not what is important with this story.  What was Important is that I knew it was happening on a deep level.  I took appropiate action.  And once again I am percieved at how just "lucky" I am to be here.  Though luck has nothing to do with it........

« Last Edit: January 09, 2007, 04:51:18 PM by elliot »
"O great creator of being, grant us one more hour / to perform our art and perfect our lives."    Jim Morrison


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Re: Our upcoming trip to India
« Reply #6 on: January 10, 2007, 05:52:56 AM »
Right, Warriors seldom ask for luck. Some will reject that luck even exist. But I still belief in fairies - so count me out on that topic.  ;D
« Last Edit: January 11, 2007, 07:46:36 AM by Jan »

Offline elliot

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Re: Our upcoming trip to India
« Reply #7 on: January 10, 2007, 06:27:32 PM »
yes i can see your point.  However, i have lived in the midwest of the U.S. too long to let day dreams get me.  pragmatism is my only escape.  Action the avenue.  that is me though, i know nothing of you.  I look at it as me being up lifted to think in terms of the simple minded..  This way and thinking is only way for me to humble self to this.  Hopefully you got some back ground to my terminologies out of this.

I appretiate your humor though.

« Last Edit: January 10, 2007, 06:33:32 PM by elliot »
"O great creator of being, grant us one more hour / to perform our art and perfect our lives."    Jim Morrison

Offline tommy2

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Re: Our upcoming trip to India
« Reply #8 on: January 10, 2007, 07:08:04 PM »
Where you at, E?  I'm in NW Iowa where a Polar Front is currently moving into from Canada.  tommy


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Re: Our upcoming trip to India
« Reply #9 on: January 11, 2007, 07:44:50 AM »
i know nothing of you. 

You do Elliot,
remember your childs birth.

It's me - Blue Raven.  :)

Offline elliot

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Re: Our upcoming trip to India
« Reply #10 on: January 11, 2007, 04:04:57 PM »
You do Elliot,
remember your childs birth.

It's me - Blue Raven.  :)

Blue Raven         my hope is confirmed!   
Can you believe this April will be 4 Years?!  She grows so fast.  So do we man, so do we..  is every body here??? 

What has become of Baja Raja JUJU
"O great creator of being, grant us one more hour / to perform our art and perfect our lives."    Jim Morrison


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Re: Our upcoming trip to India
« Reply #11 on: January 12, 2007, 03:26:24 AM »
Blue Raven         my hope is confirmed!   
Can you believe this April will be 4 Years?!  She grows so fast.  So do we man, so do we..  is every body here??? 

What has become of Baja Raja JUJU

Hunter Elliot.  ;D
Four years, yes I felt it was some time ago! It is a wonderful age, she is soon becoming a big girl that will manage just everything as 5 year old.

Baba Josh, was active here a while but he seem to have left Forums in general.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2007, 03:28:42 AM by Jan »

Offline Michael

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Re: Our upcoming trip to India
« Reply #12 on: January 26, 2007, 11:25:29 PM »
I haven't had the time to get too involved here since travelling, but I do try to catch the important stuff, and I read snatches across the board. Mostly, people here are getting about what they should be doing, which is good to see. And I am thankful to the more experienced members for there advise and input.

As usual, if you feel you would like my comments on anything you post, please PM me the link, and I will try to give it attention.

We have pulled out of Orissa, which is not well frequented by western travellers, and now we know why - it is not easy travelling, and Bhubanswar, the last place we were in there was a big busy dirty smelly noisy dusty charmless place. We did see some interesting temples and hermits caves.

Then after a 24 hr train journey, we arrived at Orchha, and set up in a huge fantastic palace - from the ridiculous to the sublime. Their food was crap however ... India you know - don't expect anything. As we left a wedding was afoot. Now we are in the erotic temple town of Khajuraho. Good room, except for the sound of a motor that resounds all night long.

Went through the old village today - really beautiful clean and tidy place with blue washed walls and quiet. Would love to spend some time in such a village.  We are both back in health, well mostly, and even had a beer last night.

Will say more later and post a pic if I can. Got a statue of Kali, so she is becoming the deity of this trip, I expect.

Offline Michael

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Re: Our upcoming trip to India
« Reply #13 on: February 03, 2007, 04:38:42 AM »
Well we are really into it now. We are at Varanasi. In a room with a balcony high above the river, looking out down across the Ghats. There is live music streaming up to us from a concert on the next ghat. Brother of Sai Baba came to visit, or some such rubbish. Had a wonderful thalli for dinner, then had some great stuff after – Indians eat a kind of aniseed/sugar variations after dinner, and in Aust we try to get some nice ones but the variety is small; here today we came across whole shops of glorious versions, so we bought three, and one was special, a powerful taste that cleared your head with just a pinch. Then I finished with some delicious curd sold in small earthen ware bowls. After that I went to the ghat below and had a meditation plus a little blow on my new bamboo flute that I am trying to learn to play –holes are slightly further apart than is comfortable for my fingers, so I have to stretch them, somewhat painfully, but it has a truly beautiful sound, so one note is enough.

Varanasi is a hot bed just now. There have been riots and train/bus burnings nearby by the BJP, who are strong in this area, and the trouble has spread to Varanasi. The train and the stations were well packed with armed police, and everyone was keen to keep the doors locked from inside. Then the Naga Babas have arrived from the Ardh Mella in Allahabad, where we have also come from – they were also on the trains. Naga Babas are sadhus who wear nothing, and cover their bodies in ash. The local government is very worried as they can be fierce, and they expect there to be up to 10,000 of them here in the next few days! We went for a walk along the ghats this morning, and saw them all camped in every nook and cranny along the ghats – wild crazy guys – I love them! Smoking ganga and looking weird, around small shrines, with fires. I have been doing baba gazing – most are also-rans, but every now and then your eye catches one who has it together, and esp for me, that is a thrill (previous life stuff)

It is all happening here, so we have extended our stay here by a few more days. Varanasi, or Kachi as it was originally called, is the oldest city in the world – Shiva’s city. The bodies are burning just next door, and teams of people bathing all the time. This is THE most sacred place for a Vedic to die, or be cremated, and the filthy putrid water is swam in, bathed in, drunk, and carried home in special containers. Bodies regularly float down stream – human and animal. A super place!

There is a special black Kali shrine just top of Dasasvamedha ghat, where I get a potent vibe – will make a little offering next visit.

Those bastards are still at it next ghat, with their singing and music – no sleep tonight.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2007, 04:42:25 AM by Michael »


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Re: Our upcoming trip to India
« Reply #14 on: February 03, 2007, 05:06:24 AM »
Extraordinary place you are in!  :o


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