My post was up for less than a minute. 
It doesn't matter if the post was there for one minute or one year, you spoke the words (typed) which means you thought the thought. What's interesting here, and of value I think in your healing is to see why you felt that way. Take me out of the picture Juhani, because this has never been about me, and why do YOU feel this way? I find that question fascinating....
On another note***
Dreams are changing again. For the better.
In the beginning, I was plagued by many nightmares. That is actually what prompted me to dig deeper into healing myself from these experiences with Myron.. so many nightmares.
When I began recalling, the nightmares got worse and often I would recall things in Dreaming that I had completely blocked out in real life. As the years went on, there were many many nightmares in which Myron was the bad guy. Lots of fright, lots of blood and hurt. After a while I learned that I could fight back in dreams, that I could stand up to Myron in dreaming so I began to work on that.
Sometimes I would just voice an opinion, or sometimes I would physically fight back, something that I could never do in real life for so many reasons. Once, in dreaming, I killed Myron, by slashing him with a sharp object. In that Dream he morphed into Jesus Christ when he died. That was a pretty big dream for me.
Lately, that is over the past few months, now that I've opened up "Fireside Woman" again and starting writing more, the dreams have changed again. Now, when I see Myron in my dreams, I am not running from him, I am not afraid of him and I am not trying to injure or kill him.
The dreams I have had with Myron lately have a very different theme to them. In these dreams, Myron and I have gotten back together, we are living peacefully, though at times it feels awkward upon waking. And in these dreams, there is no fear, or abuse or violence. Just a normal healthy relationship. I think that's a step in the right direction, as far as my healing goes.