everything is spirit
has many layers of significance
but always alive
everything is alive.
one of the hardest and first lessons on this path, the recognition that we exist in an alive world.
and that world is agglutinated - every agglutination has its own unique spirit:
your car has a spirit by dint of its agglutinated appearance - it is an inherent quality in an object. take a pile of dirt, it has an astral counterpart. shape that pile, make a thing of beauty that lasts for ages, and there you find a deep and complex spirit.
but there exists a crossbeam, which is awareness, a special quality of vivification, with potential threads of self-awareness. that’s how we see it. a vast landscape of beings that merge into each other, but some have a fiery quality of energy, as a solid core of light - we call these living creatures, some organic, some not.
among these there is a superfine group, who connect to the beam of self-awareness.
there are inanimate objects, which have inherent spirits, and when they are old or rare, they can be merged with an aware spirit of the inorganic type - that is exactly our situation. we have a body, and what we would call our I resides inside this body, an inorganic driving an organic spirit.
it is very important to know the difference in dreaming and in waking. some spirits are shells, and some have energetic essence, and some have injected energy with no autonomous essence. so too some things are forceful, but not true. some people are hollow, and some are springs. know the difference, when you see the light of awareness, that is our ticket.
spirits are everywhere. mass opinions are spirits, living off the minds of humans. so the view that we are unique independent self-directed and free individuals, is a spirit, who happens to come from Europe, and has spread. it existed in Asia, but under a different purpose. your family’s common political allegiance is also a spirit.
spirits control us, they feed for life off every emotion. and so do we, who as indwelling spirits. but we need to take control of the ship - this is where the battles of the spirits inside us play out, as we strive for the ability to say, “I can change my life.”. no longer one of those endless people - who crap on about all manner of spiritual dialogues, but are unable to change their horse’s nature even if they solemnly believed they should - who are powerless over themselves.
bad spirits - please just don’t go there, things are hard enough without their nightmares. naturally in healing we have no choice, but that is tolerable. To invite curiosity about bad spirits is idiocy - just walk out, close the door behind.
but how to tell a bad one? this is really a very important skill, let me tell you from experience, i wish i had seen some for what they were a lot sooner - you must know, our tribe are attracted to bright objects - it’s in our nature... One particularly bad experience, where i acquired a conch shell in circumstances i can only describe as bazaar in the extreme. that should have been a dead give-away, Julie knew, but i was in love with the conch. I had eventually to dispose of this after a long string of things going wrong, but it was a lesson for me. i’ve had to learn that one a few times now! anyway my remedy worked immediately, that’s the important thing - not just recognising a bummer, but knowing how to dispense with it as slickly as possible.
good ones... oh me oh my could we not rave, there is so much out there.
mostly when we talk of spirits in external operational terminology, we are referring to those that inhabit places, locals, and archetypes, but most interesting are the nature spirits that inhabit places of power. these are the ones shamans commonly dance with. they can be found in creeks and trees and mountains, and in old places of significance, like temples, caves, hill tops, rings etc. they can also be found inside us, but most virile humans like a full on experience. there are centre hub places for different types of energy... most interesting subject.
in the end, i personally am of the opinion that the best are the spirits of freedom. especially that bird. for these we have to sacrifice the cheaper time fillers.
the spirits of silence, they are to be acknowledged, they open the cosmic landscape of silence, that we can almost just walk into. they are subtle, fine. waiting like vultures, to rip out my heads. lying there like a soft naked woman, to receive me as i let go all that stuff, and sink into her flesh of silence.