You said once something about how this forum kind of takes on a life of its own. Is that kind of like this, and is the spirit/s of this forum just shells or do they truly have a life of their own?
not an easy answer.
Think of how a tree grows - it has it's own innate spirit. It is not a shell - but it is lacking in a certain degree of awareness. Then when a tree gets old or strong, another spirit comes to live within it - the idea of multiple spirits within a being is common.
Take a human - there is a spirit who represents the 'body' aspect. There millions of smaller spirits associated with tiny aspects plus the maintenance of these. Take the shoulder rotator cuff joint - a marvel of modern engineering. that it exists twice in your body means it has an inherent spirit - these are a class of spirits, which you can research if you wish - plus there is the spirits who rejuvenate the tendons while you sleep, plus the spirits who represent the 'idea' behind the design.
But there is a spirit of your 'body' as a whole. Then comes along a very different spirit, who adds a unique consciousness to the whole of your being. This is the spirit who you would normally conceptualise as 'I', and is the spirit who leaves the body when dreaming. This is the 'tenant' spirit.
When you have a place, like a house, restaurant or an internet forum, you have the innate spirit of the place due to its agglutination - as a receptacle. This is the basic mood of a place, enhanced by the efforts to make the place have 'character'. But if the place has a 'special' quality, it can attract the spirits who associate with that quality. And some of those who are especially attracted, can become tenants, who add their energy to the whole mood.
But then there is another level of spirits - so there are some deeper secrets to a place like Soma.
None of these are really 'shells' in the sense of a 'god' who is worshipped and lavished with attention, filling it with the longings of its devotees. However, the same process does occur in a place like Soma, such that as members work through their Path processes here, and give forth energetic expressions of revealing honesty and awakening, these energies lodge in the vehicle, and thus become available to others, who are also striving on their own Path. This is also a matter of spirits.