« Reply #20 on: August 23, 2013, 05:05:08 PM »
Deep Meditation Buddha or popularly Fasting Buddha, a statue rarely seen in Japan. The statue represents Shakyamuni Buddha during its meditation, when his body became skeletal…
What follows is that Gautama realises he has failed his ascetic companions, who look to him as their superior, and must leave them too. He could give up and return to his earlier teachers: for the company, to belong if anything to some human guild; he could even return to his wife and child waiting in the palace. (In some sense he hasn’t really succeeded even in leaving there, is still as “doomed to rebirth” as any householder).
But he doesn’t. He leaves – again. There is no-one who can tell him, now, where it is he needs to go. He could simply stay where he is, but he goes again, to somewhere new, and this time he goes there on his own.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2013, 05:08:49 PM by erik »
