First, a happy, soft symphony of birds of all timbres and sizes.
Then, dead quiet, and even in winter you can hear the twigs rustling.
Hawk is here!
Once upon a time, I started getting a pair of titmice coming to my peanut tray outside my front window. It was funny watching them get the peanuts, which were almost as large as they were. And feisty?? Who would ever imagine the loud cries and complaints coming from those little bodies?

Well, one day the hush-of-hawk had fallen over the yard and the surrounding area -- it was so quiet you could hear the heating unit running in the distance, from the house across the street. In flew one of the titmice, and he landed on my windowsill, screaming into the living room his demands....
Swoop! It took one moment, one split second, and sharp-shinned hawk flew in sideways in front of the window and took the noisy titmouse!!
It was horrifying.
It was bloody amazing.
Stop, look, and listen, birdies!!
I had to clean up his remains from the driveway....