The Unitarian Universalists have had a tendency to believe that it is our job to create heaven on earth. Then perhaps the second coming is the awakening of the Christ consciousness within the masses, and the full material actualization of that.
UU's, though I love their community, lack an esoteric center. I believe such a center would be needed to channel higher energies throughout the efforts of the rest of the group. In other words they need a center that is a clear, minimally sullied, reflection of the goal they are seeking...I.e. an esoteric center that is the embodiment of heaven on earth.
To achieve such a thing would be momentus, and I am not holding my breath for it. Though if I had to cast my lot I would cast it with the UU's as they are tolerant of just about every religion, and striving for heaven on earth makes more sense to me than waiting for it to happen at some unknown time.
I had a friend who was a Jehovah's witness, and would debate religious, and philosophical questions. He could never sufficiently defend the position of sitting back and waiting for the second coming. It was always, humans are flawed, so we have to wait for Christ.