Author Topic: Story sake  (Read 5387 times)


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #120 on: September 29, 2014, 07:08:31 PM »
and now for that image of a tree

and the leaves swaying in the breeze

superimposed upon the image of an energy body in my mind eye

the roots

the seven churches candles etc etc

wait out the lull

snappy tom

come on

completely un worried and absoluely assured

that would be hard to understand

pit your faith ?

reading from the right books

warriors of the attention which draws upon time



everything is lining up

i will write something sweet

i feel that bass

its a particular resonance and ride

taste of sense perhaps

write write write

doe'snt matter


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #121 on: September 29, 2014, 07:15:32 PM »



on the road searching for each other


so tired yet not worried

the tyres are pumped up

the more darkness you see fighting to switch it

the more the light become visible in contrast

the more light you hold for another on their path

the more it brings

trees that are stationary were not my thing

like those which walked some distance close to the water

this trip

grey skies don't last for ever

did not think the wind would not ignite the spark

once again

remembering simple truth

amongst the onslaughts

feet which feel

some body to walk with

dream with

see with

they hide in side their suits

a cup of coffee i say prepared in the water

a wave within swishing about

set the microwave for 1 minute and forty seconds

press the plunger to swish up the milk !

chocolate syrip swirls on top

of course i have to put the swirl on top



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Re: Story sake
« Reply #122 on: September 29, 2014, 07:23:29 PM »
it was unusual

i had sold a trailer to a man

i was worried if it would make it back

he had a permit "paper bullet proof vest"

the sqwarking began

it was a cockatoo unmistakably

my it was loud

next came the caws

the crow "or equivalent here"

two in concert

one goes awwwwwwww

in concert return awwwwwwwwww the other

it kept on and on

what conflict was this which caused such unrest

i shant know


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #123 on: September 29, 2014, 07:30:44 PM »
echo echo echo

is any body there in the darkness ?

i am amazed at peoples answers


who should go to heaven ?

" only some people should see heaven"


who can feel their feet

i liked something i read just now

"how can 'she' forget/foresake the children she bore?

or some such

its a good question

i was reading scholars

they did confuse with the depth of inquiry

yet i wonder still

in which direction correct inquiry

i d say watch your feet and feel the sand

i am a hypocrite when my feet begin to not move

i wait and hang onto the door hoping i dont forget what for

as the fog seeps in

slap awake

i feel to say not do

a jolt

i see you


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #124 on: September 30, 2014, 01:47:14 PM »
ok as the crows are in the tree again today

i believe they may have set up a nest within it

like the cockatoo was just letting know


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #125 on: October 01, 2014, 03:05:41 AM »
i am broken up with Sophia again

it is sad

i came home sick from work after i was acting vacant

and making mistakes with things

i blamed the flu

yet my vacancy is more than that

its some kind of torment

its got into my mind the last couple days

i feel the flittering around me which triggers in her presence

and since shes gone the connection is still strong and present

as it always was

the loops got to the point of infuriation

i need to find my own space and voice again now

i will try to stay away so i can not get put in the situation to

fall back into the familiar connection

it seems so easy to forget and re engage

the good i found to over ride the negative

yet found that was not met

its fair to say there are more sides to the story

yet this is one

so much good connection

i am angry and disheartened also i feel the pain

not of loss as much as of not sharing a vision of 'freedom' and growth in a

general sense

also there are hooks that were not here before

i don' t feel in great shape today

i came home sick

the hooks play out within me and im sure some do not belong to me

yet somehow they met her in a play of emotional responses which

are already formulated "within the drama"

although on the surface "to me" unknown

like an old haunting drama play which a cloak is passed across to wear

« Last Edit: October 01, 2014, 03:08:50 AM by runningstream »


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #126 on: October 01, 2014, 03:14:03 AM »
the words " negative and positive" in the post

could be replaced with

dis empowering or even non conductive

as the de polarization or entrophy

or looping behaviour

and empowering and flowering behaviour

differences are met and a working solution is not always saught

instead a conflict

not seeking a resolve

Offline Michael

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Re: Story sake
« Reply #127 on: October 01, 2014, 08:10:17 AM »
Sorry to hear you are going through more troubles with your partner.

Time to re-centre yourself, with yourself.


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #128 on: October 01, 2014, 09:48:58 AM »
thank you Michael its been a couple days

i am home sick today with a flu every thing is so amplified

i have no intention of meeting with her like last time because i know what

might happen and well get back in swing together

: I want to share a dream i had now as it was in the "little bit too intense


i was at a camp in some bush land yet it was close to the road and i was

speaking with a dark skinned man who had just built his own next door

i was admiring the size and

how well built it was

that was the last i remembered being at that place with that man

my next memory is seeing an ambulance with a smashed in front

sirens       and police   and serivices    people     at a intersection and

pedestrian crossing

some people look like they have shopping trolleys just people going about

a normal for them day

there is a frantic scene with the services people as i approach the

intersection and crossing i apply the brakes yet pull up a little long onto the


a fireman speaks to me through the window and awakens  me to the fact

i am in a fire truck

actually and begins to speak of fighting the fire ahead

there is a lot of chaos there

i see smoke streaming into the street and chaos

i explain i don't want to fight a fire because i am asthmatic

he continues to tell me regardless how to go about it and drive towards the


as he recollects two street names

he says just put your lights on so i do to be able to head through the barriers

wrong way turns etc etc

i look up there is no time

it is coming towards us from my left and it is huge black streaming plumes of


yet it is spitting hot oil sprays like a napalm or oil fire etc

in one split second i see that every thing there is about to be destroyed and

that the oblivious fire fighter and people going about their day are going

to be killed including me

in that split second i decide to drive directly towards the fire

i see it is two large buildings about the same size "hmmmm"

the firey spray is coming from atop them as a stream of smoke fire oily spit

in two lines directly

in that moment i know i am doomed if i run so i drive directly towards them

with my sirens on

in the next moment of the dream i am witnessing an image of a man

he is with another man

they are black looking to me like africans do

one image of a man i see his nostrils flared

that image splits or reappears beside the other

now there are two images of that man and they are perfect and not

false looking in any way an exact match of the same man

it seems a strange way to end such a dream

god knows the flu can do wonders to dreaming yet this dream was symbolic

and i have learned to not take details to be useless before

actually its not the symbolism i worry about its the reality of them sometimes

Offline Nichi

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Re: Story sake
« Reply #129 on: October 01, 2014, 12:34:14 PM »
Certainly sounds like a powerful (and terrifying) dream, whatever the meaning.
Not here, not there, but everywhere - always right before your eyes.
~Hsin Hsin Ming


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #130 on: October 01, 2014, 08:03:49 PM »
its very unusual

i have only seen black cockatoos here maybe twice

and never sulphur crested ones

a cockatoo has flown over and scwarked loudly


and upset the crows nest

which has then upset the dogs

its a good racket going on

seems the crows have set up camp in the tree out the back

and the cockatoo likes to put its two cents worth in about it somehow  :)

Offline Nichi

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Re: Story sake
« Reply #131 on: October 01, 2014, 08:11:33 PM »
The black cockatoos always strike me as ancient and charismatic.
Not here, not there, but everywhere - always right before your eyes.
~Hsin Hsin Ming


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #132 on: October 01, 2014, 08:31:55 PM »
yes they always leave me feeling lucky to see them as its not very common 

in my experience seeing them

it has been dark when they alerted and upset the crows

so i'm not sure which " cocky" is the sentry yet

actually the word "cockatoo" is synonymous for being a sentry "lookout"

so its fitting they have let me know whats going on out the back

Offline Nichi

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Re: Story sake
« Reply #133 on: October 01, 2014, 08:37:54 PM »
Perhaps it's a joint effort between the crows and cockatoos, if the black cockatoos perform sentry duties too.
Not here, not there, but everywhere - always right before your eyes.
~Hsin Hsin Ming

Offline Michael

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Re: Story sake
« Reply #134 on: October 02, 2014, 07:49:46 AM »
Well, I will say, driving your fire truck on towards the centre of the fire, when everyone else was going the other way, shows considerable courage.


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