Author Topic: Story sake  (Read 5401 times)


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #165 on: October 30, 2014, 10:26:26 PM »
Kookaburra greets the morning

Another day off

Is here

Its everywhere

A friend reminds me

Asking to not see whats put there



remember it

Like a clock on the wall that was stuck on six

Yet its going all the way around to twelve now


It was just lines written in the water

We were seeing

I am sure of it

Metaphorically so


Into that he
In the soil

The snakes leave me be

The rattle is leaving

Changing the channel

Its hard
To imagine what another human being is going through

And why

What is an awakening

It the ability to pause

To see from a perspective other than one self

Maybe two self

Theyre singing back in the day

While the wind is kicking at the door

Im pro active today

If its tomorrow

The wind tells me the wind is going the other way


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #166 on: October 31, 2014, 10:54:01 PM »
Sure it was like throwing laundry out

The cockpit so it would catch the updraft


And the shooting through the sky like an arrow

All those floating there already trying to grab my

Arm as i zoom through

Because i was
To be stopped

And wanted to zoom

Like a
That grows if its just left out

Of that wind for a
Moment long enough

With the suns force behind it

The grasses got
Drier last few

Motivation was the key For the day

Sticking it in the lock

Have no idea where its all going

Do just get going

Fix the body first

Start a seed and water in in the intense wind

Let it soak down repeatedly i feel

I grabbed a steel cage off a truck

Pushed it all the way up the paddock

Like a heavy tumble weed

Some holes and welded some bolts

Hang a bag

Spray painted the whole frame

Come squat rack

Trained twice today

Smoothies and soups

Have no idea where
Or how

Just know how

And when

Youll know it when you know it

And see
It when you see it

its not meant to be kryptic

Water just seems that way

Soaking seeds


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #167 on: November 03, 2014, 06:06:00 PM »
Thunder Soon it wll be rain

the signs keep telling me im leaving

Although i make other plans

So i dance both feet as though the other does not know what the

Other does

I have decided to be strong

For other people and for every body in fact

Because i am strong

And they are often weakened

Spirit is coming back now looking over

Her shoulder behind

Something is blowing in the rain clouds

Its inklings of sweet rain

Its in the toes all about

It is making a connection

Letting it known what is beyond the clouds

The only thing i became afrain was of forgetting

Forgetting what it was like to remember

Having only remembering of whats known

Some days youll have all the answers

Some days all the questions

you can sit them down together in humble truth

And watch it all fall away

What your left with migh be not what you expect

What your fighting for

And what your fighting against


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #168 on: November 03, 2014, 06:06:50 PM »
As i speak its finally here

Rain  :)

Offline Michael

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Re: Story sake
« Reply #169 on: November 03, 2014, 11:02:57 PM »
Yes, don't forget.


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #170 on: November 04, 2014, 06:56:32 AM »

As Carlos Castaneda once said - "The Answer is in the details".


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #171 on: November 05, 2014, 09:53:13 PM »
As don juan or someone might have said

You can"t make bones for a jelly fish

What is strength ? Intent

And what is a collection of jelly fish bones

When hooked to infinity ?

One foot two foot

Tao foot

The possibilities exist 'also"

Being conceived

The immaculate conception?

We reach the infinite regress


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #172 on: November 05, 2014, 10:00:57 PM »
What do

You feel these last few days

My friend tells me what she feels these last few days

And does your seeing correlate to what is swept

From the clouds view

There are many faces
MAny views

Close far

Standing in good stride

Inpecciple ordering

Even whilst i wated being messed about

I was given clean air rhythms

And a sheltering cloth

Play is all of these jelly fish

Clean heart finding rhythm beating cloth

For shelter

And air given


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #173 on: November 07, 2014, 08:32:44 PM »
given the current affairs the moon being so full looking

views of mirror earths being created

gatekeepers standing before light beings doings

being that the earth has now swallowed the sun or vice versa

how can you stop the rain from falling down ?

tell me how can you stop the sun from shining

what makes the world go round ?

i want to address the simple aquirment

of what the new aging calls in categories

" i don't focus my energy on it ,

' double edged sword ' straddling '

its not real

'head in the sand"


"intent , delivering aquisitions . arriving at a high tensile arrangement ,

of string

the "new earth

as formed , the universe will deliver "if i dont believe in it sort of thing .

why does it reek of disempowerment , in the face of it all .

where does this stuff come from

and  the double edged sword surely best facing blade outward

we should definitely peek into the reverse and "working s"

right now i don't feel i can deliver the pieces though

they will pull together

its a whats the difference between ...................

and ....................

kind of thing

that needs strips peeled of it and re arranged to actually

resemble some kind of empowering situation

there is a hint though

it lives in peoples eyes

and you can spot it if your eyes are tuned correctly

you can even coax it out of its hiding hole

god knows i love and live for that string


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #174 on: November 08, 2014, 09:49:50 PM »
Ok inhabe pulled the string through

If you dont know

A heart can watch immense pressures
Of lifes pass through it/your being
Untill it feels like breaking
If you ever had to let Something go
That you had witnessed eternity with
Youll understand
God my god
Oh my god
I have witnessed the loss of something
So great
Maybe string goes backwards too
Or just like slipping backwards through a keyhole/sun
Stepping forward alone
Oh my god
Oh my god
Oh my god
Yes it was new zealand in a way too
No more words


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #175 on: November 10, 2014, 10:21:18 PM »
there are two dogs here

one was bouncing at the door

sweetly and playfully

the other was laying on the seat outside but i could'nt see him

the bouncy one does not normally demand any attention

so she was giving her joy freely really

she was giving the message and she is lovely

i walk to the door and go to let her in

as i open the door the other passes her and bolts through the door

he is demanding and pushy

the opposite

he will place his head when the other is getting a pat

it makes it hard to have a nice relaxed time with the other one

as its a competition for attention

and pushyness that gets in the way all the time

he is high strung and she is relaxed

they love each other a lot

i think about sending him to a farm where he can chase cows

and ride four wheel motor bikes

i am asking if he can go

he is wired and needs purpose

it is probably a trait of his breeding and character because he is a cattle dog

we sit on the track together in the dark

looking at the stars and i remember what its like to watch the shooting stars again

some times i look up and feel some thing like awe

other times loneliness

the earth pretty much always feels nice though

and soothing

if i feel loneliness i know it will pass so i do'nt try to hold it normally

if i feel awe i know it gives some kind of drive because of the mystery and


to join it

it always feels like the end of something and the beginning of something

some things feel bigger than others though


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #176 on: November 11, 2014, 07:24:28 PM »
i was bouncing it around because my sisters boy has been diagonsed

as asphergers , and autism

at about four maybe five he could draw a detailed map of roads lot numbers and their

positions and numbers

that he had seen over and over

he was fascinated by signs

they even had to draw him pictures of what he would be doing so that he

would not become panicked and knew the routines of which if they were broken

could cause all sorts of dramatic outbursts "melt downs"

funny because Jerry Seinfeld , was on the radio saying about that within the same

time a few days ago

mentioning that he had something like it he believed as he

took what people said literally and found them difficult to follow sometimes

the most interesting thing i heard him say was that he believed he was within that


that made a lot of sense

that it would reside in different bands of awareness or tied together that way

in connections

i liked that colors and spectrums

i found it strange watching the adults try and make the child conform to some

structured functionality

i would just sit with the boy and be silent maybe whistle

and he would tilt his head and listen "feel"

and sometimes note back

or things like that

it was more about feelings and colors

and harmonies or flows

he did not listen to those adults like they would have liked

they did try and each wore on each others patience

and his little brother was a ball of emotions too

i found the boy to be extremely intelligent

and connected although not always in a way that was harmonious

sometimes connected too much

what i get out of it is like when people assume and try to fit things into their mold

taking their agreements and proceeding upon them

i wonder what the world wold be like if those who had chosen their agreements

would let those who stepped outside the box speak more

and aside from that i keep remembering something about a child with an iron fist

today ruling

and i wonder in a way that i suppose would be unusual

if the child were not to rule with an iron fist

then i wonder what the adults would have gotten up to

in that colored band


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #177 on: November 11, 2014, 07:31:22 PM »
i suppose esoteric established teachings have detailed

patterned maps of awareness

which hold key symbols

i suppose they are absolute nonsense to those who have not

traversed the maps landscapes

i suppose all sorts of things

one thing i did suppose today

was that it would be fair to assume

that all sorts of assumptions would be reached upon such maps details

another thing i assumed was the feeling that

when not offering to pick up the pieces of such assumptions

as an affair

would not offer any differing detail to the maps play

i like maps

we could work from maps had they harmonies attached


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #178 on: November 11, 2014, 07:38:46 PM »
oh and something about um whatsy majig


oh inorganic beings being composed of not telling lies

and that they are within the "whole" time whilst awake

reflecting awareness

also that traversing the landscape through truth

and being led by spirit "within" the whole time

and new buckets of water

fresh water / salt water

its a shower of water

wind sun

fresh and Original

don't mind that louvered doors are open wafting the smells

like walking into a bakery and having your nostrils blown away

the excitement and mystery 


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #179 on: November 11, 2014, 08:29:02 PM »
what is innocense refelcting then ?

its what is truth then too ?

if innocense is not holding or reflecting a lie

so if were learning to align our perceptions with the worlds agreements

or with our truths innocense

then which yields fresh water

speaking of lines again

and spectrums

its important not to forget fire

the secret of fire

even if its very old its still not the problem if its can burn you

if you don't know how to work with it


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