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Story sake
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Topic: Story sake (Read 5433 times)
Re: Story sake
Reply #360 on:
May 11, 2015, 07:25:33 PM »
thanks Jahn
Re: Story sake
Reply #361 on:
May 11, 2015, 07:34:07 PM »
today feels about money
making lists
little old ladies who stash away in teapots
for rainy days
they are speaking of the impending budget on the radio
it feels like something happening
they keep inventing new ways to get at peoples money
pouring the hot water from the pot into the dishwater
gluing the strip on the roof on with silicone
and around the window
making connections open views
they are speaking about taxing deposits now in the bank
talk about grubby fingers in all the wrong places
unashamedly accessing
i have lost the plug and must buy a new one
water just gets away so i use a surrogate bucket tub
also there must be a two way fitting to join the water to the tap
pork chops
the man next door speaks of fish
we are well provided for so much that to be left out in the cold causes panic
and panic it is
the squeeze
all the ducks in a row on the water
i sink into the lounge in the bank while the lady sorts out the problem in a back room
on the phone
around in circles
tell her quietly in my mind its ok
making the connections
the angels again
she comes with the answer
new solutions
its going to be ok
just an address change causing a hiccup
feeling confident that what the wind brings will be enough
no doubt how it should be any way
no anxiety
was there a time when it was enough
my pictures tell me about different times with tea pots of little old ladies
i think i will walk far from the banks
and begin to follow the feeling of a different time
having the money in our own care
is our responsibility so taken from us we can no longer be held responsible to be spoon fed
i am over it
counting pennies says the squirrel stick them in the tree hollow
Re: Story sake
Reply #362 on:
May 12, 2015, 11:43:46 AM »
mr M
in my dream is telling me something about how our two sides can work together for when we die
like we can make a dreaming worth working towards
when our two sides come together in our purpose
this one working with that one
can't say i totally understand it
but it has my attention now
i feel a bit thick
Re: Story sake
Reply #363 on:
May 13, 2015, 08:34:08 PM »
i can talk about the orbits too
they came one day and left me this way
a fire from within that came and left me toast
all the way up untill heaven i did roast with
now i am charging batteries
singing we can fly did you know ?
and lift them all up to show
personalities ?
i was reading the Taisha Abelar bookshop interview from Pasadena "perhaps"
thinking about the double dreaming
recapitulating in dreaming
the sinister wind behind the words in the bookshop pr not sinister but that wind of an open door which causes fear like the darkness exposure
a view through
and i was also getting something else of the stalkers who wanted to combat the "poor baby" to get to the place of no pity
then it sprung on me
dissipation was the dissolution of cohesion which found new avenues to venture through which were not habitual
yet now the orbits found new co-agulation
"insanely" i watched the show from my point of view
Krishna i liked the feeling behind the story
motto "i feel"
back to the coagulation or dissipation
assembledges and dis-assembleages
varieties i feel that coming apart and going together
was some better and coming apart and then coming together than some others
you know what i mean
building dreamings
dissasembling selves
only to rebuild
think i got ahead of the reading body
with the dreaming body again beginning before it arrived "recapitulation in dreaming "
intent moves together
will moving with
from above
so below
i tell my friend
sometimes when i read what others write i think
no that is back to front
what i really want to contribute to this jumbled sequence is coagulation of opposites into ordered and complimentary forms/non forms
0' point harmonies
Re: Story sake
Reply #364 on:
May 13, 2015, 09:10:31 PM »
Re: Story sake
Reply #365 on:
May 15, 2015, 11:36:52 AM »
i was driving around in my dream looking for sushi
i drove for a long time and was a little bit panicking
when i finally found her she had gone back to an old place luckily that was where i was headed
i gave her a big hug and was so happy to see her
i did not believe she was still alive "forgetting then i was dreaming "
i did remember that she had been buried though
i was asking her how did that happen ?
of course she could not answer
i checked her for her markings
she had the same white piece strip around her neck
and her eyes gave it away
every thing was perfect
i was pretty excited by all that
to have her back
when i woke up was the first moment i remembered she was actually not alive
and that split me a little seeing the two sides
today is about the two sides
standing between pillars
the way through
standing between two pillars
personal and impersonal
i look out the corner of my eye
seeing what is occurring
yet almost seeming as though i don't
i watch this pressure "freedom " build
as though i am doing something with the impersonal's help
yet cannot be controlling as my skewed glance indicates
there i stand between the pillars
they have been built and become built
relentless in approach
yet unable to be held
as my skewed glance indicates
i know what i am almost watching
in this way it lets me stay warm
Global Moderator
Posts: 24262
Re: Story sake
Reply #366 on:
May 15, 2015, 05:24:29 PM »
I feel the agony of this dream... But the truth is, Sushi will always be with you. It's a small comfort, I know - better to feel her in your hands. But over the years to come, this will be a lasting connection.
Not here, not there, but everywhere - always right before your eyes.
~Hsin Hsin Ming
Re: Story sake
Reply #367 on:
May 16, 2015, 12:55:32 AM »
thanks for your kind words
Re: Story sake
Reply #368 on:
May 17, 2015, 12:43:15 AM »
its ok to dream
its ok to dream entirely
its ok to be full of the dreams
to move in and out of them
why i say this
carrying this self through life
this self that is never the same twice
this self that is created on the spot
the one watching in a memory remembers
whats in the water
do you see love
do you see hope
do you see seven cities
do you understand what that fire means and brings
new strokes in the water shift
does the new hold to the old after all water connected
there is a child connected too in the water
an adult
not only that the fire images
a new type of water
no time
all time
all timing
when the water has held together these seven strokes of fire
and they held each other
what is before you behind you and inside you that is not of you
time is of the essence so they say
the child knew just which parents to pick
which lessons to learn
the weaknesses that gave lessons
the strengths into the futures
if within a point of "now"
i have selected a certain dream to come to be
it exists perfectly within my past to evolve and water the seed to growth
the great perfection
was it ever gone
somewhere inside the 777
i am not a numerologist
i resent mathematical dillemma without connection
without the i am present within the essence of time changing occurring to itself
what is maturity ?
have you ever met a psychologist or the like
many people trying to heal themselves through understanding
they reach maturity through knowledge of self through knowledge of others
the biggest bunch of nut bags going
can they pull the threads together themselves?
find true enlightenment of themselves or just badger others
i suppose every body standing on the road
to themselves
despite themselves
no offence to the mature classes
having all the answers
the child moving forward in my book is miles ahead
filling the world with desire and meeting itself on the road
Re: Story sake
Reply #369 on:
May 17, 2015, 12:52:31 AM »
the biggest obstacles in the world today to connection
organized religion would have to be up there at the top on that list
despite the teachings of the masters
if only people could listen to each other
it has taken many forms on
many things have been advocated and emphasized
not speaking of the same things
honesty is a brilliant start to any such conversation
honesty of road
honestly of standing
honesty of being
honesty of an open mind
being open in mind and being and standing on the road
communication may become possible
to take away so much you might be left with more than what you had
or less than what you had
or more understanding of what you had or could not have
Re: Story sake
Reply #370 on:
May 17, 2015, 09:57:52 PM »
Re: Story sake
Reply #371 on:
May 17, 2015, 10:03:32 PM »
i love to hear John's honesty
i love to feel his and Yoko's love for each other in spite of everything outside
i get that feeling deeply from the small parts i have seen of it
Re: Story sake
Reply #372 on:
May 24, 2015, 09:24:37 PM »
once again equanimity
the seven seven seven seven
shall the bride not come to the bridegroom in the bridal chamber
as though the virgin
what i see it as
the dynamic situation which is brought to the forefront
from the first seed
one became two
the original placement within
now a rib on my side
the inner turbulence
being that bride
and the ability to turn the wind
both towards and un-towards
take the dream catcher down
dreaming being natural any how
it building both to gaze upon quiet unobtrusively
and in throwing and delivering into and unto what it brings endlessly in directions
the abstract child of the new infant
into the bridal chamber
stood facing the winds
the seven steady steps that stood against and with
the self
now filling the bowls
the chalice
time coming and the natural state
allowing what stands
like the little pigs one two three
there is no glee
honesty on that path
steps of gold
it comes on
i want to share it
like the speech let who has ears to hear hear
because i'm also he who hears
i gather that the threads have an intelligent communication built in to them
for instance certain things giving great yield
the sun falling on fertile soils
all those things
hearts full to bursting
ears waiting for something else to fall in line
holding open the crack
unknown becoming known
time timing
this time
yearning onward to connected-ness
Re: Story sake
Reply #373 on:
May 25, 2015, 11:47:52 PM »
if only life were so simple
i still have my shields
are shields to keep others arrows ok
when you can smell them before they leave the bow
more analogies i know
something something something something
one something too many in a row
in seriousness
things come things go
sometimes i am getting mad
what the difference is ?
the moment of pause at the warriors disposal
being passed something for disposal the great hat switch begins
we share hats and wear each others ideas around
insecurities in familiar settings
nothing is hidden only some how it jostles this way and the other
and finds an out and around
i grow angry because its out and its getting around
then employ some strategic genius of anger and frustration to try and contain it !
grab a hold of it "me dusa"
oh no the great hat switch has me now ! or so it seems in the race for a time
the only time the batton changing hands this way being
when another party is able to wit-hold from the illusion and become aware of the charade
surely my anger can't do that
yet frustration takes the form of a stalker
is it ok to stalk those you love ?
I had thought not yet to see it successful perhaps the frustration holds its place amoungst the procession
to steam through an illustration
or it it that the frustration reaches a breaking point on both sides ?
the tension
when the unlikely becomes likely
why is it that lies tug at parts of us that the truth holds steady
looking for small satisfactions
and jittery ticks
when getting whats not expected its a nice surprise
somebody who likes to hold that flame steady well over the lie
its a real buzz these days even surrounded by subtleties
to know that place exists
a little boat bobbing at sea in big waves
rocks around a lot
if its tied to something solid
Re: Story sake
Reply #374 on:
May 26, 2015, 05:26:29 AM »
Quote from: runningstream on May 13, 2015, 09:10:31 PM
This one is brilliant, thanks for sharing.
I have not seen them, In Excess, that much Before.
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Story sake
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