Author Topic: Story sake  (Read 5414 times)


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #405 on: August 03, 2015, 11:34:42 PM »
Bear grills has dumped a heap of humans on an island to survive

one camp females one camp males

i enjoy very much the trials and tribulations of the human spirit

to learn from others mistakes and pay careful attention

the struggle of the mind and human dynamics and interactions

for instance

one man is triggered by being told what to do

i see this as the initial reactory phase

this quickly spirals given being so tired and worked hard to move on-wards

what wonderful television it makes under the circumstances

they leave making a shelter until very late in the day after having walked untill night

i am always surprised how unprepared people seem on these shows

although volunteering for such an experiment

the women walked in the wrong direction without any water following the directions of a self appointed strong willed older one

i cannot wait for the next episode now all of one week think i may have to sneak a look on you tube

the guys and girls spend so much of their initial energy on making shelter and water yet the human element seems their biggest downfall

a few people are already reaching for the phone to get evacuated from the island and the experience is scheduled for 6 weeks

« Last Edit: August 04, 2015, 12:29:56 AM by runningstream »


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #406 on: August 03, 2015, 11:51:18 PM »
I shall go on

there is a boisterous and dysfunctional dog here who barks

and wants to bite me i think when i start to exercise

i have to have eyes in the back of my head and cut the experience short

i look at sea kayaks and get for more pieces of kit

agricultural age ? different flow

timing of couch potatoed convenience talk about the hard way

keep learning

there are aboriginals living in the bush within the towns

on the outskirts

mixed up communities all jumbled together

businesses competing for survival means competitive tools

oversized meals cheap prices

overly commercialized and available squeezes

resources and the struggling on the pyramids

certainly convenience lulls me into my slumbersome convenience too

belly bloated with it and tired for want

up and down we/i go

never fully recovering equilibrium


different pulls upon regions within the body externally and internally matched i shift

as i shift they become clearer as they dissappear from view as no longer parts of the self being externally recognized

trying grooves like sleeping above the ground to take off from grounding

small hops in the dream leading to flight


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #407 on: August 04, 2015, 10:40:00 PM »
was dreaming about the edges of banks/cliffs falling into the sea

like one day they were there the next day they had washed away in one day

the water crashing against them

a lot of people needing aid

i cannot understand where all the money and help will come from for them

being global citizens yet landlocked

taking to the sea

boundaries laws


the mother provides

the father must he think when he sees his children

the abominations

falling into the sea

laws and trials who holds the law

relative reality

while reality plays out around

born of the dreams of mothers and men

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Re: Story sake
« Reply #408 on: August 05, 2015, 08:01:20 AM »
Scary images, runningstream, but probably not too far off from reality.
Not here, not there, but everywhere - always right before your eyes.
~Hsin Hsin Ming


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #409 on: August 06, 2015, 12:28:39 AM »
was times picking cherries from the ether

scary and realistic

finding direction having found direction and giving direction

all directions combined seeing

yet seeing back through key hole resides


so what with it when seen ?

back through keyholes cherry picking from ether understanding

to gather direction from seen to seeing through seen to gather cherries to give cherries to see cherries

cherries appear

cherries there cherries here

information on how to use

refer to product manual

or visit workshop

cherry seriousness seriously

cherry comes cherry goes cherries appear and cherries reside

cherries through keyhole cherries expand

cherries from ether as cherries demand

general point and general direction

general cherries gather general direction

as you might imagine having direction gone direction come and direction coming

in real time its all here now

recognition of happening

shakes eyes to disappear yet cherries still appear

so in and out we go over again to see what was left in layers to mend

expanding and demanding attention to be seen

from a point dense and past to a point expanding between

stacking eggs one two three

place them here and there and they gather other eggs to see

and what point may be this to see

that what is done to fly will be


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #410 on: August 06, 2015, 02:08:44 AM »


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #411 on: August 08, 2015, 01:00:31 AM »
whats now then

i wont talk too much about the people drugged and scattered

except i kept going what is that smell a mix of b.o. and piss

I will speak of pidgeons  ;)

a limping man walks into a restaurant / cafe

after crossing the street and smiling at the police men "they thought he was up to something because of the direct smile"

yet he was only gliding towards a moment

after walking  in the cafe the man is confronted by workers who all look into his eyes clearly "they seem clear"

as he does not flinch and gives a kind and peaceful and confident look back

they do ask as he does speak and he tells them would it be ok to order something ?

the woman from last time speaks and says no "we are well closed"

ok says the man and turns to leave

the woman speaks again as he is leaving confronted with the many workers

"what were you after ?"

The man replies , i was after a cooked breakfast

i had it the other day after he had eaten there but i'm not sure whic..........

the woman tells him yes i know the one

you did not eat your sausages , ok then , but we can't make a drink "coffee"

water's there

yes yes

the man replies yes , i don't need the sausages , and you have a good memory with a knowing smile again and

"she smiles back"

the man speaks again , i thought you were closed , the woman now ..... yeah but you came in here all limping and ........well......

sitting out in the street then

the man sits next to a couple at the adjacent table

looking up and down the street watching the people come and go

there are pidgeons landed on the furthest table they clean the left over plate

the man admires them , the closest one has a limp with its fellow

and the one that lands upon his table has some feathers missing from its neck

and after a quick look hops onto the ground again

the sheen grew back and thanks were given


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #412 on: August 08, 2015, 01:31:49 AM »
and then ...................a good use for full stops

"extending moments not shunting them inwards"

the adventures of ....................................apparently possible to write left to write


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #413 on: August 08, 2015, 01:45:13 AM »
and whats now then then

fixtures lighted posts

whats what and whats toast

dreamers lovers bends and friends

extremities visited and friends amends

poles alighted again inserts yet leaves the grass

from which lit bursts

the ground left and the poles afloat

now the light adrift upon a boat

water and fire images seen

reflecting towards a sight unseen

unbound un-ground and living full

from a base that was meant yet a bent to un-will

what would it mean with a sight unseen

to a human being to a sight seen

when a human bean had been seen and unseen

and in between ?

jelly bean and an old machine

know what a mean between

for a pole alight

in flight

and the in-between

never seen till its seen

i mean

forget the old and welcome the new

the dream insist its what i do

i saw here again in my dream this morn

i knew it was old and a seed was sown

divided inside no loyalty in a heart

guided away and forever depart

for the new which is due

and today is in too

is pure inside for there is no divide

unless this is given no more path to divide



when this happened

there is only





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Re: Story sake
« Reply #414 on: August 10, 2015, 11:36:35 PM »
 In Sanskrit, the coconut palm is known as kalpa vriksha - 'tree which gives all that is necessary for living' because nearly all parts can be used, the water, milk, flesh, sugar and oil. Even the husks and leaves are used as materials in furnishings and decoration. Palm trees produce coconuts up to 13 times a year and although it takes a year for the coconuts to mature, a fully blossomed tree can produce between 60-180 coconuts in a single harvest.


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #415 on: August 10, 2015, 11:47:41 PM »
a man tells me his son went away for a holiday with his girl friend

when they got back he told him that he had found what they had in common

he asks     whats that

and he replied We both breathe air

I watched bear grylls island people again

i have a choice concerning truth

one choice says go with safety

the other appeals to a new direction

both apply to money

safety and truth

safety means i can do work i don't particularly want

truth means i follow it and see where i end up

i have pretty much up rooted from my piers

and the only thing holding the drift is familiar patterns and people

i am surely capable to go for something new

and i have surely come the way i was mean't to

so it seems truth is a compromise upon both points

old and new

yet i outlive circumstances and people like old shoes and sometimes faster

what it does present ........ seeing myself in different situations reflected against others situations being stuck in the cycle i speak of

entertaining myself

as daring would have it

i do find myself drawn to the second option after consideration of life experience

also i entertain the possiblity to help others

as a convenient means of travel spirit does seem to prefer it

at least being close to something

nature instead hold more gravity for me

comfort is a real kick up the bum

it means stopping and being numb

in the case where worlds collide


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #416 on: August 11, 2015, 12:11:20 AM »
the stars are particularly nice

the sky so black and sheeny


what is fear in a general sense then

fear of circumstances

fear of death

fear of hunger

too afraid to move

what is truth when put beside fear

is it fear of truth

or a key way in a courtyard

what is reality when its not so real

and it wan'ts to play

what is this link if i can't play with it

what is this 'me' yearning to break barriers to see

i was watching polyps on the great barrier reef on television

contract and expand

branching out

imagining awareness not singular but contained within many positions

all grasping for their food floating by at one time

co operative awareness

and i began to think humans could be not so much different either

parts of their brains aware of many points at once

not it the bodily sense though

as though a segment of the brain was able to function this way perceptually

distinct from the body

in some evolutionary awareness way

as though the tools for the evolution of a species dependent upon the reaching out to illuminate parts of the landscape

to become branches of being

any way where was i

about evolutionary awareness and providing impetus for the environment to respond as a being both surrounded and composed

of its environment


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #417 on: August 11, 2015, 12:26:44 AM »
Also to mention

birds have particularly great eyes

a pigeon was in the place where the red chili plant was cut back

yet only to a stump i bet will shoot again

i only watched it for a moment

yet wondered if it would take and spread some of the seed

like the dove spirit image that reminded me

that kind of thing

healthy gardens and trees

the absurdity was so much so absurd i could barely speak

and certainly not speak of it

now appreciation of turbulence

turbulence can be so calm and orchestrated

a veritable light symphony

a barrel swirling about

i have a new one "barrel"

for which the camp oven to sit

for now i use it for a step

some crabs on the reef have sticky hair can you believe

perhaps to omit mention of light symphonies as to introduce turbulent symphonies


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #418 on: August 17, 2015, 12:17:15 AM »
substantially i suppose to make an effort something revealing itself

I mention the song "patience" i keep whistling it as i go into the kitchen and catch myself again

it does not make sense to me where it appears again and again and finally mention it

she says slight gasp

the child died and we had to choose a song so we chose that one and sweet child of mine very sad

it was not nice

a movie is on called loopers

i remember a dream years ago where the man had two children shot one died the other through the face survived

one bullet

i always had the impression children were buried in the garden there at that place i worked

as i always said the worst style of bloke i ever met

any way in the looping dream was a child on the floor vomiting

as i walked in and out of the door passing through the foggy room

leaving through the door found myself again in the same room with the same child

after a few looping passes i leaned down and helped the child and cleaned up his vomit

he seemed earlier though not those shot

this one i think pointing at all these things

we did boxing with children today too

some of them trauma from what they told me

things put in the way

spirit and physical

i suppose i am ok with it now

i had always wanted spirit to leave me out of those things across lines

because i found it spooky and afraid plus complications

what to do about this new thing

just a small sign that always appears in the same place

seems something should be

and there is intense pressure perhaps more so for the people oblivious around

yet their own churnings


a lot of troubled people

i cant be a messiah

who knows perhaps spirit itself will help me on my way with its way

i will make some conscious effort though while i am about

some people are making me loose

in the sense of being fluid and not serious too

yet not loose in the sense of loss of sense i hope too slowly

on the water

in the trees

where the stream runs from the hill

i will be

for the time being this being


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #419 on: August 20, 2015, 12:55:18 AM »
there is a gold leaf on the windowsill

it beckoned a moment of interest i had to ask who did it belong to

i wandered to the cafe where the pigeons had been

a line seven deep with the oblivious slow girl working meant for a toasted sandwich elsewhere

when i arrived at elsewhere the most warm welcome as i ordered and sat

i was daydreaming about an annoying guy i had never met

something about getting in my bubble and asking a lot of questions

infiltrating and then coming with laden agenda for what was his secret mission of purpose

a moment later i noticed a guy dressed with the white over sized light pants

pushing some sort of cart

was it dreadlocks and with a mouthfull of sandwich began the questions

he had something painted on his forehead

i waited a moment before finishing a bite

he looked a little hari krishna

something about the day dream earlier of seeing the ability to

wisk his bubble popping performance away with a serve of truth his way

yet decided to leave it at bay

the conversation of how is your day and what do you do

all the while thinking piss off will you

a small donation yet not to say what

a book comes across small a lot

next comes the ad just ten dollars or twenty or what you can afford

i tell him i already know what i am and is it an indian thing

yes the reply now

after giving two dollars and tellling him i don't even want the book

he leaves

the bum cheeky flowerer i think

next i leave the book sitting on the table and walk away after glimpsing the name

krishna something buddha or what ever this folk name sake changed

why the hell would i want to read a book written by some lost soul wanting my change

the day went on

and changed

boxing with the kids

the young aboriginal with cut lines in the hair

very quiet and had a hard time at home they tell me

his smile is golden

left right duck right

and those ones

good one praise comes his way

he is building worth after quietened his new things

this life building inside him

i really enjoyed watching this little fire come to life a light in the window a golden leaf



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